2 Years Later

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Taste my Pain Chapter 13   Two years had passed which meant that five years had passed in total since Lucy left the guild to seek her new beginning. She had long finished her extra training with Igneel and was now done with her second last training that was scheduled during her stay within the Dragon Realm. Today, it was time to call it an end with training amongst the elemental dragons, and it was time to say goodbye to Pois, the poison dragon. "Thank you so much for training me for the past month, Pois," Lucy thanked as she bowed her head to the purple-scaled dragon that rested in front of her. Pois nodded her head and congratulated the princess that she had a great time spending lots with. "It's been a pleasure to teach you my magic. It's quite rare for Dragon Slayers to carry our element, so I'm glad to have taught you. I never got to teach your mother anything, but teaching you gives me as much pride as to following your mother." The two of them continued to have a brief talk about Pois's relationship to Lucy's mother and soon, Lucy was off flying back to the palace where Cherita was waiting for her return by the front doors. As Lucy flew back home, something came into her mind. "My future and the forgotten spell, Control Reign..." she whispered to herself. Going back to the palace was a long travel from the forest where Pois called it home, but she didn't mind the long travel since she uses the time of travel to think about her current progress. Reaching back to the large palace safely where Cherita greeted the blonde and followed her closely from behind, Lucy greeted the dragons dwelling inside and quickly headed up to her room to have a shower. She skipped lunch since she had already eaten and hastily rushed out to the royal gardens to wait for the elemental dragon's arrival. Relaxing, thanks to the training given by Cherita in the past, she used her enhanced hearing to hear the faint sounds of wings flapping in the distance. As the noise grew closer and closer, Lucy stood up to see Cherita landing. Transforming from her wonderful dragon to human form, Cherita stood there with a smile on her. "Lucy, it's been a while, hasn't it? Since I never got to ask you when you arrived home and I had to set some things up before speaking to you properly, how was your training with Pois?" Cherita questioned, silently nodding to Winter who prepared a small table with iced lemonade. The blonde smiled, "It was great to know everything about poison. Now I'm able to reduce and eliminate many types of poison from my body whenever I have it." Cherita chuckled before the two of them got into business. Both sitting at the table, Lucy sighed and went straight to the point. "So, your final training with me is about my preparations to return back to Earthland, tell my future, and then about Control Reign, am I correct?" The dragon chuckling to Lucy’s predictions, she nodded her head. "Are you ready to return?" she then asked. Lucy sighed and gave her a thumbs up. "I was able to save up enough money to afford a two-storey house near my old apartment. Thanks to Virgo and Loke, the forms and preparations to move in are signed and completed. They're currently moving in the furniture as we speak," Lucy answered with a smile. "Can I ask, did your old guild members open up the letters that you've mentioned to me before?" Cherita asked once more. The blonde nodded slowly as she recalled the memory of seeing them open their envelopes. Thanks to Cherita's training, Lucy could now see what they're doing on the other side using only water. The sight of them crying and regretting what they've done was disgusting. It was a lie. They were all acting when they were regretting their actions. Also, while she was watching their little dramatic scene of fake tears, she recalled that Lisanna wasn’t there. There was someone who was quite like her but was much more evil-looking. She seemed to be burning one of her letters which was strange because she had only written personal letters to a selected few where the rest would be addressed in that one letter that she had Mirajane read out aloud. "Yes, they did. They seem to be regretting what they've done to me five years ago," Lucy chuckled with a cold smile. Realising that they're discussing something irrelevant, Lucy leaned forward. "Now, what's so mysterious about Control Reign?" The dragon slowly shifted herself, so she was completely facing her princess directly. "Aren't you going to ask about your future first, Lucy?" Cherita replied in curiosity. Lucy returned the question by a shaking her head from left to right. She wanted to know more about Control Reign than her future. Sighing, Cherita leaned back on her chair and crossed her arms. "Control Reign is a forgotten spell that was once used by powerful dragons and mages. The spell was meant to be used during wars, but too many people mistreated it. It's much more weaker than you think actually. You only need someone to snap you out of it, and Igneel's child, Natsu, had the aroma of that spell... The scent of daisies. Control Reign is the magic to take over one's thoughts, making them say or act it out in the worst type of actions. To make it short, someone was controlling your guild to say all those negative things," she explained with a scowl. "But who do you think is the one behind it all?" Cherita looked up and shook her head along with a shrug. "I don't know, but whoever it is, they should be someone who wasn't on Earth for a long time..." "Are you saying that Lisanna is the one behind this? She can't be! She's pure and delicate where she wouldn’t hurt an ant," Lucy tried to reason where Cherita thought long and hard about it. Looking around, she pointed to herself. "You do have a point, but let's say, if I wasn't from the Dragon World, would I be able to learn the magic to open the gates to both worlds?" Lucy shook her head. "You told me that the spell could only be learnt here in the Dragon World and nowhere else since none, other than a few dragons, know how to fully use it," she answered. Cherita nodded, "Now consider this… The only book in the world that has the chantation for Control Reign is in Edolas. To be more exact, it’s located and hidden in Fairy Tail’s library where it's hidden from everyone’s eyes. If Lisanna returned to Earth, then it must mean that she's been in Edolas for a long time. Hence, she's the only one in your guild that was able to lay her hands on the spell book." Thinking about it, Lucy nodded her head in agreement. And now it was hard to believe that Lisanna's the one who's behind it all! "You're right... If I think about it closely, it all makes sense. After she returned, she was fairly too nice to a stranger like me, and everything all happened within a few days after she came back into the guild..." Cherita took a sip of her glass of lemonade and looked at the blonde through her eyelashes. "If you asked me, I believe that Lisanna's plan was quite successful but unfortunately