Chapter Fifty Five

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It took a few days before I could leave my room. Everything reminded me of Lucas. I saw him everywhere. In his chair in the kitchen, cooking at the stove. Laughing on the couch as we watched movies. He was everywhere and I couldn't handle it. Until now. I slowly made my way out of my room, my arms wrapped around my middle. I peaked around the corner looking for the guys, but no one was there. I furrowed my brow, where are they? I continued through the house looking for them. Room by room, skipping over Lucas's with a heavy heart, but still didn't find any of them.  Panic began to settle in my gut as I ran down the stairs and outside. I opened the bond I'd so stupidly kept closed the passed few days to try and feel them. Emotions flooded me. Anger, worry, frustration, fear. What was happening? Where were they?  My heart pounded in my chest so hard the only thing I could hear was the rushing of my blood in my ears. My frame vibrated with panic as I tried to swallow my fear and concentrate on my mates to follow the bond like I had with Xavier that time at the gathering. But the pounding of my heart and whooshing of blood in my ears wouldn't let me.  I had to calm down, I had to focus on my men. I closed my eyes and took a few deep calming breaths. Then focused on Eli's bond, a thick silver cord appeared, sprouting from my heart and darting into the trees on the far side of the house. Something didn't seem right. They wouldn't just leave me alone, and the emotions I was getting wasn't normal for them. I called my lycan and half shifted before I shot in the direction the silver cord led me.  It twisted and turned throughout the trees, leading me so far it made me wonder how long they'd been gone and where they were going. I continued to follow the thread, further and further into the forest. Where were they? I fumed. I focused in on the bond closer, their emotions screaming panic, fear and anger now. They were in danger. No, This wouldn't happen again.  I roared, the trees vibrating with the power as darkness seeped from the ground and around me. The cold seeped into my skin, bringing the short bite with it. When it settled, the power covered me like a blanket and I breathed deeply, a malicious smile crossing my face. Take me to them I demanded of the darkness.  It complied happily, encompassing me in darkness and lifting me into oblivion as it transported me to my men. It wasn't instantaneous, but it might as well been. When they dropped me in front of my men, I growled. My men wore silver cuffs, the fae wore iron. I knew instantly who found them.  I turned to look at the men who had my guys bound and snarled. I hated these people. Despised them. They all deserved to burn, to suffer, to die a thousand deaths. And now they took my men? No, this wasn't going to bode well for them.  "Oh, how I wish I'd see you all again." I growled. "I have imagined nothing more than watching all of you scream as I tore into you."  With a flick of my wrist the darkness freed my men from their cuffs making them groan in relief. I smiled as I made my way over to them and stood with them grabbing Eli's hand in one hand and Steel's hand in the other. "These are the people that held me captive for twenty years." I said in a bored tone.  "The slayers?" Alaric demanded. "You were held by the slayers?" I nodded in confusion. "Yes, why?" I asked. "Fallon. The slayers are supernatural hunter. They only hunt and hold supernatural beings." Eli told me, never taking his eyes from the people in front of us.  "Oh. I didn't know." I said. "I just thought they held people they wanted to answers from or people they wanted something specific from. Speaking of." I turned to the slayers in front of us and stepped forward, the darkness swirling around me. "What do you people want with my mates?" I demanded, glaring at the fifteen men before me. Also wondering how the men got the best of seven supernaturals.  "We got a tip a lost....asset, of ours was being kept there." A man said, his tongue snaking across his lips as he looked me over. "When we couldn't find you. Well, we took souvenirs." He smiled wryly.  I growled deeply. Kill them all. I told the darkness, before turning my back on the slayers and facing my men. "Let's go. everyone grab hands and don't let go." I ordered. They all crowded around me, eyes wide as they stared over my shoulder at the screaming men behind me. I didn't dare turn around. I didn't want to know what twisted way the darkness thought up to kill the slayers with. I just wanted to get my men home safely.  I didn't even have to ask this time. The darkness swarmed us completely surrounding and protecting us until we were deposited back safely inside the kitchen of the cabin. I stood stiffly as I watched the guys moan with the sudden transport, their faces an odd shade of green. Guess I should have warned them what would happen. Oh well, too late now.  I stood and waited for them to regain their equilibrium, unsure of what was going to happen. I may not have known who the slayers were, but I should have told them who held me captive. To be honest it just hadn't crossed my mind in so long I forgot to say anything. "Are you all alright?" I finally asked.  