Three Years After

2132 Words
Taste my Pain Chapter 12   While Lucy remained in the Dragon World where she trained herself to become stronger with all her other dragon friends, the others back in the Earth World were still oblivious of her absence. Nothing seemed to have changed within the guild as the three years brushed by them like the wind. But, if you were to take more notice onto Natsu, he seemed to have changed much more than usual. For these three years, Natsu would always look at the guild doors whenever someone is nearby or entering the building. Days, months, to years, Natsu would always remain to have his attention, solely on those two doors. Levy wasn't herself as well. She couldn't find herself being near a book or reading one since it somehow reminded her of the absent blonde that had vanished without leaving a source of contact behind. Recently, she had received Lucy's completed novel where once a week, she'll force herself to read it. Even when it meant having to touch something that she couldn't stand to look at since it reminded her too much about Lucy. For some reason, however, she noticed the change in attitudes towards the plot of the novel. From what Lucy had told her, it was supposed to be about two people unexpectedly falling in love. But somehow, Lucy's explanation was completely different from the story itself, and Levy straight away noticed it within the first chapter. From the soft and caring atmosphere built to create a soothing attitude, it for some unknown reason grew more half-assed and cold. And Levy couldn't point her finger to it. It was almost like a biography of someone. As for the rest of the guild, none mentioned the blonde as they continued their own chapters of life. Other than the guild, a few of the girls, including Levy and adding in Happy to the list; they seemed to have noticed the blonde's absence to the guild. Not knowing what happened to Lucy, they grew worried for the girl's sake. "Levy-san, is there something wrong with the story?" Wendy asked over to the blue-haired mage who snapped out of her thoughts. Levy turning to meet Wendy's worried gaze, she shook her head.  Today, they were both in the guild's library where it was away from rowdy chatters. They were reading Lucy's final chapter of her book where she ended the story with the unexpected death of James, the main male protagonist. "If it's not about the story, then it's about Lucy-san isn't it? I know how you feel Levy-san, but we should believe in her as friends and family. She wouldn't give up on everything," Wendy said before looking down to the floor where Levy sighed. The two of them were feeling quite lonely with the Celestial mage around them. So, trying to bring up the mood, Levy smiled at the young maiden. "You're right. Let's just hope for her return to the guild soon..." she said, forcing herself to remain positive even though she knew what Wendy was thinking. If Lucy was indeed going to come back, then they both hoped that it'll be soon. The guild becoming nauseating and suffocating, they wished they she'll return to fix the guild's atmosphere again. As days passed on, Lisanna's been happier than ever. She began to cling onto Natsu more and began calling him these couple names. Never asking about Lucy, nor mentioning her name since that very day she walked about of those two doors, it was like she never missed the blonde. "Honey-kun!" Lisanna called out, running towards Natsu with open arms. The salmon-haired young man not paying his full attention to her, she slowly stopped her running to walk up to him who was still waiting for someone's arrival. "Natsu?" she questioned. With a growl, Natsu got up and began walking towards the bar. "Don't go using anime names on me. Our world isn't like an anime, Lisanna," he stated in a distant tone where he stopped to look over his shoulder to glance at the doors once more before shaking his head. "You're acting very immature for your age right now." Lisanna stood there in the middle of the guild and turned to look over her shoulders, glaring towards the doors in envy. "If I was much better than that girl, much stronger than her, and more interesting, would you only look at me, and only me?" she asked with so much hate coming through her words. Natsu didn't look back at her and continued walking to the bar. He was starting to get annoyed about her behaviour since he didn't know what's missing in his life. "Natsu! If I became much more interesting than Lucy, would you only have eyes for me?!" she yelled before tightly clenching her hands where her nails dug into her skin. Her body beginning to glow brightly, she began chanting foreign words which finally caught his attention. The Dragon Slayer turning to see what was happening, he only turned to see Lisanna transforming. Her hair growing down to her lower back and was now looking slightly more mature as her eyes held a tensional gaze. She was no longer wearing her usual preppy outfit but rather a purple mini skirt with a crop top that had designs of bat wings crossed over her chest. Lisanna staring at her beloved, her lips lifted into a sinister smirk which made Natsu give her a questioning look to how she had learnt this new trick of hers. As she walked up to him, everyone's eyes were all on her. Leaning to his ear, she gave him a wicked giggle of amusement. "I'm not going to let you go Natsu. We both promised, didn't we?" she whispered mockingly before kissing his cheek. "Is that really you, Lisanna?" Natsu questioned where the girl chuckled in his ear and tilted her head to the side slightly. "Do you like this version of me? In all honesty, I prefer this Lisanna more than the past Lisanna," she answered. Taking a step back, Natsu gave her a horrid look before looking over to her siblings who watched everything slowly unfold in front of them. "This isn't you Lisanna..." Laughing out loud, Lisanna bent forward to clutch onto her stomach. "That