[6] Party

793 Words
"Betrothed? f**k, mate!' He screeched, grabbing the backpack and throwing it at the grass. Harith threw his buttocks up and stared, "Why? Is Fahim seriously in for this chick?" Jake gritted his teeth. "No way!', Harith exclaimed, falling on the main yard. "He was or is, I don't know, to be frank. But it seems so. Have you ever found Fahim smiling and laughing a lot before, with a lot of his time devoted to styling himself?" Harith shot up from the floor. "Dude, we have to do something!" Jake nodded. "And I have a plan" "Famisha, you in for a drink, tonight?" She looked up from her Biology textbook, specifically the reproduction chapter, and glanced at Jake, who was busy biting a strawberry Lollipop now. On his sight, she looked elsewhere shyly like she was with all boys, and asked, in a small smile, "Why, what's up?: "Harith's good day, it seems. His dad is hosting a party for us. Lots of money!", he gestured clinks of money falling in the air. She giggled, "But I don't actually drink, Jake" He nodded, feeling confused. "Seriously?! She nodded. "Not quite in our religion. Smoking, drinking-all those banned" Jake was taken aback. /But I needed her in this so bad!/ "Are you fibbing?', he asked, softly sitting on the nearby empty seat of a girl, who most probably must have gone to the bathroom.  Famisha met eye contact. "No! Why would I, when it comes to stuff with my religion? Besides, mom might altogether kill me if she finds out" He sighed, pretending his loss. "Geez! And Fahim felt like we had to call you.." Saying so, he got up from the chair and slowly began to walk for his seat, when suddenly a voice stopped him. Her squeaky little shy voice.Though Jake knew more than to trust her now. "I will be there" Nothing more was said. It was just Jake's fist-pumping, behind her back. "Woah! So you did it?', shouted Harith, so the voice could reach over to him despite the loud retro music. Jake was in sassy summer denim jeans and soft yellow fabric hanging loosely on his lean body, while sexy glorious thick jeans and woolen hoodie hung Harith. They both were trying to slip off the girls in bikinis and exposing clothes aside, so they could reach the end and talk while sipping a beer. It took a while to reach the counter, where the familiar handsome Falcon, whose real name was Vanorious greeted them. "I guess, the usual", he said, winking at the two. "So, is she gonna be here?" Jake sipped the incomplete glass of wine left by somebody, nearby him and nodded, "Fahim's gonna pick her" Harith bit his lower lip. "Didn't he ask?" "Yeah, obvious. I said she wanted a change" Harith knocked off a laugh, just as the bottles arrived. They poured out a glass each and had it down in one go. "You know the rest, right?" Harith showed a thumbs up, and they had another go before the drama began. If the plan went well, they both knew, this night would turn out well and so would their friend's life. But little did they know, no matter what, the night was going to change everything. Because, out of nowhere, Famisha wasn't alone. The three of them arrived around ten, basically when the entire party mood would have settled down. Thankfully, it had been not a minute early or late because the party mood had gone a bit upbeat to even stop, however, Harith had made preparations with Falcon to push out half a population for a reservation of 2500 dollars; an amount he had to take out from his dad's account. But on witnessing the uninvited third guest, Jake and Harith pulled back. Among them stood, at the middle, a hot-looking Famisha in a yellow salwar kameez and cute pants reaching up to her ankles, with no bit of jewelry except for those are earrings and her deep mascara. To her right, was Fahim, though he looked as hot as a piece of cake in a dress of an idol, he looked stern and absolutely vexed. It was when their eyes darted to the cause of it. There stood Farhan, in blood and flesh. However, jake made up for the awkward silence. "Umm...Yeah! Guys, it's party time. Looking good, all of you! Fahim, Famisha...and ....Farhan" The gap was left noticed by many, but unnoticed by Harith. He dragged Fahim by one hand into the crowd while a rather stunned Farhan and Famisha walked behind the very quiet and mannered Jake smiling. Into the darkness, the five walked, making the night a tipsy-topsy curvy one. One they never expected, would change their paths.
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