Chapter 6: Unraveling The Mystery Of The Three Lords

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Zora’s POV The image of the mysterious man who I encountered in the woods, one of the triplets, I was sure of it was etched into my dreams that night. Each time I closed my eyes, his face resurfaced, a captivating enigma that defied reason. It was as if the very essence of his presence had seeped into my consciousness, leaving an indelible mark. The next morning, I tried to look everywhere around the mansion for him but it was if I had imagined him because he was nowhere to be found, and I had begun to question if he was truly one of the men that had saved me because I couldn’t for the life of me remember the actual faces of the guys who I had encountered right before I had gotten sacrificed. But if he wasn’t one of those men, it meant that I had yet to still see any of the three men that had asked me to be their plaything and it was beginning to scare me that I had not heard from any of them yet. What was their plan? With the curtains that I had been given to wash, spread and hanging to dry outside, I allowed myself a brief respite. From where I stood by the lines, I gazed out at the majestic mansion that stood as a lone guardian within the heart of the rugged mountainous landscape. Its towers and turrets reached skyward, a testament to its grandeur and history. The stones that formed its walls were ancient sentinels, bearing witness to the passage of time and the secrets they held. Surrounded by a sprawling expanse of untamed forest, the castle appeared both protected and isolated, as if the thick trees had woven themselves into a protective barrier. The dense foliage seemed to cradle the castle in an embrace, creating an aura of enchantment and mystery. It was a realm where reality and fantasy intertwined, where tales of old seemed almost tangible in the air. The forest itself was a realm of wonders and hidden treasures, its depths shrouded in an air of mystique. As I looked out at the expanse of trees, I couldn't help but imagine the stories that lay hidden within, the whispers of ancient legends and untold truths. If I were to find freedom from this place, I would need to think outside the confines of the castle's walls. I observed the carriages that came and went, the steady rhythm of their comings and goings. Perhaps, hidden within the bustle of activity, lay an opportunity for escape. I considered the option of sneaking into one of those carriages, a daring gambit that could lead me away from the clutches of this mysterious domain. Horseback was another viable option, one that spoke of speed and autonomy. The thought of riding through the forest, the wind in my hair and the world at my fingertips, ignited a spark of hope within me. Yet, even as I entertained these notions, I knew that the path to freedom was fraught with uncertainty and danger, especially since that man in the woods seemed to have guessed that it was my agenda and if he was truly one of the triplets, then it would do me no good to immediately enact my plan. With a renewed sense of purpose, I carried my buckets and headed back into the castle. I would try to escape soon enough, uninterested in finding out if the lords of the manor were toying with me or were just biding their time, waiting to strike. Leaving my thoughts about escape behind for the moment, I sought out Gwen amidst the rhythmic hum of tasks being carried out by fellow servants. The sun's warm embrace lent a gentle atmosphere to the courtyard, and as I approached Gwen, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie. "Gwen," I began, my voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and intrigue, "could you spare a moment? I have some questions about the Lords of the manor." Gwen looked up from her work, her expression shifting from concentration to a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. "You’re not going to take my advice to not ask too many questions, are you?" She answered, her voice low and I shrugged. I needed to know about these people if I stood any chance of fleeing from them. When I nodded shyly, she sighed and folded her arms. “What do you want to know?” I hesitated for a brief moment, unsure where to start from. "Their names... Aiden, Lucian, and Damon, right? Can you tell me more about them?" Gwen's eyes held a glimmer of wariness, as though she were treading on sensitive ground. "Yeah, those are their names. They're the lords of this mansion, and let me tell you, they're not like regular folks." A sense of fear laced her words, and I leaned in closer, eager for any morsel of information that could unravel the mysteries surrounding these triplets. "Do you know where they came from? Or anything about their past?" Gwen's lips curved into a knowing smile, as if she was about to share a long-held secret. "Honestly, I don't know much. I've been working here for over a year, and they've kept their origins a closely guarded secret. There are whispers, of course, but nothing concrete." My curiosity deepened, and I leaned in, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Whispers about what?" Gwen hesitated for a moment before continuing, her gaze fixed on her work. "Well, some say they're not like regular wolves at all. There are rumors of hidden bloodlines, but no one is sure where they came from." The intrigue surrounding them seemed to deepen with every word, the shroud of mystery thickening. "And their parents? Do you know anything about them?" Gwen shook her head, her tone tinged with regret. "No, I don't. They never speak of their parents, and I've never heard any mention of them. All I know is that when they moved here, they bought this mansion after the previous owner's death." "Death?" I echoed, sensing a thread of darkness in her words. Gwen nodded solemnly. "Yes. The previous owner died under mysterious circumstances. It made others hesitant to buy the property, but the triplets didn't seem bothered. They made this place their own." As Gwen's words lingered in the air, I felt a shiver run down my spine. The castle's history was tainted by an enigmatic death, and the triplets had woven themselves into its story with an air of nonchalance that only deepened the intrigue. With my mind abuzz with new information, I couldn't help but wonder about my current location. "Where exactly are we?" I asked, curiosity tugging at my words. Gwen's gaze softened, and she gestured to the surroundings. "We're in Royal Crescent park. I was born and raised here, so I know almost everything about the pack, that is in the valley of course. What pack are you from?” I froze. We were several miles from my pack, Red Moon. I had heard of Royal crescent pack from Ethan, his love for travel was how I heard so many stories about the world outside of Red moon and Royal Crescent was the farthest he had been. What had brought the triplets to Red moon then? And why had they spare my life? As the realization sank in, my heart ached for the distance that now separated me from the familiar comforts of my pack. Yet, it also ignited a renewed sense of determination. I was far from home, but at least now I knew where I was and that was a start. As I stood there, lost in my thoughts about the enigmatic triplets, a question gnawed at the edges of my mind: if the man in the woods was one of the three Lords of the manor and I was already starting to believe that he was from the way he had carried himself; which of the three identical figures had I encountered in the woods? The memory of his piercing eyes and rugged charm lingered. But before I could delve any deeper into my musings, Lilith's shrill voice sliced through the air. "Zora, get yourself to the kitchen, and make sure you don't dare let me beat you there!" Startled, I snapped out of my reverie, my heart racing as I processed her words. Without a second thought, I sprinted into action, waving at Gwen as I mouthed thank you, my legs carrying me with an urgency that matched the tone of her command. The corridors seemed to blur around me as I sped forward, each step propelling me closer to the kitchen and I hated that it felt exactly how it used to be back at home. Me, always running to try and meet up with expectations while my sister barked orders at me. As I rounded the corner, lost in my thoughts and with my gaze fixed firmly ahead, I crashed into something hard and in an instant, my world shifted. I found out a little too late that what I had crashed into was not a thing but a person and the impact was jarring, sending reverberations through my body as if a ripple of surprise had been set into motion. Stumbling backward, I struggled to regain my balance, grappling with the sudden disorientation that accompanied this unexpected encounter but I ended up falling to the floor and spraining my ankle. “Shit.”
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