Chapter 5: Whispers Of Freedom

1537 Words
Zara’s POV As I endured the endless cycle of labor, the burden of my tasks seemed to accumulate with each passing day. The harshness of the sun's rise marked the beginning of another unrelenting routine of chores, each one more exhausting than the last. With every sweep of the broom and scrub of the floor, I found myself yearning for the familiar comforts of my former life—a life where even though I was mistreated by my mother and sister, it was in my home and doesn’t involve me waiting for the day that the men who had saved me would make good on their offer to turn me into their plaything in exchange for me to live. Amidst the constant flurry of activity, faces of fellow servants came and went, nameless and transient. I felt like a ghost, an unnoticed figure navigating the grand labyrinth of the mansion. Lilith’s voice cut through the hum of activity like a sharp blade as I was for probably the tenth time today scrubbing yet another floor “Well, well, if it isn’t the little sacrificial lamb,” she sneered, her words dripping with venom. Her cronies chuckled, their laughter an unsettling harmony to her mockery. I kept my gaze focused on the task at hand, hoping to shield myself from their taunts. Yet, their words pierced through the armor of my indifference. “What’s the matter? Can’t you even scrub a floor properly?” Lilith’s words were like icy tendrils, slithering beneath my skin and striking my core. One of her friends chimed in with a spiteful grin. “Maybe she’s just not cut out for this life. I mean, look at her. She’s nothing but a charity case.” Their laughter echoed in the air, each chuckle another twist of the knife. I felt a familiar fire of indignation burn within me, ready to talk back at them but I decided not to. The past had taught me the futility of confronting such bullies and even though I was very mouthy like my mother used to complain about, right now, I was more interested in escaping from here than engaging Lilith. Still, their words dredged up memories that I had fought hard to bury. Memories of being the outsider, the one who didn’t quite fit in, just like now. I merely forced a smile and excused myself, moving on to the next tedious task. Amid the backdrop of ceaseless labor, whispers about the elusive triplets who had saved me were everywhere. In hushed conversations and furtive glances, the servants exchanged tales of the three Lords of the manor. Their faces, however, had yet to be seen by me since they brought me here which was three days ago and whether that was on purpose or not, I was yet to figure out. Were they too busy to make good on their threat yet or were they waiting for me to relax on my oars before they strike? Despite their absence, a lingering sensation of being watched enveloped me. It was as if unseen eyes tracked my every movement, a surveillance that left me on edge, my heart pounding with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. The ordinary actions of my daily life seemed too boring for someone who was supposed to be a plaything to these Lords and even though I hated being here, I hoped they had forgotten about that and would give me enough time to escape. Amidst all of my scheming, my thoughts inevitably converged on Ethan. He was the tether that kept me anchored to a reality I had been wrenched away from. His absence was a wound that refused to heal, a void that no amount of bustling activity or whispered secrets could fill. The memory of his laughter, the touch of his hand, and the warmth of his presence lingered like ghostly imprints on my heart. I missed him so much and even if I did escape, just knowing that he wasn’t waiting for me crushed my heart. So the next morning, as the sun's golden rays cast long shadows across the sprawling estate, a flicker of determination ignited within me. A plan, bold and daring, blossomed in my mind like a dormant seed finally reaching for the light. The time had come to defy my invisible role and the weight of endless chores. With each creak of the ancient floorboards beneath my feet, I embarked on a mission to seek out the mansion's secrets, to see if there was a way out of this place. The labyrinthine corridors of the mansion stretched out before me like an uncharted map, each one a potential path to freedom. Every step I took reverberated with newfound purpose, and I felt as though the very walls were whispering hints of escape. The soft sighs of the wind through the cracks in the windows seemed to encourage my quest, urging me to try to find a way out of here. Sneaking out of the house, I ventured into the woods, it’s allure irresistible, beckoning like an ancient song of the wild. The rustling leaves and the scent of earth mingled with the promise of freedom that I desperately craved. As I ventured deeper into the woods, sighting a path that I felt would lead to my escape, a guttural growl shattered the tranquility, ripping the air with raw power. Fear gripped me, a vice that clenched my heart and froze my limbs. Emerging from the shadows, a creature of immense stature loomed before me. Its coat, a deep, rich brown, caught the dappled sunlight, giving it an ethereal glow. Muscles rippled beneath its fur, a testament to the primal strength that resided within. A gigantic wolf was staring at me and I was looking right back at it. In a heartbeat, terror rooted me to the spot, as the creature advanced with an intent that sent shivers down my spine. Fur receded like a tide, revealing the form of a man and I gasped. He stood several inches taller than me, his jawline a masterpiece of sculpted contours, tracing a strong, chiseled frame with cheekbones that looked like it carved by an artisan’s hand. Tousled light brown hair framed his face, kissed by the wind's whisper and his eyes held the essence of the forest—deep green with flecks of warm brown, a gaze that seemed to penetrate my very soul. His rugged handsomeness left me breathless, a blend of strength and gentleness that defied the confines of mere human existence. As he stood before me, I could almost feel the raw energy that pulsed within him, a force of nature personified. Then there was the fact that he was buck naked and didn’t seem to care about that. I kept my eyes on his face, trying to not look at those powerful thighs or at his groin. As he walked forward, and I moved back on instinct until my back hit a tree. “Who are you? What do you want from me? I’ll scream if you don’t name yourself” I snapped even though I was scared to pieces of this wolf that towered over me. If he heard my question, it didn’t seem to answer because he merely kept staring, his eyes boring into me with an intensity that felt like a probing touch, delving into the depths of my very being. Yet, when his hand pressed around my neck, holding me against the rough bark of a tree, his touch was unexpectedly gentle, but that didn’t stop me from feeling extremely terrified and when he leaned close, as if to examine me, recognition struck. I realized that I was standing in the presence of one of the three Lords of the manor. And just as quickly as he pinned me against the tree, he dropped me and I fell to the ground, my face red as I looked away from the naked body in place of the wolf in a fleeting second as he picked a pair of shorts that was hidden in the trees and put it on. "If escaping is your intent," his voice began, a melody of command and nonchalance, "Then you’re doing a very poor job, freckles.” As he retreated, my emotions swirled in a tempestuous storm. The stars emerged in the night sky, casting their ethereal glow upon the clearing. I remained rooted to the spot, absorbing the echoes of our encounter. The rustling leaves seemed to murmur secrets to the night, and a quiet tension hung in the air like a veil of mystery. I was left with a barrage of questions, each one a riddle that refused to yield its answer. If he knew that I was going to escape then why had he not done anything? Why had he just left me here in the woods and left? Well, it was obvious that now that he knew that I was trying to escape, it meant that trying to flee now was a very bad idea and that I would end up being caught. To stand a better chance of securing my freedom, I needed to be patient and bide my time.
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