I was just finishing up a sale when I looked up and saw Alpha Brandon staring at me through the window. I rolled my eyes as he quickly moved away after seeing he had been caught being a perv. Dara, my co-worker, and closest friend asked why I was so flustered. I told her I had caught Alpha Brandon staring through the window as I had many times before. She asked what was different about this time and I said he saw that I was staring back this time and he ran off. She asked why I haven't just asked what his deal is yet and I said I don't want to give him any thoughts that I may be interested in him and if I was to even get close enough to ask him he may get that impression. She laughed at me and told me I was being silly and asked why I didn't just admit that I thought he was a goddess gift like all the other she-wolves around Silver moon. I gagged at the thought. She shook her head and went into the back of the store.
When my shift was over, I headed to the dining hall to help prepare dinner. I come twice a week and help out. While I was waiting on the potatoes to finish in the oven, I got a book out of my bag and leaned against the counter, and began to read. I was halfway through chapter 3 when I heard Gamma Tilden asking what was for dinner. I looked up at him as he waltzed into the kitchen and began to grope one of the other Omega's around my age. I rolled my eyes and went back to my book. I tried to ignore his obnoxious behavior, but he kept on and it bothered me. I lifted my head and said, Could you please stop groping her around the food that everyone here has to eat? I am in no way trying to be rude Gamma Tilden but it is very inappropriate to be doing that around others and it is causing me to lose my appetite. He smirked at me and said I was just mad because it wasn't me he was groping. I gagged and turned my attention to the potatoes. Thankfully they were ready to be taken out and I could leave the kitchen now. I grabbed my bag, put my book in it, and headed to my house.
When I closed my door, I turned around and jumped when I found Beta Josiah sitting on my couch. I asked why he was in my living room and how he got in and he told me it didn't matter how he got in but he was here to punish me for smarting off to the Gamma. I laughed at him
"If Alpha Brandon was to find out you touched a she-wolf without consent, you know you will be punished. Beta or not he does not allow that kind of behavior in his pack. Plus I even told the Gamma I wasn't being rude to him. I was merely saying he was being inappropriate by groping that Omega in front of everyone in the kitchen and it made me lose my appetite."
Beta Josiah got up and started to walk toward me with a smirk on his face. I backed myself into the door and had no way to get around him. He closed the space between us, grabbed my face, and whispered,
"Listen little Omega, Gamma Tilden, and I handle all the smartasses in this pack. Just because you are a chick, doesn't mean you get a pass from punishment. I will give you a warning this time but next time you smart off, you will face punishment from me or Gamma Tilden."
I didn't respond to him. I closed my eyes and waited. He released my face and pulled the door open and when I opened my eyes he was gone. I won't lie and say I wasn't scared because I was. As soon as I was able to move, I called Dara and told her what happened. She was pissed and said something needed to be done about Tilden and Josiah. They shouldn't be allowed to go around and treat people this way even if they were the Alpha's best friends. I agreed. I asked her how we could stop 2 of the ranked members and she said she would come up with something.
After my call with Dara, I went and drew a bath. I needed to relax and the only thing that helps is soaking in the tub while reading a good book. Once I got out of the tub I made myself something to eat and then crawled into the bed and picked back up where I left off in my book. I woke up with my book on my chest and my lamp light still on. I got up and checked my house to make sure I locked up before I fell asleep and then I went back to bed.
When the sun came up I got up and got ready for my shift at the bookstore. I walked out of my house and as I turned to lock my door I saw the word Prude painted on my door. I knew this was the work of Beta Josiah or Gamma Tilden but I couldn't say anything without actual proof. I took a picture of it and I got some cleaner and scrubbed my door. When the word was gone, I headed to work. When I arrived, Dara looked at me and asked why I was late. I showed her the picture of my door and her face turned red. I told her to calm down, and that it wasn't a big deal and she started yelling. Several of the customers gasped and turned their heads toward us. I told her to chill out because she was scaring the customers. She finally calmed down. She apologized to everyone in the store. There was one customer left in the store and she walked up to the counter,
"I am so sorry for poking my nose in someone else's affairs but I couldn't help but overhear what happened."
"I am sorry to have aired my personal life in front of everyone."
"Don't apologize for that. Something needs to be done about the so-called Beta and Gamma to be. I know they grew up with Alpha Brandon but he needs to know how his friends are treating his pack members before someone decides to challenge the Alpha for his title."
Dara was nodding her head in agreement.
" I know they need to be stopped but how are we supposed to do that? We are nothing more than lower-level Omega's."
The girl wrote down her number and her name and said to call her and the 3 of us could come up with some type of plan to put an end to the Beta and Gamma to be's reign of terrorizing and punishing without the Alpha's orders. When the girl left I looked at the paper and told Dara her name is Thea.
"Do we know a Thea?"
Dara shrugged her shoulders and went back to work while I pondered on who this girl could be.