The New

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Taste my Pain Chapter 6   Both women sat there quietly and still as the train began to move. The older woman watching what Princess Lucy was doing, she was surprised to see how she was still able to hold onto her calm state. The unknown woman watching the blonde look up to her, she could see how the girl was slowly adjusting and getting used to her presence without even knowing anything about her. With a smile, she began to introduce herself to Lucy. Perhaps doing this would calm her down completely. "My name is Cherita, which means kindness. I'm here to explain to you about your past, and possibly your future, right here and right now," Cherita introduced with a warm smile on her face. In respect, Lucy bowed down to her politely before introducing herself. "My name is Lucy Heartfilia. I used to be in a guild but just recently, I left. I really don't know much about my past, but I'm willing to listen," she said, looking up to return the same kind smile back to Cherita. Cherita looked out of the window and watched the nature run by outside. Lucy following, she began to listen to her explanation. She was curious to know more about herself. "You've grown so much Lucy. You've even taken the splitting image of your mother which will surprise everyone when they meet you for sure. As long as I've remembered, you were such a tiny baby when we first met. If you're curious about who, or what I am, I'm not human but a dragon," Cherita stated, already prepared for a surprised gasp from the blonde, in which she did. "Y-You're a dragon? I thought that dragons were gone - Vanished? But on the other hand, what element do you possess?" Cherita turned to face Lucy and gave her a curt nod to answer her question. "We'll talk about me later, but your mother, Queen Layla Heartfilia, passed away with no evidence of the cause, in the Human World. The truth be told, she didn't actually die in the Earth World... She passed away in the Dragon World when she was trying to heal two murdered dragons who were slain by their children. With no regret of what she's done, the Healing magic went out of control and was soon killed on that very day," Cherita began. "Even though she was slowly fading away, she showed no signs of regret. She said, 'Please protect my daughter who has the sweet scent of vanilla and strawberries.'  She then vanished into thin air, and moments later, the two dragons began to breathe normally. That, her magic worked, but in return, she died... Returning to where she called home," Cherita explained as tears welled up in her eyes while recalling the passing of her beloved Queen. The dragon tried to calm herself down and placed both of her hands on her lap. "Layla was indeed a fabulous queen, she taught me all the elements of the dragons and showed me a way into knowing my capabilities. Thanks to her kindness, I'm going to return my gratitude by training you into a powerful Dragon Slayer. Someone who's powerful enough to follow her true dreams." She finished her long explanation by looking over to Lucy who had tears in her eyes. Faintly smiling, she switched seats and sat next to Lucy, pulling her into a warm embrace.  "Don't worry Lucy, just look at me as a mother. I'll protect you, and train you into becoming a new you. First of all, Lucy, please tell me about your friends... The ones who called you weak," she asked in concern. Her brows furrowing, she watched and analysed Lucy's actions. Lucy pulled away and looked up in shock. The dragon's face showed no happiness. No joke. Her face only showed nothing but pure curiosity and concern. Slowly nodding, she told Cherita everything that she needed to know.   "And then... Now, I'm here," Lucy explained, wiping away her tears from her swelling eyes. It pained her to retell the story once again, but at the same time, it was starting to annoy her. Cherita pulled her into another embrace, "I'll have to tell you now, but that conversation that you had with Natsu was and should have been caused by a spell. I met him while I was looking for you, and I picked up a scent of magic... Something that you guys shouldn't be having at and around this time and age." "Do you know what it is?" Lucy questioned quietly in hesitation. She wasn’t expecting herself to hear about this. Watching the dragon place a finger under her lips where she waited for her to come up with an answer, she held in a breath. "Control Reign... " Cherita answered as she looked at Lucy. "It's Forgotten magic. Only a high-class mage could use it to their advantage. The only person who can use that type of magic is a dragon who can control a living thing's body, a Necromancer. Even though it's a spell, the spell enables the person to say out what they really thought of the person, not only that, the spell makes the thought much worse. Don't ask me why the creator made such a thing, because I don't know the reason myself," she stated with a forceful smile. The blonde sat there in utter confusion before she began to see red all around her. So Natsu thought that she's weak... Well, she couldn't go against her words, now could she. Smirking in a dark manner, Lucy looked over to Cherita. "So, when is this training going to start?" she asked darkly where Cherita was bewildered by the sudden change of tone and mood. With a relieving smile, Cherita was pleased to see the princess's determination. "Are you really sure to welcome yourself into a new world?" she asked for reassurance. "This new world is about endurance and mentality. It's dangerous but then again, you're very special to us so we won't expose you to any life-threatening situations..." Eager, she nodded then fist-pumped the air in front of her with pure confidence. "If my mother was the Queen then I'm sure that I'll manage. For the better me, and for the better future," Lucy replied before holding her hands to place them on top of her lap. "I want to become stronger. I want to be acknowledged by everyone who called me weak. Cherita-san, can you please train me to become a new Lucy Heartfilia?" Cherita looked down at Lucy's handheld hands and smiled where she reached over to her to take hold of her right hand. Placing Lucy's hand on her heart, Cherita nodded before giving her a soft smile. "Until this heart stops beating, I'll continue to serve under your commands," she promised. She was surprised at how her princess was able to absorb and process all of the given information about her mother, but then again, they were related, and her mother had an exceptional skill of maintaining and processing new given information.  