The Fall of Black Fang Pack

2692 Words

TJ I cannot believe my eyes as I read the message from him. R: We attack Black Fang Pack tonight. Tobias is there with his family. I need to grab him before he talks too much. Plant bombs in the packhouse, training center, town fountain and along the entrance line. Also, may need them for the hospital and one other area. Will send more details later. We attack at eight. You should have enough lunaricaine to get in correct? I wipe the sweat from my forehead as I read it again. Addison and our pup, he will take her once he gets in. I think fast. I need to go in and get them to safety along with my old nanny. I reply to him: Yes, I’ll go in at six and plant them. Should take around an hour. I need the last location soon for size check. Send me the specs so I can make sure I have enough fu

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