Chapter 3 - Rejection

1380 Words
Cory's POV:  “I, Austin Miller, Alpha of the Midnight Moon Pack, reject Cory Hemmings as my mate and the Luna of this pack!” I am experiencing a challenging time trying to catch my breath, and my heart feels like it has been shattered into tiny pieces. It f*cking hurts! I tried to speak out loud, but unfortunately, no sound came out of my mouth. “Accept the rejection! NOW!” He growled, commanding me to accept this. “I-I can’t b-breathe! Th-this is… I can’t believe it.” Wide-eyed and catching my breath. I know, I know! It IS Austin Miller, a big fat bully, but he is still my mate! My mate. The one who will love and protect me regardless of who I am and what I am. But why this? I am sobbing. HARD! I can’t stop the tears from flowing. “DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID?! Or are you now deaf?! I said, ACCEPT. THE. REJECTION. NOW!” As he approached me, he gently raised my chin, allowing me to meet his piercing gaze. His eyes were the color of the ocean, devoid of any hint of remorse or regret. “Don’t drag this any longer! I want this to be over with so I can get back to my party with my friends and Chloe.” Chloe. He still wants Chloe, despite finding his mate. “A-are you p-planning to m-mark her?!” I asked despite knowing the answer. “Yes. She is better to be Luna and my mate than you!” He responded immediately, without hesitation. At this point, I feel numb and am unable to sense or hear anything else. Despite attempting to collect my thoughts and consider my options, I am aware of what must be done. He is never going to accept me. Ever. “I, Cory Hemmings, r-reject…” “SAY IT CLEARLY!” “I, Cory Hemmings, reject Austin Miller as my m-mate.” I saw a bit of pain in his eyes, but it was gone quickly. “Good.” It was the last thing I heard from him. I ran away from the packhouse. I took solace in the deeper parts of the forest and cried my heart out. Mom and Dad, I thought finding my mate would be one of the best things to happen to me. Now, I have no wolf and no mate! Why is the moon goddess so cruel to me? Why?! Although I believed I had exhausted my tears, they continued to fall uncontrollably. As the sun began to set, I retreated to my bedroom, although I doubted I would be able to sleep. As I closed my eyes, I experienced a vivid dream of a white wolf with burning ember eyes. The wolf appeared sorrowful and emitted a mournful whimper. What have they done to you? I asked. My mate. He rejected me. It said. I know how you feel. I was also rejected. Such a coincidence to meet a wolf in my dreams, and one that was rejected. What’s your name? Hotah. It means white. It suits me, and I believe you can see why. Why are you in my dreams, Hotah? You will know soon. Now is not yet the time. But I promise we’ll meet again. She said as she turned her back to me. Wait! Wait! Wait! I woke from my slumber. Hotah. I thought of the wolf’s name. That dream felt surreal. Did I talk to a white wolf? What did she mean by that we would meet again? And when?! “Cory, where were you last night?” Lola asked as she entered my room. “I just didn’t feel well, so I slept.” “Don’t lie to me! I looked everywhere for you! I looked into your room, and you weren’t there! So, where were you?” Lola was persistent. “I met my mate,” I said. I dragged out the last words, looking over at Lola's stunned expression. Her mouth hung open in disbelief, leaving her speechless. “NO WAY! Who is it? Is he from our pack? What does he look like? And what did you two do last night? Hmmm.” She said teasingly. “First, nothing happened last night. Second, yes, he is from our pack. Third, he is Austin Miller. Yes, the new Alpha. Lastly, he rejected me.” I said it quickly, hoping she wouldn't catch every word. And silence. “WHAT?! Woah woah woah! Hold it right there, missy!” Have I mentioned Lola's strong-willed and assertive nature? She tends to hold onto things and doesn't easily let them go. “So you are saying you found your mate.” I nodded. “From Midnight Moon Pack, our pack.” I nodded again. “Your mate is the new Alpha, Austin Miller, who threw a party last night. That Austin Miller?” I nodded yet again. “And he rejected you? Last night?” I nodded twice. “I feel like I have to ask again because it doesn’t sound real. Are you sure? You didn’t have any alcohol last night?” I understand that this is unbelievable ‘cause I too couldn’t believe it. I know it is real, because the rejection still hurts. “Yes, I am 100% sure, and I swear under the moon goddess!” She gasped. “I am so sorry, Cory. If I only knew, I would’ve come earlier. I could’ve also stolen some wine from the party last night and gotten drunk until sunrise!” That would’ve been good! A drink would be nice. “Yeah, you’re right. But I couldn’t bring myself to go back to the party. I was devastated. I was hurt...” I find myself unable to complete my sentence as tears stream down my face once again. I was enveloped in a tight, secure embrace as strong arms wrapped themselves around me. The warmth of the embrace comforted me, and I found myself crying even harder, overwhelmed with emotion. The embrace lasted for a few moments before the person let go, leaving me to collect myself. “What are you going to do now?” she asked. “I don’t know. I am so lost right now.” Before I slept last night, I kept on debating whether to run away and be a rogue or stay despite the pain. “It’s OK. Take your time. For today, have some more rest. I’ll tell them that you are sick. Alright?” I can hear the concern in her voice. I nodded, agreeing with her. “I’ll also bring you some food later and check on you during breaks. Just rest, okay?” Lola left. And no one came into my room for the whole day except for Lola to check on how I was doing. I said I was fine, but I am not so sure. At night, she brought some bread and cheese, and she sat down in the bed across from me. “Here, have some. Also, try this!” She handed me a bottle and kept on insisting I drink it. “Hurry up! Try it!” I tilted my head back and placed my lips on the bottle's rim. As the liquid entered my mouth and traveled down my throat, I couldn't help but cough. “What the heck is this?!” “It’s wine!” She was full of excitement and pride, having managed to steal some wine. “What the hell were you thinking? What if you get caught?” “Don’t worry! I had my way. Now, don’t think about it. Just eat and drink! Let’s have some fun tonight and forget all about mates.” I must confess that I feel both nervous and excited at the same time. We indulged in drinking until the late hours of the night. “Oh, before I forget to mention, I heard that the Lycan King will be coming here next week.” I almost spit the wine! What?! “Why is he coming here?!” “I don’t know. I just heard that he’ll be here and some of his guards, so all hands on deck!” Oh, goddess! What is happening?
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