Chapter Thirty Six

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Despite Eli's persistence I didn't go to bed. I wanted to stay up and make sure the guys got back safely. He tried telling me that they could be out all night, that they would be fine and want me to rest. But I wasn't having any of it. There was no way I was going to sleep without seeing for myself that they were unharmed. I could even feel my lycan's restlessness. Eli wasn't happy about it, but finally gave in and sat on the couch with me and turned on a movie.  As much as I tried I couldn't focus on what was happening in the movie. A weight had started to form in the pit of my stomach and as my chest tightened. I tried and tried to push the feeling aside, pretend it wasn't there, but it was impossible. Something was wrong, I could feel it, my lycan could feel it. I just didn't know what it was.  I shot to my feet and began pacing the floor, unable to sit still. My nerves were jumping and firing at a rapid pace, my mind and heart raging. The shadows began to swirl at my feet pulsing in time with my heart making them grow rapidly. Eli tried to come to me to calm me but the shadows wouldn't let him. I didn't know why, but I wasn't aware enough to stop them. All I wanted was for all the guys to be here, to be sure all of them were safe. Because this awful feeling, was eating me alive.  Fear and anxiety seared through me, and my unease grew into anger. They were in trouble, in danger and I didn't know where they were, didn't know how to protect them. "Eli, their in danger, somethings wrong." I grit out. I was trying to control the shadows, call them back to me but they wouldn't listen. Their need to protect me stronger than my need to will them away.  Finally I gave in, decided to try another approach. Find them, keep them safe. I ordered the shadows. They pulsed, splitting apart into two large pieces. One stayed with me while the other seeped through the floor like smoke. "We have to find them." I said, resuming my pacing. It was too hard. Fighting my lycan and fighting the shadows. It was like an internal war was raging inside me that I had no chance of winning. I silently pleaded with them to stop, that we couldn't protect them if we were discovered. It worked to an extent. The shadows retreating into me, thriving and pulsing just under my skin. My lycan seemed to bathe in the shadows lying in wait with them.  I sighed in relief when they obeyed. "Can we go?" I begged. Eli looked hesitant, but he nodded. He was alpha, he needed to protect his pack like I needed to protect my mates. I rubbed the mark on over my heart, feeling Xavier's pain, his anxiety was feeding my anger. But like Eli said, the mark told me where he was. As long as I was touching the mark a thin but bright silver thread came out of my chest and led into the forest. Eli couldn't see it but I could.  I shot after it, Eli on my heels as we followed the bond. I reminded the shadows and my lycan to stay hidden, allowing my lycan only enough control to give me her strength, speed and claws. She gladly obeyed. The shadows weren't quite as happy. I could feel them pulsing angrily beneath my skin like a second heartbeat, before they seeped from me and into the ground.  I followed them with my eyes as we came upon Xavier, Alaric and Lucas. They were fighting what looked to be an entire pack of wolves. They were covered in blood. Their wolves barely keeping themselves up. But they still fought, despite their fatigue. The shadows slunk across the grass, unseen to the eye unless you knew they were there. When they came upon a wolf that had Xavier pinned, it quickly and silently swallowed him. No sound was heard as the wolf disappeared into the shadows.  Xavier's wolf stood and looked around, his eyes landing on me. I shrugged, silently telling him that I had nothing to do with it. Movement caught my eye right behind Xavier. A pitch black wolf slunk out of the wood, prowling silently. I growled, my eyes narrowing on the wolf until he was the only thing I saw. And like a breath of wind my lycan pounced. Moving to the wolf in seconds.  The wolf stumbled at the sudden movement, and I smiled viciously. With one swipe of my clawed hand I took his head off. Xavier's wolf's eyes widened, his eyes moving from me to the black wolf. "He was going to kill you." I shrugged. The wolf shook his head before rubbing it along my torso making me laugh.  That was a bed idea. My laugh caught the attention of the other wolves, their head snapping towards me and growls erupting from them. The guys instantly surrounded me, all of them in wolf form. But where there were five of us, there were ten of them. We were out numbered, and three of us were hurt. I couldn't use my shadows, and I couldn't bring out my lycan. The wolves were fast but not as fast as my lycan, but all the same I couldn't get to all of them before some got to they guys.  "Eli. Do you think the two of us will be enough?" I asked. The guys growled but I ignored them. I could see the wheels turning in Eli's mind. Not just about my question but rather or not he wanted me to fight with him. I knew he was torn between protecting me and protecting his pack. But the pack slowly closing in on us made the decision for him. His golden wolf nodded ever so slightly, keeping his eyes on the pack. I smiled. The need to avenge my mates bubbling in me like a flowing river. My claws extended longer than before, fangs grew from my mouth. I didn't give the others time to attack, I wouldn't be put on the defensive. I lunged, aiming for the leader of the approaching pack. My sudden attack stunned them. They didn't expect a female to fight them, that's where they went wrong.  