Chapter Thirty Nine

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I couldn't shift back, not unless I wanted to be naked in front of hundreds of shifters, which was a big nope, for me. So once we gathered my kitsune pup and had him safely tucked away out of sight, we led the women back to our cabin.  The guys still felt the need to guard us, which I wasn't going to complain about. Eli and Xavier walked ahead of us, while Lucas and Alaric walked behind. The women all had tight grips in my fur as we made our way, their grasp only tightening whenever someone passed us. These poor things were petrified. I couldn't blame them after everything those barbarians put them through. The horrors they'd had to endure sent chills through me.  A whimper came from one of the women and I looked up to see a man had gotten too curious. I growled a warning, making his eyes snap to me before continuing on his way. I huffed, shaking my wolf head in exasperation. I couldn't wait to get out of here and go home. We could deal with whatever came next, just not here, God help us, anywhere but here.  Once we got to the cabin I led the women up to my room silently before going into the bathroom to shift back. How I was supposed to that was another thing entirely. I closed my eyes and pictured my human body. My black hair, pale skin, I imagined having arms and legs, hands and feet. Before long I was standing in the bathroom naked and caked in blood. Ugh, gross. I need a shower hot enough to melt skin after this. I wrapped up in a towel I fully intended to throw away, before facing the women.  They were all huddled up at the end of the bed clutching onto each other. I furrowed my brow before squatting in front of them. "You're safe here." I said softly. "No one will hurt you. And after today I bet no one will dare come and try. I didn't bring much with me, but I have clean clothes, decent clothes, all of you can change into. And the shower is right through there. You can sleep here and I'll sleep with one of my men."  They became teary eyed making me stifle my groan. Please don't. I don't do well with other peoples emotions. "But why?" One of the women croaked out, her dull brown eyes staring back into mine. I ran my hand down my face with a heavy sigh. "Because I was once in a position similar to yours, that's all you need to know." I said patting her leg before standing. Her eyes glanced over my bare shoulders and arms, catching sight of the scars that remained behind. "Go shower. I'll be back in an hour or two to check on you." I said before getting me some clothes and laying the rest out for them.  As I hurried out of the room I ended up running into someone, their arms reaching out to help steady me. Great. He had to be the first one I saw didn't he? I stood and waited for the lecture, waited for his raised voice, but got nothing. I looked up confused and tired, and I really wanted this blood off of me. His blue eyes studied me, his features strained. "Why did you do it?" His voice was barely above a whisper, his grip on my shoulders tightening with his words.  "Which part?" I asked, knowing this wasn't just about the fight. "Both, all of it." He answered. He sounded defeated, almost broken and I hated it. I hated how the strong man I've come to know, the man who so clearly showed the outside world no emotion, now sounded like I'd killed the most important person in his life.  "I'm sorry. I've bowed and cowered all my life, I can't do it anymore Alaric. I can't let people walk on me. And that councilman, he holds no more power than anyone else I've come across. He's lucky if he is stronger than Eli." I shook my head looking at the floor, still angry at the thought of them kneeling. "And those women needed help. No one deserves to be held in chains like that."  "Do you know how worried we were? How worried I was?" He tilted my head up so I was looking him in the eye once again. "We could have lost you today Fallon." I reached up and caressed his cheek, he sighed leaning into me. "But you didn't. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." I assured him gently. Before I could blink I was off my feet in Alaric's arms, his lips pressed firmly on mine. He devoured me like he'd never see or touch me again. His hands pressing me so tightly to him, it was if he were afraid I was going to run.  reluctantly though I had to pull away. His blue eyes bore into mine, need consuming them. "I need a shower Alaric. I'm covered in blood, sweat and grime." I reminded him. My face must have puckered in disgust because he chuckled before placing me on my feet. "So why are you wrapped in a towel out in the hall?" He asked.  "Well, I was going to ask if I could use one of you guys showers. The girls are using mine." I said with a shrug. "Come on. You can use mine." I smiled in thanks as I followed him down the hall to his room and darted into the bathroom. I turned the water until it all but burned my skin before throwing the towel in the trash.  