[18]- At the Cafe

1440 Words
Fami's POV. "Bitter!", he screeched. I laughed, holding the spoon. In seconds, tomato rice, crushed chili, porridge, meat gravy, and desserts were served. On top of it all, cakes, buns, and creamy scotches were free. "So will Fahim pay for this?" He shrugged, like it was none of his concern, "Let him! The boy is rich by the way" Fed up, I continued eating. Like a gorilla, Harith was rushing through plates, emptying them and mocking my slow speed. Being a victim of acid reflux, I made sure to eat slowly and chew well, which kept me lagging on one dish itself, "Isn't he eating?', I looked up to see him near the counter. It seemed, he wasn't moving from there for about fifteen minutes now. The counter-man was smiling and moving his eyes away from him to me and to Harith, at huge speeds, it took me quite a while to understand why. Though, I wish I hadn't. "Are you done-" "It's been a while, Fami" I winced. The familiarity, the informality, and the shaking tone which had accompanied my childhood days. I saw the shadow. It was prowling beside me, its warmth and entirety engulfing in. "Excuse me, who are you?", he asked, mumbling between the titbits of meat. Harith was concerned because my spoon had slid off my fingers and was now resting in mid-air. "What is it? Famisha-" "I'm her brother, right Fami?" I stood up at the mention. Harith almost spat water onto my face, with my mouth open. My eyes rushed to his. He hadn't hanged a bit. The same old hoarse voice, tall figure, and white skin. Like a Pakistani, he stood; a charming prince who could catch any attention undoubtedly. "Seems like you don't recognize me.." "I do", I averted my gaze. The cafe was full now, and all eyes kneeled before us. "Let's talk elsewhere, Yasir" "Why?", he asked to taunt, "Isn't this the best place to invite a sister who runoff, for my wedding?" At the corner of my eye, I saw it. Harith had stood up, grabbing a chicken leg. "Excuse me, sir-" "This is a family matter. Friends can stay out of it" He was clearly pissed off and had almost punched him when I held him back. "No Harith. No need." Yasir. The big man whose boastful nature hadn't been lost despite the times he had fallen down. Despite the time his pride had open hell. He had changed. Even more, than I could imagine. Of course, it had started around those days when I was planning my escape, but that hadn't been as fierce as now. That boy was becoming worse over time. He was nothing like in childhood. That boy who smiled like a fool had vanished. "Yasir, I don't want your invitation." He sneered, "What if I need to give it to my sister?' I shrugged, "Find a replacement. I don't care" The lingering silence struck like lightning at his face, Insults thrown in. "Fami, you haven't changed a bit" I shrugged, "And I might never. What does that have to do with anyone around me? It's me, and only me" "And about family? Friends? A husband?!" "In which family will you find a son getting married before a daughter? Pathetic!" My jaws smashed in agitation. Of course, he had come around to play with society and its norms. That to in front of a thousand strangers who had expected a peaceful dinner in a five-star hotel but had also received a free fight to watch. "Pathetic, it is. For the people around you and the family members. But for me, its what it is" He moved closer, growling, "How can you even live, Fami? Disrespecting elders, running away from home, excuses, reasons and even worse! How do you-" "Yasir, both you and I know, why I did that. Today, just because you need to bring me home, after all those elders you respected all your life forced you to, or let me say, provoked you to; you end up ding the worst, because what will the society say when a sister doesn't attend a brother's wedding? Am I right?" My mouth was uncontrollable. Yasir was twitching his nose; something he did when he was clearly frustrated. "Well, Yasir, congrats on the wedding and all. But I ain't coming home. Tell that to only Umma" "Why? Because she might expect you?', he whispered. I shook my had, my eyes were swollen at her thought, "She might be the only one who actually wants to see me, and who doesn't give a heck about what the people outside think" I simply laughed, when my tears fell. "It's funny. When a girl of her age wants a dream, wings to fly, and freedom after her school stops; why is she pushed to the idea of marriage? Why does someone else need to walk into her life; question her, use her, and make her do stuff?" My index pushed at Yasir's chest, "The girl you are gonna marry is only nineteen, Yasir. Only 19. She is the pure age when she should realize what her dream is, then start working for it and eventually achieve it. Not marry a jerk like you and serve you!" My words lit the air in flames. Fahim was watching, and so was Harith and so was another hundred people who had finished their meal but just couldn't leave. "It's the situation of all those girls out there. When men like you are offered the blessing to go to clubs, seduce girls in their bikinis, and come back home to marry another woman and mark her as a wife; what difference does it make when I do it? Because our genitals are different?!" I had become a she-lion. By all those insults I gained from my village, from family, from Nanny, from my own brother who had once and for all remained a partnering crime; I was breaking it all open. That too; in the worst place possible. "That's enough, Fami!" 'You have no right to say that!" I kicked the table as I would have to him, had there been less audience, and stormed off to the stairs, letting my face buried in water. I wiped them off hurriedly and ran down the flight of stairs, evident in the footsteps following me. Technically, I wanted to be alone. But those echoes of footsteps followed me till I reached the fence outside, at the parking lot. I didn't look behind, to see who it was. Had it been Harith, I would have needed some comforting. Had it been Yasir, then I would have kicked his shins. But it was neither of him. His body hit my back and two arms lifted to hold me closer. "It's okay...Sometimes, the truth hurts when uttered to people we love..." I broke down, knowing there was no end to this. "Look, what happened to Fidha is-" "Don't call it her fate" He denied, "Not fate. It is her destiny." I left a sigh like he had said the worst thing. "No, that isn't right." My face turned to him. There stood, my handsome chick, with a still face. "You don't understand, Fahim. Girls shouldn't be discussed between fate and destiny" He nodded, "I know. But it happens in a household." "So?", my eyebrows raised. "So she has to marry" "Are you asking me to marry? He sighed, "How can that happen...?" I crossed my arms, "Why not?" "I don't think you will" Not having an answer for that, I kept my silence. I looked down and shook my head, holding it with my hands "Argh! Why did Yasir pop out just then? Is he stalking me?!" "Its his hotel" My head almost got a cramp from the jerk, "What?", I gawked. He nodded helplessly, "It's theirs. They were willing to book for my friends" I fell on my legs and slammed my head, "God! They are doing everything, aren't they? It's like two birds in one shot" Fahim's shoes stayed still in front of me, "Fahim?' "Yeah.." "You know our relation to each other is gonna change, right?" Silence. "You know, that both I and you can't share anything right?' "Share what?' I looked up at him, still on my knees, "Seriously? You are gonna act like you don't know I love you so much?!" He met my gaze and muffled a little. In the darkness, his emotions weren't vivid. "Fahim! I said I love you" "Don't..." My breath stopped. He had said it. "If its between you and Fidha, then its her and nothing more"
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