Chapter fourteen

1451 Words
Eli never answered me about being a shifter, and he never came back that evening, he wasn't even at dinner. And don't think I didn't notice the strain, the tension in the air as Alaric, Xavier, Lucas and I ate. I didn't say anything to them. Honestly I was too afraid to. Not of them, but of what they would tell me, or what they wouldn't. They had absolutely no reason to trust me with a secret of that magnitude. I have done nothing to gain their trust. And I couldn't expect them to open up to me when I haven't even told them about myself.  "I th..think I'm going to go ta..take a walk." I murmured, taking my plate and putting it in what they called a dish washer. I limped out the door, deciding not to use my crutches to regain strength back in my leg after being off of it for so long. It took me longer to get where I wanted to go, but I didn't mind. The scenery around the home never ceased to amaze me and take my breath away.  Like right now as I approached the lake, going to sit on a small dock. The sun was setting behind snowy mountains peak. The scene being perfectly reflected in the clear waters just below. It was serene and peaceful. I hung my legs over the side of the dock and leaned back onto my hands, the last rays of sunlight casting a soft warmth on my face.  I sighed shaking my head. I wish I had kept my mouth shut, I never wanted to run Eli off. I most certainly didn't mean to frighten him with my question. And yet it was there, a flicker of fear, a slight edge of concern. I don't know what he had to be concerned or frightened about, I would never tell anyone even if he was a shifter. Who would I tell anyway? It's not like I knew anyone or had any family. But the more I thought about Eli and what happened the heavy the weight in my chest became. Maybe it would just be easier if I left. At least then they wouldn't have to worry about anything, wouldn't have to worry about me seeing or hearing anything I shouldn't.  My beast woke up suddenly. I could feel as her hackles rose and a snarl left her. I tensed. She never woke, and she never snarled or growled unless she thought danger was near. Out of habit and self preservation I lifted my head slightly and sniffed the air. It smelt of incoming rain with a hint of floral from the flowers in the field. But then another smell hit me, Earth and rain, with a hint of wildness with it. My body relaxed and I chuckled to myself. "It's just Xavier." I said trying to soothe her. She growled again. "Fine." I huffed and turned around.  It wasn't Eli behind me though, it was a very large and very beautiful gold colored wolf with piercing gold eyes that almost blended in with his fur.  He didn't look angry or dangerous in any way, he looked....curious. I laughed at the creature as he tilted his head to the side as if observing me. He plopped down on his haunches, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. I think this is the most docile wolf I'd ever heard of. "You're a curious wolf aren't you?" I mused. I didn't dare reach out and touch him, no matter how tame he looked now that could very well be the movement that set him off.  "Are you lost?" I asked turning towards him and crossing my legs under me. "You're a beautiful wolf I wish I'd brought my sketch book." I scolded myself. "You're certainly unusual for a wolf, so calm. But I think you better go now. I don't know how the men inside would react to you being here. It would be a shame if they hurt you thinking you posed a threat to me. They seem oddly protective, though I'd never imagine why."  The white wolf tilted its head again making me laugh. "Of course you can't understand me. Though it's nice to talk without fear of making someone angry. I ran one of them off today though I never meant to. I should have just kept my mouth shut." I shook my head and turned back to the now purple colored sky. The wolf trotted up beside me and sat down. I just laughed. A low whine formed in his throat making me furrow my brow and look over to him. I looked him over the best I could but didn't see any injuries.  I shook my head and turned back to the lake. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I asked the wolf. It felt weird talking to an animal, but somehow I didn't mind and it only made me feel a little crazy. The wolf couldn't judge me, couldn't understand me and get angry. He just listened. It was honesty no different than talking to myself. "I wish Eli would come back." I sighed. "I need to apologize. I didn't mean to pry or startle him. I think it was the fear and concern I saw pass over him that bothers me more."  I looked over to the wolf and furrowed my brow. "That memory, the wolves in it." I shook my head. "They never told me. One minute my father was himself, taking me camping like he had as least a dozen times before. But something about that man scared him, and he changed. He shoved me behind him and a red wolf took his place. The other one didn't have a chance before my father tore through his throat." I shuddered. "I didn't want to remember that. The wolf part I can handle, but the blood." I shuddered.  "I don't know if Eli will talk to me anytime soon." I said. More pain laced that statement than I intended. "it's alright. I can respect that. I understand why he'd keep his distance after today. It won't stop me from caring about him though. I think it might be better for the guys if I left. I've caused enough trouble for them. If the people after me found them...if they hurt them." I closed my eyes tightly as my hands clenched at my sides. My beast rose to the surface again. My eyes flew open, I could feel the change in them as I looked at the gold wolf.  "No!" I shouted to myself, stumbling as I stood. My chest heaved as I pushed her down again. She could come out, only if the guys were in danger, only if I had no choice but to protect them. "I could protect them." I whispered. "I could shred every last one of the bastards if they tried to hurt them." I laughed humorlessly as a sound behind me caught my attention. Three more wolves stood behind me. One a smokey gray, with amber colored eyes. Another a magnificent deep black with crystal like blue eyes, and the last was a blinding white with emerald eyes. I pulled my braid over my shoulder and turned to the gold wolf. "I think your friends are here."  The gold wolf walked over to me and looked up to me. His eyes held more intelligence than I'd ever imagined a wolf's eyes to bare. "Be careful out there." I whispered to him. He tilted his head as if he understood before taking off into the trees the other three wolves on his heels. I shook my head and smiled as I limped my way back to the house and up to my room. I remember the wolf. The golden fur, the eyes, the life and intelligence they held. So moving the portrait I had been working on, I began to pain the wolf.  I was excited about painting him. Other than the scenery he was the most beautiful part of the life outside of this house. As I painted him, the others came to mind. With a smile I added them to the background, the gold wolf standing tall and proud before them as if he led them. I didn't know how the life of a wolf worked, but it felt right. I stayed up until the early morning hours to finish the painting, thrilled with how it turned out. I lay it flat on top of one of the tables to dry and curled up in the bed to get a few hours sleep before one of the guys came and woke me up for breakfast. 
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