I watched as the water changed from red, to pink to clear. The last of the blood swirled down the drain taking today's events with it. All except that tone I'd just heard from Alaric. I don't think I would forget that anytime soon. I exhaled a heavy breath before I cleaned myself. And by cleaned myself I mean I scrubbed my skin until it was red, and scratched at my scalp until it hurt.  It wasn't until I got out and dried myself I noticed my clothes had been replaced. I quirked a brow as I looked over the clothes on the counter. Okay, so not all of my clothes, just my shirt. I knew by the scent of sandlewood and earth it was Alaric's shirt and I couldn't help beaming. It of course fit me like a dress, hanging mid thigh and off one shoulder, but I didn't mind.  Checking on the women I found them bundled together on the bed. Their once heavy faces cleared of all pain as they slept peacefully. I quietly shut the door and headed downstairs. The kitsune saw me first, its small body leaping from the couch, to the stair railing to my arms. This creature had a death wish. If I hadn't caught him, he's have broken his neck falling down the stairs.  The guys were on the couch watching me as I entered the room, sitting on the coffee table in front of them. "Spill." I said simply. Lucas laughed. "That took, what? Two seconds?" I gave him a pointed look that made him shut his laughing down and be serious. "Did you know?" I asked.  "We did." Eli answered leaning towards me. "Lycans as we've said are powerful. Werewolves descend from the lycan. As Hades so eloquently put it, we're a watered down version of the original shifter. Being lycan means you can shift into either form. You can take on the form of a wolf or that of a lycan, though either will hold the same strength and speed. The lycan will just have more capabilities since it has hands you can use."  "And none of you thought that this would have been useful information for me to know?" I questioned, stroking the kitsune's fur. "Oh, no. We are not turning this around." Xavier said almost harshly as he rose to his feet. "What got into you today Fallon? Do you have a death wish? Did you come here wanting you or us to die?" He yelled.  I stared at him in disbelief. Did he? Did he just say that? Does he really think so little of me? Think that I would intentionally put him, or any of them at risk? Take the risk of them being killed? Even allow them to harmed? I opened my mouth, but no words escaped me. What could I say that I haven't already? How could I make him believe something I thought I'd already proven to them?  I just stood shaking my head and made my way upstairs. I'd sleep on the floor in my room. I rummaged through the closet in the hall, pulling out pillows and blankets to pad the floor with, and grabbed the kitsune a pillow for himself. My chest felt like it had been cracked open again, more painfully than it ever had been when the slayers did it.  The kitsune purred and chittered in my arms, rubbing its head along my jaw, while the shadows swirled at my feet. Both seeming to want to comfort me, but neither able to fully catch my attention. What else could I do to prove myself? What else could I do to show them what they meant to me? I pulled the neckline of my shirt down and looked at the mark. A mark that was supposed to show everything I'd been trying to say.  Maybe I should just leave here. The Cerberus could lead me out of the dark woods safely, could even carry me out if I asked. But then I'd not only be leaving my men, but six women who needed me. They wouldn't feel safe with just the guys, and would feel abandoned if I just up and left. I leaned heavily against the door as indecision gnawed at me.  As I hit the floor, my back against the closet door, the kitsune sat on its rear legs and pawed at me. Blue and black parks ignited between its tails. He was too small to use his his powers but he was trying. "It's alright little one." I said with a raspy voice. "I'll be fine." The animal tilted his head sideways, before nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck and rested there.  "Fallon?" I didn't look up, just shook my head. I didn't want to see any of them. None of them had said anything, none of them had stood up for me to Xavier. "You know he didn't mean what he said, right?" He asked squatting beside me. I snorted in response. Xavier hardly says things he don't mean. "If it makes you feel any better we had a good brawl over what he said. He had no right no say that to you. You've more than proven yourself, even to me."  I laughed. "That was the hardest part." I teased lightly. "Come on. Your room is taken, you can stay with me tonight." Wait, what? My head shot up, my eyes meeting his. He was being serious, he wanted me to stay with him tonight. And he offered. I feel like I have fallen into another reality, or someone else has possessed Alaric's body, because this was not the man I'd come to know. "Are you sure?" I asked taking his outstretched hand. "Yes, I'm sure." He smiled pulling me to my feet.  