Alaric was the first to look up at me. His blue eyes blazed "Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you say anything?" He demanded.  I flinched at his tone but answered anyway. "I didn't know who they were to the supernatural world for one, much less that I was a supernatural at that point. And by the time I found out things kept happening one after another that it slipped my mind. It didn't seem important anymore because it was in my past."  "Not important?" Alaric bellowed. "They hunt us Fallon. They capture and torture us, kill us. And they captured us because of you. Because you didn't tell us, didn't warn us." He spat.  "Alaric!" Steel growled stepping in front of me, followed by Felix, Anton, Damien, and my other mates. "That's enough. She didn't even know what or who she was. She didn't know who the slayers were or what they did. It wasn't her fault they came for us. They came for her, and found us."  Alaric growled, his hands running harshly through his hair. "Damn it!" He shouted, turning and slamming his fist through the wall.  "You don't think I know?" I whispered.  "What?" Alaric demanded.  I looked up at him, a hardness replacing whatever responsibility I felt for them being captured. "I said you don't think I know? You don't think I know what they do? The lengths they'd go to, to get them? That they torture and kill their captives? I've seen them kill people Alaric. Watched as they slowly and painfully lengthened their deaths.  I felt it. I felt as they melted the skin from my body. Felt as they broke every bone in my body one at a time. How they'd cut me open, revealing my organs for them to play with. Blind me just so they could see how long it took for me to get my vision back. The whips with blades tied in the tips as it slashed my skin. them dumping buckets of acid over my body." I shook my head, anger rising. "You have no idea Alaric. None of what they are capable of. And if you honestly think so low of me that I would let them take any of you on purpose, then I think, no matter how much I love you. No matter how much losing another one of you will break me. I think this bond may have been a mistake."  A single tear escaped me as I shoved my way through the men and out the front door. Why was I always blamed? Because I came to them beaten and tortured? Because I haven't been one of them very long? I wasn't sure, I just wished my father would hurry back and take me with him. I was ready to practice this ability we think I might have. God, I wish Lucas was here.  "Fallon?" Alaric's voice trembled as he spoke.  "Don't. Just don't." I sighed. "Everyone always apologizes. But whenever something goes wrong, anything goes wrong, I am always the one blamed. I don't know or understand why. And maybe I never will, but I don't want to hear apologies."  He stayed quiet as he came and sat beside me, his usual confidant exterior now almost timid. I sighed, I couldn't stay mad at them even if I wanted to. I reached over and took his trembling hand in mine and squeezed. He released a heavy sigh as he intertwined our fingers and kissed each of my knuckles lightly. "Just stop blaming me." I pleaded. "None of this is my fault. I didn't ask for any of it."  "I know." He whispered. "I got angry, and I got worried and scared. Fallon I haven't been scared since I was a child, not once. I've felt pain, all kinds of pain. Mental pain, emotional, physical. But not fear, not since I was a boy. And feeling that again, well it did something." He admitted.  "I'm not here for you to take that something out on Alaric. I am here for you to talk to, confide in. I'm here for you to love, and take care of, for you to protect. I'm here for you feel safe with, feel comfortable with. Not blame and accuse. I love you Alaric. And I would do anything for you or any of the others. I'll protect you and love you. I'll be here for you and take care of you whenever you need me. I'll be a shoulder to cry on, your anchor in the storm. I'll be your lighthouse in the darkness. I'll be your safe harbor. Anything and everything you need I'll be. But I won't be your punching bag."  "I do love you Fallon. More than the very air I breathe. I didn't mean the things I said. They were said out of anger, and I will do better to control my temper." He promised.  "Good." I said giving him a half smile. "Let's go inside, we need to talk, all of us."  Alaric gave me an odd look as we got up and made our way back inside. I was surrounded in the blink if an eye, Alaric being pushed to the side. "Guys, I'm fine." I assured them. "But sit down please. We have to talk. It's about my father and Lucas."  As soon as they all were seated I told them everything. From beginning to end on what my father and I discussed, and how we could possibly get Lucas back. They were just as hesitant as me, but also willing to try anything to have him back with us. All we needed now was to wait on Hades to come and get us.
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