Evidence of the End

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Addi Two days until the wedding. My brother will be coming to bring me back to my home pack on the day of the dreaded event. Grams had left moments ago after bringing me dinner and standing over me while I ate it. She had fussed because I skipped lunch. I wasn’t trying to, but I got busy packing and lost in memories and my thoughts. I need to get it together for the sake of my pup. “Nessa, I hope you are coming back soon. I need your help to keep me on track and to listen to my ramblings right now.” Nothing from her. Silence. When you’ve had another voice in your head for the last ten years, it’s very disconcerting to hear nothing but absolute dead silence for this long. Wolves keep us from needing professional therapy a lot of the time though they cannot fix everything. But having a built in sounding board twenty-four seven helps a lot. Owen stands on the doorstep, looking extremely distraught. “Owen?” He shakes his head, puts a finger to his lips, and ushers me back into the house. “What happened?” I rush out as he shuts the door softly. “Come sit Addi please.” He’s biting his lip and looks forlorn. One thing Seth and Owen never look is lost. I sit watching him warily and he pulls a set of folded papers from his pocket. “I found… I found this last night. I think you should read it.” I open it and begin reading: The Strange Dissolution of Alpha Gherial and Luna Diana. A historical record was made recently of a rejection unlike any other on file. Alpha Gherial and Luna Diana of Silver Scar Pack were fated mates who had been mated and marked for five years. Two male heirs, Bannon and Roger, were produced during their union. On Friday morning, May 19 of 1999 the two mates awoke only to discover they barely felt a bond with each other. The Alpha felt as if he’d lost all feeling for her and when pressed she confessed the same. The sparks with touch and mate bond pull were completely absent. Their wolves were confused but felt nothing as well. The Alpha consulted a sorceress ally who detected no dark magic had been used. It appeared their mate bond wasn’t true, or it had been a mistake the Goddess reconciled without any explanation to the parties involved. A month later, Luna Diana found her fated mate, with the Alpha following suit three months later. Both parties coexisted happily in the same pack for the sake of the pack’s heirs. “This has happened before?! How could… why would the Goddess do this? What did I do to deserve this?” Owen is holding me within seconds. “Nothing Addi. You did nothing to deserve this. It’s ridiculous bullshit and I don’t care if Selene gets mad at me. You deserve a reason.” “It doesn’t explain how he could turn so cold. I fell in love with him, and it wasn’t the mate bond that caused that. I guess… he never truly loved me. I thought he did.” I bite my lip to stop the tears. I’m not sure this piece of evidence helps at all. Honestly, it makes my fate even more damning. Can I even trust my own instincts and emotions at this point? Everyone else and I thought Seth was devoted to me, and being head over heels in love was how he always described himself to our closest family and friends. Owen leans back sighing in exasperation. “I can’t figure it out, Addi. I have been best friends with the guy since we could walk. I mean, Grams helped raise us both. The guy can’t act worth a damn. I mean I took a high school theater class with him and he was terrible at it. The way he always looked at you… I can’t imagine that was pretend in any way.” “Is there any follow-up on this record of this rejection?” I ask to distract myself. “No, this was all I found. And it popped up when I borrowed Seth’s laptop yesterday. I think he’s been researching as well.” He says that quietly but I squash the tiny spark of hope trying to ignite. He told me he would think of me no more. I replay the vision of him saying that a few days ago to keep reality fully in the forefront of my mind. The next afternoon, a soft knock on the door starts my heart pounding. I open it with trepidation seeing Owen with a tall woman with flowing blonde hair and sparkling purplish eyes. She smiles kindly at me as Owen introduces her. “Addi this is Veronique. She is a member of the Starlight Coven.” “Hello, Veronique. Thank you for coming.” They walk in and she pats the couch next to her while looking at me. “You found nothing different about Seth, did you?” She shakes her head sadly. “No, I did not. But I want to check with you. It may not be within the Alpha.” She holds out her hand and I place my palm in hers. A soft glow emanates from around her fingers. Her eyes stare into mine intently and she smiles softly. I hear her voice in my head surprising me. 'Your pup will be alright, Luna. You carry great worry for them, but I can assure you, things will work out.' 'How can I hear you?' 'It’s my gift. I can speak with your mind. You are also worried about Edie knowing you are pregnant?' 'Yes, if Seth decides to Alpha command her, she will be found guilty of betraying her Alpha. I don’t want anything to happen to her.' 'I can hide it from her. She will still know but be unaware of it for a while. Like a repressed memory buried deep in her brain. If the Alpha commands, she will honestly say she is unaware of you being pregnant.' 'You can do that?' 'Yes, I will go and see her as soon as I leave you. And before you ask, I already offered it to Trisha. She’s an old friend. She refused because she wanted to be able to help you should you need her. She is furious with Alpha Seth and I believe she would like the opportunity to give him a piece of her mind.' 'How long will it last?' 'Until your pup is born, Luna.' She releases my hand and shakes her head slowly, “There is no enchantment upon either of you. But I feel no bond between you and that Alpha. I am deeply sorry.” I already knew but it was my last chance, the only hope I had left. “Thank you for coming to help Veronique.” Owen’s face falls at her words, but I can sense he also already knew the answer. It appears Seth and I are truly at an end.
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