Chapter 7: Twitter was a Mistake

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By the second date that Wednesday, Phoenix Industries released a statement confirming that yes, Sean Winters was dating another man, and that man was Isaac Greene. By the time their date ended at midnight, Isaac's twitter follower count had doubled, and his name was trending three spots below Sean's. He dropped his phone on his face in bed. He shouldn't have checked it, not when he had a morning shift in a few hours. But he was still floating on cloud nine after their date, and he couldn't resist checking one last time. Clearly, he'd underestimated what dating Sean Winters would be like. On Sunday he'd gone into Phoenix Industries to sign non-disclosure agreements, promising not to reveal company secrets or any humiliating facts about Sean, and they'd given him a cheat sheet on what to say when reporters approached him. When, not if. The prospect terrified him. At least the fact he was the world's most average person wasn't an issue. The PR person hadn't given a damn who he was. Sean especially seemed determined to prove it was fine. Isaac suggested a movie for their second date, something dark and impossible to take pictures in. Instead, Sean brought him to a fifties-themed ice cream shop, and they sat by the windows in booths shaped like old classic cars. "Are you sure you don't want to move somewhere more private?" Isaac had asked. He was grateful he'd gotten a bowl of strawberry and chocolate; less likelihood of making a mess all over himself. "Positive," Sean replied, waving at a girl shamelessly taking their picture across the street. "I'm not ashamed of you, Isaac. I didn't mean to make you think I was the other day." He dipped his spoon in his chocolate chip cookie dough. Isaac hadn't been able to argue after that, and he'd done his best to ignore the pedestrians ogling them through the window. It was just something he'd have to get used to dating Sean. And other than feeling like he was on display, the date was spectacular. They talked about food, and Isaac learned Sean was actually a decent cook. He'd taught himself how to make healthier versions of his favorites to meet his strict diet requirements, and then found he genuinely enjoyed it. “Should you be eating ice cream?" Isaac had asked. “One bowl of ice cream isn't going to do anything," Sean replied. Then Isaac told him about his mom's cooking talents, and how they were not hereditary. Sean offered to teach him sometime, and the mental image of Sean in his kitchen, smooth voice guiding him through the steps of lasagna, made the tips of his ears burn. That was one thing all the pictures and articles couldn't describe about Sean: his honey-sweet baritone. It was all so different from Isaac's last relationship. Sean's quiet interest was intense and focused; no matter how long Isaac rambled, he'd have a relevant comment or question when Isaac stopped. Beck had liked to argue, and their dates tended to be things like hiking or basketball, or other competitive activities. His boundless energy was a complete opposite to Sean, who was perfectly happy to sit in the ice cream shop until they closed, and then wander the city until they couldn't stop yawning. Isaac blushed just thinking about it. Sean was the first person in a long time who so genuinely wanted to spend time with him. Was he crazy to think he had a shot in the long run? That someone elegant and important saw something in him worth keeping? Or was he setting himself up for another cataclysmic heartbreak? He had a feeling it was the latter, but it didn't stop his heart from racing when he thought of Sean, or the dopey smile that spread over his face when he picked his phone up again and saw them trending on twitter. So maybe Isaac had deliberately opened the app after getting ready for bed and turning all the lights off. He wanted to see the pictures he knew people had taken of them. They were, objectively, cute. The main one circulating depicted Isaac waving his hands as he described something, and Sean smiling at him. He made the mistake of reading the comments. @Queenof
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