Tessi's Troubles

1996 Words

Tessi I scurry through the forest hoping to make it home in time before the rain starts. I have three books and don’t want them to get soaked. My birthday was three days ago and nothing new has happened except some of the girls who like to tease me about being unable to shift have increased their insults. They make sure no one hears them doing it though you would think with wolf hearing that would be difficult. They do like to wait until most are absent. I ignore them though it hurts. My aura is that of an omega which hasn’t bothered me ever. Mom has a different one. She told me that she was a Gamma which my wolf, Zora says is strange. I would think then I would be a Gamma also though it depends on my father too. Mom told me he was a warrior but Brandon says he was a ranked wolf. My broth

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