[23] Double Trouble

1740 Words
"That sounds impossible!", I remarked in disbelief. "It's what he told me. We could eat with the family in the evening. So then there will be more to eat", Harith marked with joy. He was a baby that I laughed at his excitement like a mother watching her son giggle. Never in my life had I got so close to a boy like him, but he seemed different. My mind roamed around to the far end where she sat. Fidha in a red gown was the spotlight! Aunts and uncles surrounded her at utmost full, invading privacy and happiness; asking her for photos, feeding her and kissing her, and altogether expressing so much more love. It wasn't a new sight. The most common and expensive way to make a girl's pre-marriage ceremony into something big. "Okay, I guess this is it" I stared at that photo that Harith took of me. "Ugh! It's too bad!" He stared at it again, "Argh! What can I do when you are so ugly?" I smacked his head in anger, "Look at you!" "Bickering?' An unfamiliar voice interrupted us. I twisted my head almost as a figure's head popped in front of my eyes. "Hey!' My neck twisted into two. "Ouch!' Holding my neck with my palm, I cursed myself for twisting it hard for it had been still healing. The intruder who had expressed welcome actually traced her fingers to my neck, caressing it. I staggered back and shrunk, "I'm sorry-y-", she stuttered. I couldn't take a close look at her. With all the crowd sinking in, there were many strange faces even around the free balcony upstairs. Funny enough but Harith had pushed me downstairs on time when all of them had gone upstairs with the tired and irritated Fidha who was able to smile through all of it. Though her eyes kept capturing mine now and then. "Hello!" I couldn't make out anything. For there came the man of today's attraction; a rather handsome and sexy Fahim, brother of the bride and the best man of the arranged marriage. And almost my biggest enemy now. Protecting me from the back, was the silly yet earnest and the all-time happy virus, Harith who had turned into a sexy and hot man in minutes after the sun rise.  Funny but I never thought he was punctual, considering how everything was a joke to him. "Hello?" She laughed at my tone. "It's fine! Both of us haven't met yet. This is our first time so don't feel burdened by you not knowing me" I nodded and held my gaze with Fahim who now and always kept staring at me. I held my head down, feeling his cold stare penetrate through. An awkward silence hung in there for a while. Thankfully Harith broke it, "Ahem, guess Fahim forgot his manners. I'll start with the introductions. Hello, I'm Harith and this is Famisha, and we are Fahim;'s classmates and all-time buddies. You are?' Perfect words at the perfect time. It's when I appreciated Harith's presence most. I smiled at the end to which she laughed, "Ahaha, I know Fahim lacks most of all a man should have. It's why I'm here. Hi, I'm Fathima, Fahims' cousin and can be an all-time buddy too...', she laughed at the end, marking a nudge at the boy next to her, who seemed least interested by all this. But my mind froze. The name rang in my head. Of course, the devil had arrived. "Hello", I said patiently.  My lips were bleeding. Her eyes shone a bit, "So you guys here early to the days of the marriage? You seem to be close..." She exchanged glances between me and Harith. I didn't know what to say. My gaze ran to Fahim who looked blunt. Somewhere enraged. Somehow ignited. Still confused by what his emotions were, I didn't go to correct her. Instead remained silent. "Oh! Nobody is disagreeing? You guys in..", she came closer and smirked, 'Love?" I shook my head just as Harith shook his. Though mine was slower than his. His arm did hold me by the shoulder though, "We are friends! Closer than anybody could be!", he shared a grin. An honest grin and kept holding my shoulder. I stared at their close proximity. She was almost leaning at his chest though he looked a bit uncomfortable.  "Then, I and Fahim are going outside tomorrow. You guys wanna join?" I stared, confused, "Where can we..go? I mean, Fidha is here right? Going anywhere by leaving her alone...?" She smiled, lighting up those eyes. "Of course, she is here! We are going in the noon, as a part of collecting sweets! Eventually, both the families want us to go alongside and get to know-" "You guys wanna join or not?' My eyes ran to him. Of course, I knew what she was gonna say. But him cutting it meant he didn't want me to know. I nodded, not knowing how to deny it. I looked at Harith. He looked at me. Our eyes met. We were so close now. He seemed to be hysteric. "It's okay, right? You can join us too right?', I wanted him to join. Going alone with my crush and his betrothed would be otherwise