The kitsune complained until we got into Alaric's room and I put the creature down on the bundle of gathered blankets I had grabbed. He was more than content after that, as he circled and dug himself a den of blankets. "Have you named him?" Alaric asked pulling his shirt over his head and laying down. I shook my head as I lay beside him and resting my head on his chest without thought. "No. But I've been thinking about it. I'll let you know what I come up with."  Alaric's arms wrapped around me holding me to him tightly. The memory of his tone earlier and troubled expression making my chest tighten. "I'm sorry I scared you." I said looking up at him. His hand cupped my face lightly and he smiled. "It's alright, I understand why you did it. Just promise you'll try and stay out of trouble." I leaned into him with a sigh "I promise. But when it comes to you, any of you, I don't know if I will be able to keep that promise." I told him honestly.  His eyes softened before he leaned down bringing his lips to mine. It started slow and passionate, as he pulled me up the length of his body to get me face to face with him, it grew in intensity. His pushed his hands up my shirt, his fingers lightly running along my skin sending heated shivers through me. My hands explored him in kind, searching and memorizing every inch of him they could find.  But something within Alaric snapped. He flipped me onto my back, ripping the shirt over my head before my back touched the bed. He knead my breasts, as he bit and kissed his way down my neck until his mouth found my hardened peaks. I gasped as he sucked one through his teeth, my hands grasping onto his shoulders.  This moment seemed like too much of a build up though. Alaric didn't seem as if he wanted wait, because it wasn't long before he had us both out of our clothes, him hovering over me as he stared down at me hungrily. I had to admit I agreed. The build up of emotions between last night and today were whirling around inside me like a raging storm, Alaric's touch, his soft but hungry looks turning them into lust and need.  I grasped the nape of his neck and pulled him down until I crashed my lips onto his once again. I wanted, no I needed to feel him against me. To taste his kiss on my lips. Our tongues fought for dominance as our kiss deepened.  Unexpectedly he thrust into me, swallowing my moan with his kiss. I clung to his biceps as he plunged himself inside me. Unlike with the others, there was no build up, there was no waiting for me to adjust. No, Alaric was all in from the start. His thrusts brutal, his speed inhuman. Pleasure coursed through me as he had his way with me.  My first orgasm came hard and fast, my yell all but echoing off the walls as my body quaked from the impact. Alaric groaned, my walls tightening around him heightening his pleasure as well. But he didn't stop. He kept up his pace, lifting my hips off the bed to meet his as he drove himself deeper than I thought possible. His name fell from my lips in breathy moans as I felt myself build up again. Alaric pulsed inside me, as he grew close to his release.  A pleasured growl escaped him, and he made himself go faster, and harder. I screamed his name as I hit my release, black pots clouded my vision and I heard and felt as Alaric finished. His grip tightening on my hips, his groan filling the air mixing with my own sounds of pleasure.  We were both left panting and out of breath, our bodies caked in sweat once again. Alaric hovered over me, his eyes blazing with blue fire. He gently wiped my hair away from my sweat covered brow. We were still connected and I could feel every move he made, every move making me groan.  It wasn't until our breathing evened out, and our heartbeats settled to an even rhythm that I noticed the mark on his chest. Right over his heart like mine. Looking down at mine, it now held three stars, where as the guys mark only held the moon.  I traced my fingers over his mark making him draw in a harsh breath. I knew he was feeling what I was. He was feeling my happiness, my contentedness, my comfort with him, my love. He was feeling it all for the first time instead of having to be told. I'm not sure how long it took for him to actually take another breath, but I waited patiently, just tracing his mark.  He caught my hand and brought it up to his lips kissing my knuckles, his other hand lightly trailing down my jaw. He braced himself over me on his elbows so he didn't put his weight on me, then kissed my forehead. "Let's shower and sleep." He whispered into my neck. "We have along trip home tomorrow." I smiled. Home. We were going home. 
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