[24] Double Date

1279 Words
Is life so much fun without troubles? Maybe not. I had to take it that way. For my mind found no other particular reason on why I would hang along with these two. There was no escape. In red jeans and denim shirt, switched into after the party back at her house, my hotel room was left unlocked and swished away from my hands the minute Fathima walked in, "Let's go!" Sadly, I couldn't say no again. And so couldn't Harith. "The Lakes of Yesan are the best! There wouldn't be much crowd there too!" Fathima's hands were curled around Fahim's all the way from home. He acted like he didn't care a bit, though I did care as much as anything. But what say will I have in him, now that all he looked at me was like seconds now and then? However, I wasn't alone. My buddy whose jokes never stopped remained on my side. We took a rickshaw beginning from the hills of Gerun, where a taxi had dropped us. We had climbed it all up till we reached the minor peak that looked white on the top. It felt like snow but was actually some white powder left by the folks who decorated the Indian flag on last Independence Day, it seemed. "Now Don't let that get into your head" I stared at Fathima. She was grinning from head to toe, as she stood with hands extended up to the sky. I shook my head, confused. "That fact I said" I shook my head again, "You didn't hear what I said?" I stared at Harith whose lower lip was inside his mouth. "Umm...nothing serious, so let it be", grinning again like a squeaky mouse, she drifted away down the hill in a slight pace; leaving the three of us alone for a moment. My eyes ran to Harith who came to my side in a wink, and whispered, "She said, she was enjoying this double date too much" I coughed a bit at that. He laughed and squeezed my cheek, "Just don't mind her. It's a tour, remember?" I nodded, running my gaze to Fahim. My air got sucked out like a vacuum cleaner, as his stare reached out to me. He looked like a vampire, thirsty and furious over lack of blood. For a moment, our eyes met and there he went, staring downhill. I caught it, clear and evident. My mind zoomed past the feelings he had for me, just as slender fingers held mine. I looked at Harith. He smiled, "Let's enjoy!" And he threw me off guard with his new nature!. "Ice cream, ice cream, anyone! Vanilla, Chocolate, Pista, Sweet American cookie, all flavors, all amazing! Just for 20!" The alerted delicacy rushed through our taste buds from a meter distance. We had been walking aside the lakes, where a park had been situated. It was absolutely crowded inside there, with kids, jumping up and down trampolines and seesaws. However, we were on the footpath, like adults who needed a walk and some freedom from the kids. "I need it, Fahim~~", she moaned like a baby, clinging onto his arms. We still held hands. Me and Harith, a few steps behind them. Watching her made me gag. Harith whispered, "Guess it's not ice cream she wants!" I almost lost my senses. It was the best dirty joke ever, but seeing the two of them turn made me suppress my grin on time. However, Fahim did catch a glimpse of it. "What about you, lovey couple?", she teased, "Which flavors are your favorite?" I smiled, "Vanilla" Harith clicked his fingers, "Me too!" She squealed, "Wow! You guys share sam flavors too? I and Fahim both love pista! It used to be our childhood fight to eat more of the family packet Nana brought home, right?" I stared at Fahim whose eyes were beyond the lakes, and waters, deep in thought. Silence. I didn't know how to break this awkward situation. "Fahim? Right?', she tugged at his arm. He simply nodded and walked off, without a glance at us, followed or rather dragged off with the sparrow hanging on his branches. "Now what was that?" I shrugged and tried to smile. This was the worst double-date experience any girl could have. "Let's just ignore them" He was right. There was no way my sympathy and pain were gonna go hand in hand with a silent Fahim. He was asking for my attention or not wasn't clear. But the way he remained or rather allowed her to hang along was utmost annoying. I sighed and let my fingers being held by Harith. In no time, we had reached the ice cream truck. And to this day, I could still feel this cold stare upon my back he gave when Harith and I exchanged ice cream, when he wiped off the cream on my cheek and when he smiled and joked around with me. Fathima's words lit his face into creases. "You guys, just marry fast, okay?" To which we had nothing to say or explain. Sipping away on the cones, we were strolling on the footpath. "I gotta get on that roundabout wheel!" She was a whining little baby. Last round, it was the trampoline and it took me and Harith twenty minutes to explain how the trampoline had an age limit. That itself was an absurd fact, according to her, which somehow we couldn't help. Now, with few steps afar from the ticket counter, she knew we couldn't say no. I stared at Fahim. He sighed and dug into his pocket. Thankfully, we were two rupees short of the amount. That meant only three of the four could go. "We can't" "Just the two of us, or them, at least" I shook my head, "I might puke, so no" She looked at me, "You sure?" I nodded. Just then, came his voice. "So am I. Why don't you guys go in?" My head twisted to meet his eyes. Harith was smiling, "It's fine, go in as a couple. I will stay with you" His eyes met mine. They closed a little as he smiled. I had never noticed how cute he looked. But my bones shook, "No! Harith, don't be so okay? Just go!" "And sit with a couple whose so lovey, dovey?" He shook his head and giggled, "You guys go in, we will be waiting", he held my hands and went for the passenger seats, where a lot of adults waited for their lovely kids who had gone in. I couldn't stop him. It's the problem with him. He is this big, bushy cute fella who is great with words and jokes around, that I don't get a chance to pursue him to do anything. I looked at Fahim. He was very uncomfortable. I didn't know what to do. "Come on Fahim!", she screamed, running for the ticket counter. He stared at the two of us, with eyes, strong and stern. My heart stopped for a moment. I didn't know what was crossing his mind. Maybe the same as what I had too. He put forward four steps to reach us. Then grabbing my hand, he mumbled, "I need the bathroom" A tug at my wrist said he wanted me to go along. But another hand held me back. "Why should she come?" My neck pivoted to meet Harith's. He was smiling and asking. But Fahim just pulled me harder, "I don't know the way..." The truth dawned on me. It was me against two men. And I had to choose, now that both my arms were occupied. What the f**k?
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