Chance Meeting

1999 Words

Raleigh “Raleigh. Are you ready?” Dad’s voice floats down the hall. “Coming Dad.” I grab my laptop case finding him embracing Mom before giving her a kiss. “Be back late tonight angel. I love you.” “Love you too.” Wolves are naturally affectionate with their families and mates. My parents never miss an opportunity to display their devotion to each other. After what happened to them because of crazy people, I don’t blame them one bit. “Bye little man. Enjoy the trip. I love you.” Mom squeezes me tight. “Bye Mom. I love you too.” We are about to step out when I watch Dad look on the counters and then he spins to the box near the kitchen. His keys….good thing Mom always puts them in his box. He dangles them grinning. “Got them.” I laugh. He points to me his eyes sparkling with amusemen

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