another haunting nightmare. Something was going on in his head, whatever it was, he wanted only me and him to know. He simply nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I can of course!" Fathima jumped in joy with two arms in the air, "Yippee! It's a double date!" "Fathima...", Fahim gritted. I gasped at it, falling back on the railing. Harith caught me on time as his lips approached my ears, "Seriously? This is what you wanted?" I sighed. Now it seemed like he was the clever one. I couldn't deny this little fluffy girl, neither could I go. The situation was such a mess that my savior arrived again, "Okay then. We have to go upstairs. Guess we will see you later, Fathima. and Fahim...okay...yeah..", he talked while pulling me by the arm as we walked inside. My head didn't turn to look at my crush. Instead, it stayed beside Harith who gestured for the rooms. We ran upstairs though a bit slowly, as my huge gown was dragging me a bit and collapsed on one of the empty rooms. Harith locked the door. "Seriously? Why did you agree?" I sat with a sigh, "Then what should I do?" He gasped, "Tell the truth!" "Truth?' He nodded as if there was no other reality, "You didn't hear? They have a thing for each other! Or rather she had on him..." I sighed again, "Stop sighing, Famisha. You have to be practical. You and I know why we came here. It was to clear those misunderstandings and start over with him, your crush, your-" "STOP IT!" He stood, numb. I smacked my lips. "Harith, it's not easy...and there is no crush and mush or anything... it's all over" His face said he hadn't accepted it. "But why?" He sat on the bed, a few centimeters away. "Go on...I'm here..Tell me.." I stared at him. An angel savior. "Harith, his sister.....is marrying my brother...", I wept. "We can't be anything now. We already have-e-e a relationship...A pure one utmost...It's over...he is my brother-in-law....and I have to accept it....I have to..." I left gasps, overwhelming my sorrows with it. "But the marriage isn't over yet" I gritted my teeth, "There is no option." "Why?!' "They are betrothed, goddamn it!" Silence. He actually choked, "What?" I nodded, frustrated,  "It's his girl!" He bit his lower lip and resumed into silence. I looked at him and held his hand, "It's fine, Harith. Let's just imagine we came here for my brothers' wedding or for a classmate's sister's wedding. We are guests, aren't we? After all, Fidha seems like a fun girl. Let's enjoy it like that and go back to where we were. This trip itself was a mistake" I stared at him, bending my face to meet his, and forced a smile, "Okay?" He gave back a small smile and shuffled my hair, "As long as we are happy, I guess that's all that matters..." He then held me by the shoulder, like how a friend would, and patted my cheek, "Shall we go and face all those dumb relatives?' I laughed, "Yes, your excellency!' We barged for the door, just when it opened to show us the wide image of Fahim, in blood and flesh standing there. For how long he had been there was unknown, but when the barrier opened to show his face only, for money, my mind stopped functioning. So did Harith's as his face said. Seeing us, shoulder to shoulder with loud smiles, he left a sigh, averting gaze. Harith almost pushed me away from his hold. But I didn't. There were no more backoffs for me. It was the end and it's how ends were supposed to be. I pulled Harith's hand closer to me and held his surprised body closer, "What? Something you are looking for, Fahim?' He noticed. The way I pulled at his friend. The way our shoulders were close. The way our arms were around each other. For a moment, he resembled an agitated lion. Then a blunt self again. "Fidha is searching for you" I nodded. "And...umm...for your extra information.." "Guests shall be served their food at noon. Please make yourselves comfortable then" What the f**k? I looked at Harith. The baby boy who wanted to hog with the family. I bit my lip. He heard it... You asshole.. He heard everything... Without another word, he walked off leaving the two of us standing in disbelief. Harith almost pinched me hard. "Why did you have to-" "He must have heard everything. So why make a difference?', my words were on fire. Harith was about to say something. But seeing my face, he swallowed it down. Then holding me by the arm, he left a deep breath, "It's fine. Hope the guests can take more than one filling!" I laughed at his funny face. "Your such a big hogger, aren't you?" "Ooh yeah!', he flirtily squeaked, tickling me again, What was funnier was, the fact Fahim was still watching us. Though I never caught the sight of it. Some others did. Among them was she. Fathima. And she didn't like it. Not a bit.
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