Chapter 8: Puppies Make Everything Better

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Of all the things Sean had done for his career, dating Isaac was the most enjoyable. As long as he didn't think about the ulterior motives fueling him. But for the most part, whenever he was around the other man, he felt peace and something he might dare call happiness. Isaac's cheery smiles were infectious. Deliberately being spotted by fans and reporters was a pain. Sean had to drag out their walks, or leak their date locations to the paparazzi so they'd be there waiting. Media appearances were hands down the worst part of his career, and his stomach felt like a beehive when Isaac curled up behind him at the attention. He put an arm around Isaac's shoulders, tucking him against his side, and pressed a kiss to Isaac's temple. Cameras flashed. “It's alright, just smile and wave. I'll talk." Nodding, he put on a watery smile and lifted a shaking hand. Sean fed the reporters some basic lines about their date at the skating rink behind them before forcing their way through the parking lot. Isaac had tried so hard to disguise him, too, bringing a pair of wide sunglasses and a thick wool scarf. Of course, when Sean's goal was to be spotted, it was a wasted effort. But the paparazzi knew to look for them thanks to the tip he'd sent their online forums, and they'd been waiting when he and Isaac stepped outside. The kicker was that they hadn't recognized Sean. They'd recognized Isaac and pieced it together. He owed Isaac half of his bank account when this was over. “I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Isaac dragged his hands over his face. “Doesn't the world have better things to do than hear about us skating?" “Of course they do," Sean said. He pulled open the passenger door to his car, a basic Honda Civic that looked like all the others and disappeared in traffic. “But people are weirdly obsessed with what celebrities do outside work, and if it gets views on a website, paparazzi will go for it." Isaac rubbed his forehead and ducked into the seat. “The media is bizarre." Laughing, Sean shut the door and walked around to slide into the driver seat. “On the topic of media presence, I have a favor to ask." “I'm terrified of what's about to come out of your mouth." He snorted. “You'll have fun, I promise. I'm doing a fundraiser at the Tuleta Animal Shelter in a few days. Would you come with me?" Isaac pulled out his phone and opened his work schedule. “I'll check if I can switch shifts. What would it entail, exactly?" “Playing with puppies." Narrowed eyes looked over at him. “I'm serious. If we play with puppies and the shelter posts pictures of us, it helps the animals get adopted. Or, if people can't adopt, they donate." “It can't be that easy." “So will you come?" “Will I come with you to play with puppies? Are you serious? I will close the store for the day if I have to, I'll be there." Sean laughed and finally started the car to drive Isaac home. Beside him, Isaac continued to mutter as he texted his coworkers to see who could take his shift. This, at least, wasn't an appearance he had to feel guilty about. Three days later found both of them at the Tuleta Animal Shelter. Isaac wore paint-stained jeans and a faded blue polo shirt. Sean's jeans and animal shelter t-shirt were bought specifically for the day. “Thanks so much for coming," the shelter manager, Georgia said. She wore the same black t-shirt he did and had braided blonde hair. “It's our pleasure," Sean said honestly. The shelter had set up a mock photoshoot in their yard, and a few dogs were already running around and sniffing the equipment. Isaac bounced next to him. Laughing, Georgia invited them to step inside. “Do you mind if we take videos too? Some of the dogs don't sit still well." “It's fine with me," Sean said. “Isaac?" “Yeah, that's okay. Oh my gosh, Sean, this dog is so fluffy." Isaac had buried his hands in the fur of a goldendoodle. A Pomeranian jumped at his ankles, and a border collie jumped on the goldendoodle for his attention. “Oh, gosh, hi guys!" A German shepherd distracted Sean, knocking right into his legs and threatening to push him over. That dog was followed by a pit bull and another breed Sean didn't know. “We're going to start taking pictures!" Georgia warned. They both gave the green light, but neither one noticed when the cameras started flashing. The German shepherd did eventually knock Sean on his ass, and his lap was instantly full of dog. One of them licked his face, messing up his hair, and he could only imagine the photos the shelter took of this. After the initial canine rush, the dogs calmed down a bit and started wandering the yard. That was when they took posed photos with individual dogs, which would be uploaded on their social media with the dog's information encouraging people to adopt. “This is the best date ever," Isaac told him. They'd gotten a bit of a break to sit in the shade while the dogs piled around them. “Sorry, but you'll never top this." He wrestled the Pomeranian for a rope toy. “Maybe we'll just come here every week," Sean joked. “Or I'll buy you all the dogs here." Once he had access to his bank accounts, he'd be able to afford it. Isaac snorted. “You'll need to buy me a house to put them in first. My apartment would collapse with this many dogs." “There's an idea." He'd buy a huge house with a lot of open land, and turn it into an animal sanctuary. He and Isaac could play with the dogs all day, and Isaac could write compelling articles to support them, and they'd live off the royalties his published books would earn. It came together so easily in his head, a future beyond his modeling career, something he actually wanted to do. “It's a little early to go buying me a house," Isaac said. He scooped the Pomeranian into his lap, tugging lightly on the rope toy still in its jaws. Sean hummed. “What about an animal sanctuary? We could open one together, after the Phoenix Autumn Fashion Show." Isaac stared at him, mouth hanging open. “You'd be good with the animals, and your writing could support us after my accounts are used up." He didn't know how much, exactly, he had saved up, or what his father had left alone. They could make it work, though, he was sure. The look on Isaac's face, though, was not about the money. Oh no. He shouldn't have said anything. They'd only been together for three weeks, was that too soon to bring up something like this? Did Isaac not see them together in the future? What right did Sean have to go suggesting something like this anyway? He was using Isaac for his own goals, dragging him in front of cameras he clearly hated and drawing all of Twitter's worst to himself. Sean was a selfish i***t. And he'd probably just ruined everything.
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