Chapter fifteen

1365 Words
I had been right about Eli avoiding me. It had been weeks and he hadn't so much as said hello, hadn't eaten with us, hadn't left his home office. Tensions within the house were growing with his absence and I couldn't help but think I was the cause of it. I kept to myself now because of it, not wanting to cause a rift any larger than I already had. Xavier and Lucas still spent time with me, and I never turned them away, but I never sought them out either. It just seemed easier this way, distancing myself.  I was getting better. My limp was gone, my weight had gotten to a somewhat healthy state, and everything started to seem better for me. Health wise at least. Now that I am better, I think it's time for me to move on. I've already caused too much trouble for them, I've caused them to drift apart when I'd never meant to. I didn't want to tell them. I knew they'd never let me go because I have no where to go. But I could take care of myself now. I was older, stronger and healthier now. My beast was healthy and ready to take on the world, ready for when we left. I didn't want to leave, I liked it here, but I had to.  A knock at the door made me turn my head. I didn't feel like getting up from the balcony so I called whoever it was in and turned back to my thoughts. Did it really matter which one of them it was? It wouldn't make my decision any easier. Either way I knew who it was before he even reached the balcony. "Hello Eli." I murmured without turning towards him. He didn't seem surprised I knew it was him but I shrugged it off. "Fallon, I think we need to talk." He said taking the seat next to mine. "What would you like to talk about?" I tried to keep my tone level. I wasn't about to get my hopes up, wasn't about to show excitement that he was acknowledging me all of a sudden. I just wanted the conversation over with.  "Fallon, I wanted to apologize for how I have been the passed few weeks. There is no excuse I can give to make up for my behavior." I laughed humorlessly. "I don't blame you Eli if that's what you think. I understand you wanting to keep your distance." Eli sighed heavily. "Fallon, I was not keeping my distance just because of what happened. There is more to it than you understand." His tone seemed almost pleading. I turned to him, refusing to meet his eye, not wanting to see the storm of emotions raging there. "Eli, I don't have to understand. It's your business and I have no right to ask. I can't understand what I don't know and that's fine, I don't have to know. As long as you understand my decision." His brow knit together, concern paled his features. I smiled as I reached over and smoothed out his brow. "Stop stressing Eli. But I think it would be best if I left. I seemed to have caused a rift here that I never intended nor wanted to cause." I sighed, turning away from him. "I'll figure things out as I go. But I don't think staying here is a good idea anymore." I noticed Eli's body go rigid from the corner of my eye but I never turned to him. I didn't want to see the look on his face. "Fallon, none of us want you to leave." He said lightly.  My chest tightened as I blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. "Why?" I whispered. "Why would any of you want me to stay with the trouble I've caused. With what I could lead here?" He grabbed my hand that I has balled into a tight fist in his. His one hand completely engulfed my small one. The warmth and comfort from that one touch making my stomach flip. "Because we care Fallon." He said rubbing circles on the back of my hand. I closed my eyes and hesitantly gave him a small nod.  "We have people coming over for a business today. I need you to try and stay away from them." I looked over to him confused. Why would I want to intrude on business he had? "I'll keep my distance. I have no intention of messing with any business you have to conduct." I assured him. "I see you've been painting more." He said changing the subject. I smiled turning back to the picture of the four wolves and the one of the lone gold wolf. "Yes, I made an unexpected friend. I never thought a wolf would be as calm as that one was. He was beautiful, as were his friends."  Eli laughed. "Seems you quite enjoy the wolfs company." I smiled again, warmth and affection I know filled my eyes and features. "I do. Though I dare not touch him. He is still a wolf, and I don't want to scare him off. I enjoy his company too much for that." Eli stood up and reached his hand down for mine. "Mind if I look?" He asked. I took his hand and shook my head. "Of course not."  Eli spent a good half hour studying the paintings. I just sat on the bed and watched as he went from one to another to the next until he was done and turned back to me. "You have a gift." He said softly. "How did you manage to capture the intelligence in the wolf's eyes?" I smiled at the memory. "He seemed to be more. If that makes sense. He didn't have the eyes of a wild animal. He is calculating and observant. And even though he is a wolf I feel like he actually listens and understands me. It's odd I know, but still." I trailed off as I took in the painting once again, I couldn't get over the beauty of the four wolves.  A loud crash downstairs drew our attention away, Eli's eyes narrowed as he shot out the door. Frightened but curious I walked over to the banister and looked over at the commotion. Xavier, Lucas and Alaric were staring down six burly looking men.  Eli was downstairs and between them in the blink of an eye. One of the men laughed. "So the feral arrived." He mused. You could hear the nerves in his voice, even as he tried to hide it. But what was a feral? "What are you doing here?" Eli asked, his tone level but laced with uncontrolled power. "We are here to conduct the business that was discussed." Another said stepping forward. "Then I suggest you keep your companion in line." Alaric said coldly. What the hell was going on? It didn't matter, Eli asked me to stay away from his business.  I was about to cross the thresh hold of my door when someone jerked me backwards making me yelp at the aggression of it. "Well look what we have here. It seems they have a pet." The man sneered. "Let go of me." I demanded thrashing in the mans grip. Xavier was beside me and throwing the man off of me in an instant. "Keep your hands off of her." He snarled. "What's a human doing here?" One man asked calmly. A human? What does that have to do with anything? "She is none of your concern." Eli said smoothly.  All six men seemed to balk at his words, sneering with narrowed eyes. "It is our concern." One man said harshly. "The humans have become an issue, and you're harboring one." By this point all four men were standing in front of me, blocking me from the six men. "Hand her over Eli, before this escalates any further than it needs to." Eli didn't flinch and his face remained impassive. "That will not happen." He said cooly. As you wish the man sneered and lunged for Eli as the others dove for the other three. This couldn't be happening. 
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