for her, her plans aren't going to go far with whatever she's planning," she said, placing her glass down. Lucy looked at the woman with questioning eyes. "What do you mean?" Cherita shrugged her shoulder and pointed over to Lucy with a half-smile. "After what you've been through and what she's done, you then found out about us dragons and is now a princess with a royal bloodline flowing through your veins. Not only that, but you're also a Celestial Spirit mage and an Elemental Dragon Slayer," she stated. The blonde shaking her head, she had to change the subject since she didn't want to think about Lisanna being her opponent currently. Giving her body a quick stretch, Lucy's eyes began to shimmer. "So, what about my future?" Cherita's smile dropped and went into a firm straight line as her eyes furrowed. With just seeing that happen right in front of her, Lucy’s eyes began to fade, losing its radiance to only hold cold ones. Whatever it was, it didn't seem like a good thing was about to happen. "Your future will be dangerous, and with you learning the magic to even see the future. It's pointless since you, the user, cannot use it on yourself. Lucy, even though you despise Fairy Tail for their actions against you, your hate towards them will go away eventually and you will sooner or later enter a bloody fight. Someone’s waiting for you with an ill intention. Lucy, please be careful..." the dragon stated. Lucy's face paled and looked at the woman with a silent question if there's any more to hear. Seeing Cherita shake her head, she looked down to her hands to the only question how she'll battle through her future after knowing what will and may happen when she returns to Earth World. It then became silent, and the dragon couldn't stand it for another single second. "So, Lucy, you're going to leave tomorrow, am I right?" she asked. Quietly, Lucy nodded, "I want to come back here and visit everyone soon though." The woman smiled and stood up to walk over to Lucy to give her a warm, soft embrace. "We are always with you Lucy. Whenever you want to see us, just hold onto our keys tightly to your heart and we'll hear your wishes. Call us whenever and use my key to call for another dragon that you may be in need of assistance from." With the blonde nodding, she understood what Cherita had meant when she told her about calling for another dragon. Since Cherita could open gates between the Dragon and Earth World, she could summon any dragon to Lucy's calling if she needed any help. Soon, after a long dinner with the dragons and a small little farewell party, it was time for Lucy to leave. "Princess Lucy, please don't go," the dragons pleaded as they walked over to Lucy, transforming into their human forms as they circled around her. Although it's been five years, the dragons felt that the time that they've spent with their princess was short. As much as they wanted her to remain in their world for longer, they knew that their princess had things to do back in her home world and knew better than to be spoilt. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to come back to visit you all soon," Lucy said as she fought back her tears as she hugged each and every one of the dragons who approached her with open arms. "Lucy-sama, please accept this box." The blonde turned her body around to find Starisha standing there with a crystal box in her hold. "What's inside, Starisha?" Starisha smiled and handed her the white crystal box with a silhouette of a dragon on the lid. "They'll be a huge help on your journey. Please, open it when you arrive back home in the Earth World," she answered, avoiding Lucy's question. All of the dragons crying since their princess, who was under their care for a month within five years, will be leaving in a matter of minutes, they wanted to steal her and never let her go. Couldn't hold back the pain that was feeling inside of her anymore, Lucy let her tears roll down her cheeks, making every dragon cry even more as they watched their princess cry in front of them. "Please don't make me cry even harder," she pleaded where the dragons forced themselves to smile to her even though they were breaking inside to know that it'll take a while to see her again in the future. She finally found herself a permanent place here in the Dragon World... "Lucy, it's time to go..." Cherita called out as she opened a gate to Earth World. The blonde nodding, she walked over to the gate where someone tapped her shoulder. Turning, she met the eyes of Igneel, Metalicana and Grandeeney all standing there in silence. "When you do visit us again, please tell me that you've won against Natsu, and please update us on our idiotic child -" Before Igneel could finish, he was elbowed in the gut. "Wendy isn’t stupid like your son that only knows about getting in trouble," Grandeeney rebutted, scowling at the red-headed man who rolled his eyes. "Before I was interrupted by that woman over there. Please update us on them," Igneel finished off. The large bulky man walking over to the blonde, he placed a hand on top of her head and ruffled her hair. "Tell Gajeel to be nice to that girl that you've been telling me about," Metalicana said with a sad smile. Lucy nodding in return, she hugged him before hugging Grandeeney and Igneel. As she took a few steps back and walked towards the portal, she turned around once more, "Everyone, please take care of yourselves," Lucy said as she wiped away her remaining tears and turned her frown up into a smile. All of the dragons nodding in response, Lucy let out a relieving sigh and turned to face the portal. Throwing her bag onto her side, she began walking into it and before her body could completely disappear into the portal, she turned around once again and waved her final farewell.  She'll miss them greatly, but she had things to be done before she could enjoy her time without worry back in the Dragon Realm. "Fairy Tail, here I come!" she yelled before being completely consumed by the portal. "Starisha, what did you give to her?" Igneel asked confused. "Well, it's something her mother passed down," Starisha answered, still not telling them what the contents in the box were. "And what is that?" Cherita asked as she walked to Starisha. "Her crown, and a bracelet that her mother once wore," she replied, sighing in defeat. Damn, were all these dragons nosey. "I get it, like Igneel and Natsu, you gave her a crown to remember her status here, and her mother's bracelet that will give her protection," Grandeeney replied. Starisha nodded her head as she watched the portal slowly close. "Yes, that is correct. Lucy-sama's future shall be a rough one..." Turning, she looked at everyone with confident eyes. "Everyone! Our princess shall be facing her highest hurdles from this point on. Be prepared for anything that may happen!" she called out. The dragons all nodded then gave out a powerful bellow to show their loyalty to Lucy. "All hail Princess Lucy! Princess of the Dragons!"
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