Leaving Thunder Moon Pack

1239 Words
Addi The day of the wedding dawns and infinite sadness fills me as I stare at the ceiling delaying getting out of bed. Last night Seth made an announcement to the pack. I stayed here but Papa went and videotaped the entire thing. He sent it to me, but I refused to watch it. He summarized it when I asked. “He addressed the rumors that you were no longer the Luna or his mate. Introduced that piece of trash as the new Luna. Announced the wedding and asked everyone to be kind during this new era.” Papa gruffly stated. Grams clucked her tongue, “Honey, really? Calling her a piece of trash out loud. Don’t get comfortable doing that, or you might be in front of Seth, and he’ll punish you.” “Edie, you did not see her tonight. She wore something so revealing it could be in a lingerie store. And she was scowling at people who didn’t applaud her. Even screeched that she was the new order and they had better respect her. I am not afraid of that boy we half-raised. He can come for me. When he does, we know someone replaced his damn brain.” He snorted. I look out the window as I hear the door open. Owen walks in. “Hey, Addi.” He stands there and watches me for a minute. “I cleared Lucas and Joelle through for today. How are you holding up?” I give a defeated sigh, “I’m here. Waiting to wake up from this nightmare. Lucas is coming solo, he texted me.” The numbing pain, the ache in my chest that throbs, the tears that fall every day when I wake here all alone. I know what my mind is doing. It has convinced itself that Seth will come to his senses today and life will resume as before. Deep down, I know it’s not true. “I know. I’m glad you’re leaving though. Aubrey has been saying more things that worry me for your safety here in the pack. Make sure you watch your back even when you get home with Lucas.” “Thank you, Owen. You are one of the best.” I go over to hug him. “So are you, my friend.” He says sadly. “I will come and see you off later.” Several members of the pack have come to see me this week. Henry was the most recent. He was upset and having a hard time accepting what happened. Honestly, their visits are a double-edged sword. It was heartwarming to know I was loved and the pack wanted me as their Luna. But then having to reassure them to continue on and not go against their Alpha… that cut me to the core. Defending him left a bitter taste in my mouth. At two-thirty, I make my way to the hilltop I will sit on to watch the wedding. It’s behind the packhouse and there’s enough shrubbery I won’t be noticed. I trudge up the hillside wishing I could pretend I’m heading here for any other reason. All I can hear is Seth telling me he’ll be back soon and that he loves me from the last night he was with me. His loving voice plays in my head before it is replaced by him saying he feels nothing for me anymore. I shake my head and blank out my mind as I ascend and see the chairs set out. Pink carnations and stargazer lilies adorn the sides and the altar. I stand there watching him greet guests. He’s in a grey suit and so handsome. His broad shoulders fill it out, and he smiles widely. Is he so happy without me? How does someone fake the devotion and depth of caring he had for me? We spent two years together and watching him, it’s like I never even existed. Did the Moon Goddess play such a cruel trick on me? Nessa whimpers in my mind. She started that this morning, but at least I can hear her now. I can feel she’s still paralyzed with grief. I watch him making his way up to the altar as a hand drops gently on my shoulder. It’s Owen. “How are you here and not down there?” I whisper. “She didn’t want me to be part of it. Told him I would be in the audience. And I am, just not the closest audience.” I turn back and watch as she begins walking down the aisle in a huge white dress. His face is one of delight, and I bet his forest green eyes are sparkling. A few tears silently track down my cheeks, and I let them go. As the music stops, I feel a large arm slide around my shoulders. I lean against my brother’s side and let him hold me up. “Come on Addibug, let’s leave. You don’t need to watch this.” He says softly. I glance up and his gray eyes are swirling with anger. His black hair looks disheveled, like he’s been yanking on it all day. “One more minute. I need it to be final.” My voice is barely a whisper. They lean in for their kiss, and I shut my eyes against the excruciating pain. My knees falter a bit, and I feel Lucas move his arm to lift me. “We’re leaving sis. You can’t take this kind of insult. Owen, thank you for helping her. Tell that asshole I want nothing more to do with him. When it’s time to renew alliance agreements, we aren’t. And if you need a boss who isn’t a bastard you are welcome to call me and I’ll find you a better Alpha. He shows his face anywhere near my pack. He will be leaving with broken bones if I leave him breathing.” “Bye, Addi. I’ll check on you soon.” Owen’s voice sounds so far away. I feel Lucas place me in the car and fasten my seatbelt. My voice is frozen, and my body weighs a ton. Tears are freely flowing, but I don’t even have the strength to wipe them away. A soft cloth wipes my cheeks, and I crack my eyes open to find Lucas giving me his big brother smile. He stops at the border. His hand takes mine as he says softly, “You need to break your pack link. I will rejoin you to ours at home tomorrow.” My chest constricts. Yet another painful act I am forced to bear. I love this pack too. I take a deep breath before clearing my throat. “I Addison Frost West, hereby rescind my ties to Thunder Moon Pack. I am no longer the Luna nor a pack member. I dissolve all alliances to this pack. Alpha Seth West is no longer my Alpha.” I feel it snap, but that pain is nothing compared to the hell I have been dealing with. A small preview of the pain I will experience when Seth marks Aubrey. Lucas squeezes my hand, and I turn to gaze at his face. “Let’s go home.” He says softly before driving out of the place I called home for two years. “Close your eyes sis and rest. I’ll wake you when we get home.”
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