Her smile growing, Cherita told herself that she'll tell the blonde in front of her, her future once they arrive at the world of the dragons. For now, she had to open a portal to allow the princess into the Dragon World, and then to train her. But first things first, Lucy needed some emotional training to ease her thoughts before entering the Dragon Realm. But then again, perhaps it was still alright to enter since it wasn't at a dangerous level yet. Without Lucy even knowing, she was emitting very dark energy from her body. With energy like that, it has the potential to attract the attention of Dark wizards from all around the world. It's just too dangerous to allow her princess to roam around like that. "We'll train once we get into the Dragon World," Cherita stated. She watched as Lucy flinched at the word dragon and waited for her to calm down. "Please wait for a bit Lucy..." Standing up, she faced herself in front of the window where the moving scenery continued to madly run by. Closing her eyes, she focused on her home where a magical circle with a dragon's head design appeared before her. "Open, to the World of Dragons!" Lucy sat there in awe as she watched the dragon's jaws slowly open to reveal a swirling portal which grew to the size of possibly her single bed. The colours ranging from a vibrant hue of pinks, blues, and greens, the colours swirled and danced with each other towards the centre. Watching Cherita turn back to gaze upon her, she watched the woman turn back to walk into the portal in ease. "Please follow me." As Cherita walked through the portal, she heard the sound of glass smashing and quickly turned back to see Lucy rubbing her head in pain. Still on the train. Turning on her heel, she walked back to the exit, mumbling to herself that the portal was refusing her to enter in which she didn't need an explanation of why. Taking a step out of the portal, she held it from closing and faced an annoyed Lucy. "I guess we need some training here before entering the Dragon World. My previous assumption was right," she mumbled to herself before Lucy looked up at her questioningly. "What training?" Lucy questioned. Cherita crossed her arms. "The Dragon World may contain evil ones which dwell in the darkness, but everything there is pure and harmonized since it's balanced. Lucy, the reason why this portal rejects your passing is that of your negative energy. You're over-thinking your problem and that's what repelling you," she explained. "How am I over-thinking the situation? I'm being completely open-minded right now." "Calm down Lucy," Cherita scolded as she stood there with a hand outstretched to the portal to hold it in place. The blonde gave out a frustrated huff of air and folded her arms as Cherita dropped her free hand to rest against her side. "I'm calm..." she bluntly replied where Cherita chuckled. "You'll hit off with the other dragons fine, I'm one-hundred percent sure on that. But before you get to meet them, you must get rid of this hatred to your ex-guild and focus on now... Think about your dreams and the people who've once fought by your side. Now, release all of these emotions and absorb back what is needed for your journey. Happiness, sadness, love, trust, and depression; let them flow in your veins and become your strength in balanced harmony," Cherita instructed. With a soft smile, she gave Lucy one insightful question. "Why live with so much hate and dwell on the past negatives when you can live freely without worrying about them and think of them as life experiences and teachings?" Giving up, Lucy dropped her folded arms to focus on Cherita's instructions. Giving Cherita a nod that she's ready, she began to follow her words carefully just in case anything was to backfire. "Focus on every emotion you have, and only get rid of the thoughts of revenge. Revenge will only make you choose the wrong way and will soon lead you into the darkness, and nothing good will be achieved. You should have little revenge. This is your determination to prove yourself. The rest should be all positive. Now think about your goal. Remember, revenge is your wall to prevent you from actually succeeding. Think carefully Lucy, what do you want to happen?" Lucy concentrated on every procedure that was given.  She was called weak, a blonde with no actual abilities... No, she's a strong, independent woman who fights along with her friends, her spirits. Opening her eyes, she saw herself standing alone in the dark, wherein the corner of this unknown space, held a small spark of light. "So, these are my emotions," Lucy whispered to herself as she closed her eyes where flashbacks from the previous events began to flash through her mind like a flipbook. "Get rid of the negative thoughts, especially revenge, and focus on the positive..." she recited. Slowly, the pitch darkness began to fade away as the spark of light grew bigger. Just why did they call her weak? Was she really that weak? "We're all nakama, weren't we?" Lucy asked herself before she felt tears in her eyes. Soon, the light emitted out a brighter radiance. "No... We are, and we will remain as nakama." Opening her eyes, she smiled as stood facing in front of the portal. "I want to show everyone the true power of Lucy Heartfilia. Even with revenge swelling in my body, I'll make that revenge become my determination to prove myself worthy!" she declared before brushing pass Cherita in confidence. Turning around, Cherita watched as Lucy walked through the portal and smiled. "Emotional training complete. Layla, I'm sure that you're very proud of Lucy right now..."
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