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Taste my Pain Chapter 7 "Lucy, I welcome you to the world of the dragons – The Dragon World," Cherita welcomed as she walked out of the portal and stood beside the blonde that was staring out at her world. She placed her hands together and watched Lucy’s reaction to this new world that she never knew or even heard of until today. The place was amazing! It was like she was standing inside of a fairy tale where only dragons co-existed without the corruption of humans. She was greeted by a warm breeze which ran past her, brushing through the grass which made it chatter about with the blooming flowers.  Looking out, she could see the different landscapes in which the dragons lived. She could see a large, dominating volcano, peeking snowy mountains, grasslands with lush grass, waterfalls which floated or created a beautiful scenery below. There were just so many variations to see with just her standing here and staring out from where she and Cherita stood.  The place was out-stunningly breath-taking to view. This world was much different from the world that she's lived in for all her life. The Dragon World was just spectacular. When Lucy was about to turn back to make a comment about the Dragon World, she was surprised to see a bright light emitting from Cherita's body. She was emitting a beautiful array of colours which seemed to resemble each element. Red for fire, blue for water, whites for holy... Even a tint of sparkling stars that seemed to represent Celestial Magic. The blonde taking a step back. She was overwhelmed as she watched Cherita's body slowly grew bigger. As the blinding light faded away, she gasped to what stood in front of her on all-fours. In front of her stood a mighty dragon in the woman's place, and hesitantly, she walked up to the dragon in front of her and reached out and awe. "Cherita... Is that you?" The dragon, who's Cherita, nodded her head. "Yes, I am my princess. Since I'm back in my original world, I feel most comfortable when I'm in my dragon form." Cherita was breathtaking. She had beautiful scaly scales which were silver and iridescent. Her scales would show other colours of the rainbow whenever she moved around in the sunlight. Her teeth pure white and sharp, she stared at Lucy with eyes that were beautiful dark blue in which held mystery and kindness within them.  With two main horns on her head which were followed by two smaller ones besides the mains, a fading white colour was present on the spikes on her back which trailed down to her tail. Although they seem sharp and hard enough to injure you; if you touched them, they don't hurt. Her wings were huge, and it was a white iridescent in colour. To sum it all up: Cherita was a beautiful dragon. "Allow me to take you to the palace where I'll tell you more about us dragons. This place isn’t suitable for such an important discussion," Cherita gleamed, feeling proud that her princess was speechless to her appearance. Slowly lowering her neck, Lucy awkwardly climbed on and sat her slightly flat head.  Once seated, Lucy placed both of her palms on Cherita's head just to secure her position from falling. "I'm scared that I might fall down..." Lucy thought to herself. "I hope that you're able to manage high altitudes princess. Just in case though, I'll fly at a suitable height so you don't suffocate from the lack of air," Cherita chuckled as she slowly raised her head up high. The blonde nodding, she nervously looked down and she had to admit it, it was high! And knowing that the princess was somehow afraid of heights or either falling off, Cherita chuckled. "In order to become a Dragon Slayer, you must become one with the air – And be reckless but anyways..." Carefully, she got up and slowly made a steady pace of walking before running off where she then jumped into the air. Flapping her wings, they soon had lift-off. Lucy watched the flying scenery below and looked up to find the place even more spectacular than ever. It was beyond her imagination to even think that the dragons would have a world for themselves like her friends in the Celestial World. "We dragons have lived in a world filled with peace and harmony where rarely, on occasions, humans have inhabited the land as well, but for certain reasons of course, like them being a royal member where they watched over the dragons to make sure that there was no conflict. Before the whole vanishing event, we dragons would foster an unfortunate child in your world and raise it as our own in which matched our elements where we would then teach them a new type of magic that any mage or wizard would have difficulties in learning unless inheritance, and that is Dragon Slaying Magic..." The dragon began as she kept her eyes from looking around just in case a dragon may or may not cut her off in the air while she flew with their princess on her back. Continuing to fly, Cherita continued, "Learning this magic isn't as easy as it seems. The individual must have a dragon as a companion, a teacher, and they must have all the requirements needed. If their body and magical capabilities are frail, the Dragon Slaying magic may consume their vital energies, leaving them to burn within the flames of their magic itself... Then again, there are now many ways to learn Dragon Slaying magic in which you know to call them generations of Dragon Slaying magic."  