Lisanna was too shy to speak for her own good. I only changed myself by using some spells that I've learnt in Edolas! I mean, they were all pathetic to think that I wouldn't try to do anything while being trapped there." Natsu was about to say something until Levy and Wendy walked into the hallways, having him accidentally eavesdrop on their conversation. Hearing the last two words come rolling out of Levy's mouth, his eyes widened. "Did you say that Lucy left the guild?!" he cried out, snapping his body to the two who froze from his outburst. Immediately, the guild went into utter chaos. Screaming out harassments about the blonde and dissing her; their nonsense began to make Natsu's blood boil, including a few others who were expecting this whenever the blonde's name was mentioned. "She was your friend! Your family! Do you really think Lucy's the type of girl who'd bully her friends and hide behind her spirits during a fight?! Come on, like, sure I was the only who said that - But just why in the world are you all so negative towards only her?!" Natsu bellowed. The whole guild went into complete silence after his little scolding to them, and slowly, the tension in the building rose to its very highest peak. "Lucy was the only person here who made our lives more positive and brighter! I mean, who went with me to save Macao? Lucy did! Who went on an S-Class job with me? Lucy did! Who made Fairy Tail a brighter place with all of her smiles? Lucy did it!" The entire guild took a moment to recollect all their thoughts, and surprisingly, their guilt towards the blonde grew to its max. "What have we been doing for all these years?" a member whispered. Fake coughs ripped through the silence, making everyone look up to the second level where Master Makarov stood there disappointingly. "To say those accusing things to your own friend... I'm deeply disappointed in you all as a master of the guild, and as a fatherly figure to you all but most I point out how hypocritical you are right now, Natsu?" He looked at every single one of them in the eye, watching them shuffle uncomfortably in their spot under his stare or look away with unexplainable emotions. Shaking his head, he continued to speak over them. "About Lucy leaving Fairy Tail, yes, she did leave our family. Now, she didn't leave the place without leaving anything behind, so if these people could come up to pick up their letters." One by one, he called people up to the stairs where Natsu was surprised to hear his name being called out to collect a letter from Lucy. Walking down to the main floor, he was confused about how to open it. Looking around, he saw Mirajane who was able to open it with ease. Levy used her Solid Script magic to open hers. Erza used her sword to cut her one. Gray even used his ice to slice it open as well! Following his friend's procedure of opening their letters, he burnt the envelope to find his letter flying out and floating into his open hands. As the people called out began to all read their letters, the guild was dead silent, watching their faces twist into pain and sadness. As the silence continued, they all jumped when Natsu angrily slammed his fists onto the table with tears rolling. "What the heck?!" he yelled out. He then turned to look at his friends who were also crying. Sighing, he walked over to a chair to slam his body onto it. Mirajane was staring at her letter within her hold, she sadly smiled as she noticed that it was a letter to everyone and not one for herself. Shaking her head, she waved the letter in the air. "Everyone! This letter is addressed to all of you!" she called out where the guild turned their heads to nod at her announcement. Clearing her throat, she began to read the letter; “Dear Fairy Tail, Something seemed fishy since I've been kicked out of Team Natsu. You all treated me like some criminal – Throwing magic at me when you think I wasn't looking, and everything that I've attempted was futile, thanks to you all without any reasons. I feel utterly disgusted to join the guild. You all turned my happiness of joining the guild into something of a disappointment. To think that Fairy Tail was my dream – To dream about joining a famous guild that was known for their kind reputation and treating their friends well. Well, thanks to you guys; that dream was accomplished but shattered soon after. I once believed that I was suited for this fate - To join Fairy Tail - To meet the famous Mirajane and Erza of Fairy Tail! To find out that Fairy Tail's not as it appears to be is... urgh. Frustrating. I seemed to have learned a few new things that occurred behind the doors of Fairy Tail. To think that everyone began treating me like trash after someone started out a rumour which was obviously lies and easy to ignore. Thought you all knew me but apparently not. Somehow... You all looked at me like some replacement for Lisanna. It seems like you guys have been faking everything. From those smiles, embraces of celebrations, to the final last breath of our battles as we watch them fall before giving out a sigh of relief - They were all lies, and I can't believe that I've fallen for them. Fairy Tail was my home. My family. An escape from reality where I face my struggles of being a well-known Heartfilia... But that thought and belief changed, as from now on, Fairy Tail shall not be a home or a haven for me... This time, it's war.  I declare that Fairy Tail is now my enemy, my rival. Yours... Nah. From your rival,  Lucy Heartfilia.” After what Mirajane had read out, the entire guild went deadly silent where, in the corner, Lisanna balled her fists and cursed the blonde that had written the letter. “She should’ve cut off all connections… What an annoying bug,” she scowled under her breath as many of the guild members went off on their own ways to think about their actions that had just declared them to be rivals.
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