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How my heart couldn’t stop drumming to Leonidas' presence. What a beautiful man! My cheeks were warm from his presence, and my hands were moist from the unfamiliar desire. Just as my sights searched for something, I realized I had no reason behind these desires, as my mind described what I had captured, the sight of his button-up shirt, remembering now his details of a small red bow tying his shirt uptight, having red shorts for trousers, and black dressing shoes, he filled in his garments well enough to have made my tiny body react pretty differently from how Ivan’s body makes me respond. He was breathtaking with his body features, with a rectangle face and a clef chin, dimples on either cheek and messy, thick, straight black hair. He was well built for a young boy of twelve years of age, yet as he towered over my delicate frame like a beast of a man, I did not fear him, as I should have felt some fear towards him, that was a mystery to me, like peaking into a secrete one could not hold back its desires to seek more, Leonidas was the secrete darkest desire I wanted to keep on exploring on. I couldn’t stop admiring him. His face had a slight shade of rose on his cheeks as he stood before me. Perhaps he wanted to speak to me in private? If so, I must speak to my father. I looked back at Father once with pleading eyes, “May I, Father?” I pleaded, and he did not look pleased by my request, yet I did not want to make enemies with our neighboring species, “you may under only our absence, am I understood, Lady Louise?” A small bright smile escaped as I clapped my hands together, “yes, Father,” I bowed in respect to my father, “please stay close to the main house. We shall not be long, return in the manor no past the howls mark,” father instructed as he returns my smile, not shortly after does mother walk towards fathers arms and holds on his elbow, the Duke also self with his mother to the main castle. Turning my attention back, Leonidas extended his hand to me, “I would be happy if you could accompany me to the main hall. My parents are there to see yours. It would give a good impression to show support,” I felt like a child, yet a very odd encounter occurred, “I believe that is unnecessary. We can head there with the young Queen ourselves,” said Jaxx, “we wouldn’t want a war to occur for a miss understanding,” Jaxton followed. I wanted to step in, yet a much-unexpected lady spoke for me. “We are on our way to such a reunion!” Looking behind me, there was a set of three Harry girls in green teal dresses, each in a different shape: flowers in one, swirls in the middle, and birds in the last one. Without a say in our plan, the triplets each held a twin in their hands, and to finalize, they took on Ivan’s, who growled at them the same as the twins. I took my bravery and took Leonidas' hands. His hands were warm as we walked in the main house. The twins were throwing small fits while Isabella walked behind me, “maid, could you assist Ivan? He must be having it a bit difficult with Lady Emily. I lease to make sure the sister is alright,” I saw a bit of annoyance on her face but quickly nodded. It has come to my focus how these twins behave is a display of their dominance, which is ridiculous. The Dukes twins are snobs, high breeder inadequacy of a specimen. Typical male power, mind over body, but there are two ludicrous things against such words. These mirrors for brothers have the same traits of the body as Ivan. Still, these two display body development as they have short-sleeved button shirts, black belted gold colored shorts, colored dress shoes, and matching caps, making them look like those newspaper boys. Ivan had the same garments, except he had a book in his hand. As Isabella started to walk behind Ivan, who was all ahead of us now, “Leonidas looked my way as we walked ahead, “I have to say, my Lady Louise, you are quite brave to be taking in the Ihat’s personality trait, quite the determination you have in setting time for me, I’m most honored to have this affection of yours, it is lovely to be in your company,” he walked closer as he placed my hand in its correct place, shame washed over me as I realized how my impulses acted without rational thinking taken first as they have always done before any interaction. “You look cute today, Lady Louise. I think blue suits you, but maybe more around your eyes?” He examined my behavior and must have felt good about my reactions. I was wearing a knee-clear blue skirt with a matching shirt, dress shoes, and knee pantyhose. I believe what made me look much more content was having my French tail; usually, one hair has to be up on a bundle, and a lady must always show refrain from those beneath her. Proving the strength of a lady, yet I’m pleased that I can rejoice in my child-like manera, and for as long as this reunion lasts. This sanctuary is fully my heaven upon hell. We walked to the main castle of this establishment. Each family had passed this place, for we shared our vows towards our chosen mate. If we are genuinely blessed, the mate chosen is our destined mate, but to many, that is never the case, in which case it falls to praying for a child to save the bloodline, for chosen mates rarely reproduce. Conceiving a pup under chosen mates is, without a doubt, a curse to each one, to never truly love, but am I ready to give that side of me for my people? It’s moments such as these that the crown feels heavy on my head, and I have yet to wear it. Entering the main castle, a young girl my age wearing similar clothes but in red stands still, waiting for someone. She was breathtaking with her long black ponytail, clearly one of the Fenrisúlfr clan. I heard a groan escape, Leonidas. He hid his face from her presence when she exclaimed, now closer to us both, “My young King Leonidas, I hope to be disturbing you. I couldn’t find you this morning, my Lord,” he growled lowly, “That’s king to you young chosen mate Queen Ina.” He replied harshly. Young Queen Ina is his chosen mate. I looked at Ina with bitterness, but I saw her body was more developed than mine. I couldn’t cover my body at all. If anything, I was ashamed to be this close to Leonidas. I tried to let go of his arm, but when he saw I had let go, he moved to retake my hand when Ina snatched his hand and pulled him towards her. Her bright smile had made it clear she won; it was inevitable to have them be the perfect couple, yet I felt cheated almost immediately after I heard him growl. I sighed at how beautiful she looked. She had a good chest and fine hips, while I was slim and flat, with no bump in sight in my body. What could I possibly provide in comfort to Leonidas when she had a body fit for any man who desired her? I was in annoyance, but why? He wasn’t mine. He had a chosen mate, a love for his eyes wants, while I had nothing but a mess of an arrangement. “Young Queen Ina, you have no right to pull me in such a manner,” Leonidas directed himself to Ina, which made me look in their direction. Ina looked stunned as she had not understood why Leonidas was suddenly so rude to her. A little hope started to blossom in my heart till I heard Irvan speak, “You sisters have a death wish. I disagreed with your company. Now let your hands off me!” I heard him shout, a clap was heard, and we took our designated positions. Each clan was one alongside the other, minus the Skoll Clan. This wasn’t odd at all, as their clan was the farthest. I had stayed in my pose when the doors to a meeting room had opened above us. Our parents left the room, and as they did, Irvan gave Isabella his book. He extended his hand to me as we stood together to receive our parents.
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