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Father had moved from his seat to walk towards me. It wasn’t required for the King to be pulling the chairs of any noble lady; my entire heart was filled with fear, and I was determined to win my father's favor. Yet now I was conflicted: would my heart ever belong to Irvan? These feelings, were they right? I had a right. To my heart, I had a right to learn if there was a slight chance. Stepping to follow Father to my room, he extended his hand towards mine, “Is there more of which my little princess desires to know?” I smiled at hearing my father call me his little princess. I forget I am but a near child. His little girl, taking father's hand, took my bravery in asking him, “Father, I don’t wish to anger you,” he caressed the top of my hand with his thumb as we walked towards my chambers, “You can’t anger me, my daughter. I had never wanted this for you, only the best for my little lady. Speak to me, my child.” We arrived a short distance from my chambers. Entering, I waited for the doors to close. Father stayed in as the doors were closed behind him, “I recall privacy is of the utmost with subjects such as one’s mate, Louise. You can love a human, and it shall not matter to me. Not even your mother, whose best friend is a human himself,” he pressed the matter, “father but what if my mate wasn’t a human. What if it could be a much bigger disappointment,” I started playing with my fingers, the uncontrollable fears of disappointment from my father running through my veins like a water stream, “fate belongs to no land ruling Louise. However, the ideas I’m beginning to receive are indeed fearful. Just swear to me, my child, that you will not allow such things to take away your choices. Perhaps an alliance could bring peace. For now, my child has to fear perfection, for you will never reach it.” Father petted my head. Just like Marquess Irwin, his Beta, father’s Beta Ben, and Elder Councilor Cameo's father was a slim, tall man with white hair, dark snow skin, and moon eyes like mine, a contract of our clan exterior trademarks, my father was a man of his words but was he indeed in love with the idea of another clansman for a son in law? Or had he just spoken in hopes of comfort? Father had said his last words as he sat on the small sofa of my dining. I quickly rang the bell for assistance to comfort my father. I only hoped for him to be joyful. I was already his disappointment in being a daughter. He had no sons to take the throne; he may have spoken with honesty about his love for my mother, but words can’t change the destiny I have to live. My doors opened once more to receive the servants. As they went on their way, I walked to the garderobe, after which I instructed for a bath to be heated. Father was enjoying a good book with Mother by his side, “oh, Mother, I did not know you had joined us,” I exclaimed from the sudden surprise. Mother was being caressed by her hair by her father. As she raised her sights towards me, she patted in between father and her, indicating for me to join. As I went, I felt as if I was just a pup, cuddling in between both my parents, who were to read me a bedtime story. I could hear them purring in affection towards me and between themselves. “Father explained what had come to your mind, my child. Have no fears or dwelling in confusion. A mate bond is sacred to us both. We don’t have the power to stop who it chooses for our little one,” Mother kisses the top of my head after her words. It was clear she spoke the truth father could not. But did Father accept them? —- It had come the morning. It was now the evening as we traveled to the meeting at the Howls Temple. It was a sanctuary to our goddesses and gods. Not a soul would dare anger the gods on their ground. When we arrived, we had come to meet a man with two sons by his side and an older woman who was blind. Who the man was, I couldn’t place my finger on, yet it nagged me as a towed coin from a witcher. Those were a nasty pair of hunters. They hunted our kind as if they had no other life to destroy. Today, Mother had her eyes set on making sure I learned my etiquette classes. My prominent role as a Lady was to master my skills in my social lesson. I had music, arts, literature, and linguistics. Mastering social mannerisms was difficult, but I had a role to uphold. Isabella had been playing cards with me during our way, and she had been speaking fondly of our meeting yesterday. I teased her on the accords that she may have a thing for her King to be and twice did, she got struck for bad manners. It was clear Isabella had a hard time accepting she was just my servant, mine to do as I pleased, yet she detested it. Upon arriving, she quickly returned to her role as my servant, and Irvan walked from his carriage towards us. It was expected to have the family along to these meetings. As our things were being moved in, the man whose elder sat in a rocking chair spoke to father, “King Legolas, Queen Lizabeth, it is my honor to receive you both,” he stopped as he saw me behind my parents, his eyes shined as he saw me, a crippling feeling ran through my skin. He bowed, as did the twins and the elder woman while she sat. We returned their greetings with a soft nod, “Duke Jaxon, it is our pleasure to have you welcome us. I see you have come with your own family, Duke Mother Jaclyn; it is a pleasure to have you here,” said Father with respect, the Duke Mother smiled kindly at father yet for a blind woman I could feel her piercing evil eyes towards my mother. “My King, you sound as healthy as the last of our meeting. You bring joy to this old mother.” She replied to Father. Staying close in attention, the two twins started to examine everything we did. I remained close to my parents, fearing those shredding us with their stares. Isabella had stood still next to me, just a bit back, when I heard her gasp. Looking behind me, Irvan was having a small conversation with my servant. I’m aware Irvan is older than me, yet so is Isabella. “Seems the new king to have already a sport in his marriage to the young lady,” said one twin, “such a shame, the lady is a well-behaved girl. Seems he has lost his dedication,” said the other. I could swear they were twins, yet one was more discreet than the other. Paying close attention, I recalled the one that goes by the name Jaxx is more open. The other wasn’t. The Duke noticed my observation and then asked, “Tell me, young Queen-to-be, who is Jaxx, and who is Jaxon?” I glanced at the Duke as the twins smiled, “The one on the left is Jaxx, and the one on the right is Jaxon.” The twins' smiles faded as they saw I couldn’t be tricked. A clap started by the Duke made the twins show their canines. They were displeased by my observations. “LEONIDAS!” We all heard an older man shout at the top of his lungs. Turning was a big guy the size of a bear. The man had the black hair of the Fenrisúlfr, looking for the one he was shouting for. I’d met face to face with a younger version, a much cuter boy with black eyes on porcelain skin that held a sky blue, almost white iris, “good evening. May I introduce myself?” The boy said, to which father spoke for me, “Ah, young King Fenrisúlfr, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Finally, this is my daughter, young Queen Loise of Arkitisk, by her side is her betrothed,” my sights remained on the young king as father spoke for me, he smiled showing his two dimples, making me lose my breath for a moment. It was a relatively warm spring day, which didn’t help me feel comfortable with the heat on my face. Irvan left Isabella’s side to stand by mine. He spoke first, then I followed, and with a slight bow, I said, “Glad to meet you.” as I stood there, the young king replied, “The pleasure is mine entirely, if I may call you Lady Louise? I am Young King Leonidas. You may call me Sir Leonidas if you wish it so.” He replied to me.
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