Lucy shivering to what she had just discovered, she was curious to know how she'll make this work out. "If something that devastating can happen... Then how am I able to lean all of the elements before killing myself?" she questioned in a shaking tone. Cherita glanced over her shoulder but continued in flight as she looked ahead. "I'm surprised that you're able to pick up the vital parts of this explanation princess. Well, you're the daughter of our former queen, Layla Heartfilia. As I said, inheritance can assure your capabilities of controlling our magic, and you are at an age where you'll be able to master these powers without any problems. I'm surprised that you're understanding the meaning between my words." Since Lucy was deep in her own thoughts of being able to be like her mother, she continued to zone out after learning her new potential in something in which she would never have expected herself to have within herself.  With her in her own little world, Cherita continued to speak. "Since we're still in the sky, and your breathing is normal... I guess I can start training you now. Get prepared princess, this is going to be something completely new to what you're used to," Cherita stated with amusement in her voice. The blonde snapped out of her world and looked out to Cherita in shock. "How can you train me in the air?!" she questioned before shrieking in horror as Cherita tilted her body slightly to the left on purpose. Chuckling at Lucy's horror, Cherita answered her whims. "Be calm and imagine that you're flying through the air princess. Imagine that you have a pair of dragon wings on your back, and that you’re now soaring through the sky with them. Let all the stress fade away as you fly. This type of magic doesn't have an actual chant to grow your own wings. Just believe that you're flying, and soon you'll find your own chant. Good luck." Confused, she quickly realized why. Cherita started flapping her wings harder and accelerated her speed. Quickly, as she pierced through the sky, she made a sharp tilt to the left which allowed the blonde to slide off and fall through the air. Immediately, she flew up then dived right after Lucy who was falling and screaming in pure horror. "Become one with the sky! Imagine your wings and visualize them! Everyone has a pair of wings, but you need to make them reveal themselves on your back – Let the wings reveal themselves to you!" Cherita reminded as she made sure that her princess wasn't too near into falling to her own death. "Remember that you want to become the strongest mage in Fiore! If you want to train with our dragons, then you must be able to use this spell as a Royal!" "R-Right, I want to become stronger and become one with the air," Lucy said as she finally calmed down. She flipped her body over, so she was facing towards the ground that was approaching her very quickly as the distance between them grew smaller and smaller. Closing her eyes, she channelled all of her energy onto her back where she felt searing pain around the area that was forming in her mind. Biting her lower lip, she noticed that her speed at falling was slowing down and felt like she was levitating. "I can feel it...” she whispered. Squeezing her eyes, she forced herself to keep on talking to focus. “I can feel a source of energy on my back... Assemble, Wings of the Dragon!" Lucy said. She soon heard a little twinkling sound, and moments later she felt wings sprouting from her shoulder blades which added weight to her back. Quickly, she then landed with a little twirl, followed by Cherita from behind who landed on all-fours and stared at her wings. "Hey, I got it! I've learned the first spell!" Lucy cheered as she ran to hug Cherita. "Good job, princess. Now, since you’re not a dragon that can control what parts of their body to shift, you’re using a spell which is a time-limited. For you, I'm thinking that your wings should be able to be under good use for almost an hour. If you fly for more than the estimated limit, it'll vanish, making you fall," Cherita explained. Lucy took Cherita's words of advice into the heart then looked back to her wings. Her wing frames were white and silver with a hint of pink on the skin. It sparkled in the sunlight making it a beautiful display. "It's so pretty..." she gasped in awe. Cherita nodded before flying back into the sky, "Princess, it's getting late. We should head back to the palace." "Okay!" Lucy cheered and flapped her wings, following Cherita from behind. "I'm currently feeling like someone else, so is this a new me?" she thought to herself as she followed. Having to learn a new type of magic is steadily making her become more excited about the outcomes that were bound to come. She was going reborn as a new Lucy Heartfilia – The Princess of the Dragon World... Cherita, however, was feeling amazed towards their princess. It took Lucy roughly five minutes... Five minutes! To learn that spell instead of almost hitting the ground with a fail. Smiling as they both headed back to the palace, Cherita couldn't wait to see her princess's reaction when she meets him.
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