[19] Fight

938 Words
I didn't walk back into the cafe after that. Instead marked destiny for the taxi driver who was dozing off there. Just as I was explaining the facts that needed a lodge to stay, and the money I had, a stubborn Harith pulled my hand, 'You mad or what?" I pushed him off, "No! This is for the best.." He shook his head, "Fami, both you and I know, this is the best!" I gritted, 'Harith, you don't know Yasir. He is actually getting involved to get hold of me. The more he knows where I am, the more annoying he will be" 'So you are gonna run away?!" He asked like whether he didn't know who the real psycho was. 'Harith, you don't understand anything!" He shrugged and pulled my hand, "I might not, but maybe, there is one thing I'm sure of. You don;t have to run away today" I sighed, crushing my jaws. 'You can even smack me or kill me back in there, but you are a lioness, Fami. Both me, you and Fahim saw that today. You aren;t that shy, innocent girl whose hair is concealed with that dupatta and the weird silence" I didn't meet his gaze, 'What are you trying to say?" "That the girl who ran away from home isn't wrong!" In the darkness, I hoped Fahim had said the same to me. My tears fell in the realisation. "Harith?" The silence broke on my voice. 'Yeah?" "Thanks for saying that." He bent down and turned his back. "Hop on" I looked down on his wide back and sighed. What situation was this for a piggy ride, the thought did cross my mind but I badly needed one. With all the extremes meeting at my end, energy was draining off my back so I did need this  relief now. Without a word, my body melted onto his back as he lifted me. His grunt made me giggle, "Regret your decision?' He grunted again to stand up upright, "Totally!" I smacked his face and leaned on, with my two arms around that stiff neck. 'I can get down, you know" "You wanna?", his ecstacy at the question. I sighed, 'Never. Thanks for asking by the way" He chuckled and gathered me behind,  'You wanna go straight to the room?" I shook my head, "Lets go around the building and see this building they managed to rent!" I didn't see him smile. But the grin's intensity reached me. "Looks like somebody likes the idea of roamin around" He pivoted his neck a bit, and nodded, 'That is the girl I know! Let's crack open this messy rich hotel!" He raced, almost dropping me. "yah!" His chuckles actually calmed my heart a bit. I thanked him again, inside, further deep. Had he not come, I didn't know what would have happened. "So you are staying?' I nodded. My head was down, for I didn't meet like his posture then. He had been standing, and despite all my attempts to keep Harith beside me, he had managed to kickhim out. Being a friend, he walked out after a wink and a slight comfort, "Dude, he is just gonna talk with you..okay?", to which I nodded nonchalantly though I badly wanted him to be there. After all, what did Fahim and I share so much now? There was nothing! Everything was gone! "I hope you are staying here happily, Fami" I gritted. Sympathy. My eyes darted from the bed to him, cold and stern. My sentiments floated across to him as fast as ever. "Fahim , you better understand, I and my brother might have issues. We are family, so he has all the rights to say or do whatever he wants. I'm none to question him. And I'm staying here." I looked at him, like there was nothing more to add to that. He sighed, "You know, he will be back here.." "So?', I was stubborn. "Its not like he would kill me" Fahim nodded and crossed his arms, "The rooms are always open for you, just like how it is open back at home too" I averted gaze. I didn;t want him now. I only wanted Harith now. A good friend. "Fahim, can you please leave me alone now?' He stared at me, not moving an inch. I held my breath, and looked at the bowl of half done strawberries. I hadn't taken a morsel since we were alone. "Shall I feed you one?" I shook my head vigorously. I was trying bad not to cry. 'Please....Fahim...leave.." Nevertheless, he picked up one. My head flew up as it penetrated a cold glare again, "No!" He looked on, confused.  "He feeds you, doesn't he?' My forehead creased. The fork carrying the strawberry stood in the mid-air, as he glared, "He does and it's fine. But when I do, what is so different?!" I shook his gaze away. Just one look and I ended up thinking of matters I shouldn't. "Fahim, go away" His sneer reached me. "Of course, when you don't have an answer, you ask me to leave" My fists clenched. 'I always have answers. But you don't deserve to hear them?' "Why not?' "Because you are jabbering nonsense!" "The fact he can feed you is nonsense?' "Then what is it?', I barked. "Its curiosity! What does he have to you that he does it?" "You wanna know?" "I already know". A smirk again. I stared at him; his cold laughter attacked me deeply. "Then tell me...", my voice faltered, afraid of what's coming. "A lover who saved you from my wrath!" Slap!
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