I easily slit the throat of the first wolf, moving on the next. Growls erupted around me when the realized that I indeed posed a threat. Together Eli and I fought back to back, fending off the attack of the other wolves. They were fast, but not fast enough. One came at me, his large jaws agape aiming for my throat. I waited for him to get close before swiping my hand out cutting his lower jaw from his snout. The yelp and whine that fell from the wolf was pure agony. It writhed on the ground, returning to its human form.  That was not something I ever wanted to see again. He lay on the ground cradling his face. His entire lower jaw was missing leaving a gaping hole in his face. You could see everything. It was unsettling and made my stomach roll as bile filled my throat. I had to look away, focusing on the other wolves. He wouldn't pose a threat any longer.  Looking around we had five of the ten wolves down. The rest of them circled us. I could see the reluctance in some of their eyes, fear in the others. I growled whenever one of them looked over to my injured mates, pulling their attention back to me.  The shadows pulsed under us, and I could feel it's impatience as it waited for the rest of them to attack. They wanted the distraction, they wanted to swallow another wolf. Their desire for blood rivaling my lycans. It was hard not to use them, not to call on my lycan. I could end this now, end all of them with one thought. And why not, they wouldn't be around anymore to reveal who or what I was, they'd be dead. Their bodies decaying somewhere the shadows took them.  As if on my thoughts were enough the shadows creeped across the ground until it circled under the remaining wolves. All of them unaware of the danger that was just below their paws. I just sighed in defeat as I straightened and retracted my claws and fangs. The shadows would do what they wanted until I could control them fully, I wasn't able to stop them.  Eli's wolf looked over at me like I'd lost my mind. I just held up my hand and shook my head. Three, two one. The second my last finger dropped the shadows rose, swallowing all five wolves at once. Their howls and snarls drown out by the density of the shadows. When the shadows seeped back to me, the wolves were gone. There was nothing in the forest left to even indicate they were here.  "What the hell were you thinking?" Alaric roared storming up to me. His hands grasped my shoulders and he jerked me off my feet so I was eye to eye with him. "Your father told you not to use them. You could've been caught." He was shaking me like a rag doll, my teeth clattered at the movement. "Alaric stop." I demanded wrapping my hand around his arm.  As if realizing what he was doing he lowered me to my feet and crossed his arms over his chest. His very bare, very muscular chest. Heat flooded my cheeks and I snapped my away looking over his shoulder, only to be met with the other three lined behind him, each equally as naked. What the hell? I screeched to myself turning my back to them. I shouldn't be embarrassed at seeing them, but seeing all four at once was overwhelming.  "I was thinking I wanted to protect you." I retorted. "I was thinking that I didn't want to lose you, any of you. We were out numbered. You Xavier and Lucas were hurt. Eli and I were outnumbered and I couldn't reveal myself. They reacted, I still don't know how to fully control them. Just be thankful it was only the shadows, I don't even know what the darkness is or what it could do." I crossed my arms over my chest. I was angry that they put themselves in danger. Angry that they were angry with me for helping. Angry that they were angry period. I didn't do anything wrong. "How did you even find us?" Lucas asked. I felt as he got closer and I jerked away from him. "Look on Xavier and Eli's chest." I grumbled. "I followed the bond."  I didn't say another word before I walked away making my way back to the cabin. I knew the way, it was basically a straight shot. I could feel the guys on my heels but I ignored them. Two could play at their game. I could be angry too, but at least my anger was justified. I couldn't believe they would get so mad over me fighting for them. I've done it before, more than once.  I stalked in the cabin and up the stairs, all but slamming the door to my room. The air was still permeated with the smell of me and Eli. The memories from earlier flashed through my mind, some of my anger leaving me with the love, care and passion he had shown me.  I groaned as I slid down the wall pulling my knees to my chest. What did I do wrong? I wondered as I tucked my head between my knees. Did they not want me to protect them? Did they want me to stay away when they were in danger? When they were being attacked? What did they expect me to do if they were hurt, dying? Surly they didn't expect me to stand on the sidelines and do nothing.  A knock sounded on the door but I ignored it. I kept myself tucked in my little corner, the shadows creeping around me and crawling over my skin offering me comfort. It was only when I heard their footsteps did I stiffen, my entire body going rigid. I really didn't feel like being yelled at again. I braced myself anyway, knowing that one or all of them were going to yell at me for what happened.  Instead, Xavier sat beside me pulling me onto his lap. My hair fell around me hiding me from him and the others. It offered me a barrier, something to use when I wanted to hide, when I didn't want to be seen. So I ducked as deeply as I could behind my hair, letting it fall to cover the entirety of my body.  "When did you find out about the mark?" Xavier asked me softly. I stayed quiet for a little while, still waiting to be berated by the others. When none came I sighed. "A few hours ago." I murmured in a low voice. I felt like I was back to the person I was when I first came to them and I didn't like it. But they had all teamed up against me. Stood behind Alaric as he yelled and shook me until my teeth chattered.  When I felt Alaric's presence get closer I tensed again, my hands balling into fists, my nails digging into the palms of my hand so hard I could smell the metallic copper scent of the blood they drew. Alaric grabbed my hands and smoothed them out. He gently wiped the blood away and held both of my hands in his. His touch was cool compared to Xavier's, sending a chill through me I couldn't repress.  "I'm sorry Fallon. I never should have done that to you. I shouldn't have yelled at you the way I did." He spoke softly and I could hear the remorse in his voice. "And we never should have stood behind him while he did it." Eli spoke up. They were right, they shouldn't have. I still don't understand why they did.  "Why?" I asked. "What did I do wrong?" I finally looked up to them, their faces blurred behind tears. "I...I only wanted to help, wanted to protect you, all of you." I shook my head wiping the tears away with the ball of my hand. "I..." I froze for a minute, unsure if I should continue. "I...I love all of you." I whispered. "I don't want to lose you. When I felt Xavier's fear, felt his anxiety then his pain, I got angry. He was hurt, which meant all of you were. I couldn't just stand by and let it happen."  They all stared at me, their eyes blazing. Xavier snuggled into the crook of my neck. "I love you Fallon. I'm not angry that you helped or that you fought. Hell, I'm not even angry at you. I was angry you were put in danger." His breathed.  Alaric's grip on my hands tightened, his blue eyes brimmed with emotion he would normally kept hidden. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. I could see everything I needed to see shinning in the depths of his eyes. I reached out and caressed his cheek, he covered my hand with his and leaned into my touch, something he never would have done before.  I already knew how Eli felt. I could still smell it in the room. Could still feel it on my skin and in my heart. I could feel his love burning through our mark on a soul deep level. Eli wasn't a person that showed emotion. He kept to himself, didn't get attached. With me it was different. I could see and feel everything just by looking into his eyes.  Lucas was smiling. A smile that all but lit up the room. His joy and carefree attitude was an act though, one he put on daily to appease the others, to help himself feel better or to help himself believe something. But right now, I could see true happiness, true joy. There was no act, not pretenses in his eyes. "You know I love you." He said squatting down to place a kiss on my lips. I wanted to snatch him by the collar of his shirt and lock him to me. But it was at that moment a yawn decided to escape me.  The guys laughed. "You need rest." Alaric said picking me up from Xavier's lap. He held me close to him, our bodies flush against each other. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my cheek against his chest, snuggling into him. A low chuckle rumbled through him as he rested his chin on top of my head. "I'll be here in the morning little star." He whispered.  My breathing hitched at the nickname. Little star, I loved it. And he knew how much I loved the dark, the moon and the stars and he gave me a nickname after what I loved. I smiled against his chest, unable to hide my joy. "I know you will be." I replied. "That doesn't mean I want to let you go though." And it was true, I didn't want to let him go. I wanted to hold him close, I wanted to reassure myself that he was alive, that he was okay.  I pulled back slightly and glanced over his body, looking for any injury that could be life threatening, any injury that was still openly bleeding. But there was none. He was still bruised. His lip was split, and he had a black eye and bruise forming on his cheek, but otherwise looked alright. Alaric lifted my face to his, his blue eyes boring into mine. "I'm alright." He assured me. "Just a little bruised. I'll be healed by morning." I just nodded, still holding him to me. "Would it make you feel better if I stayed with you tonight?" He asked gently, pushing a stray hair behind my ear. I nodded.  "Very well." He whispered, kissing my forehead. He pushed me to the bathroom where I took another shower to clean the blood off of me. I quickly dried and dressed for bed only to find Alaric already showered and lounging on the bed, his arms behind his head. He was naked from the waist up, sweats hung low on his waist showing the 'V' that dove beneath the waist band. My mouth dried as I looked over him. "Like what you see?" He teased.  My cheeks flushed, but I nodded. "Yes." I whispered. Alaric laughed and opened his arms to me. I smiled and all but pounced on him, snuggling into his side like I couldn't be close enough. "Sleep now little star. We have a long and dangerous day tomorrow." He kissed the top of my head and turned off the lamp. I yawned, my eyes closing. The last thing I remember was falling asleep to the steady rhythm of Alaric's heartbeat.
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