Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Guys, I really don't know about this." I said nervously playing with my hands in front of me, unease was eating its way through me. I was trying not to hunch my shoulders to make myself smaller, they wouldn't let me wear my hair down to hide behind. They were taking all my normal defenses against the world. Being around them was fine, but I'd never been in a large group before and just by the sheer amount of people making their way with us, I knew there would be a lot of people here. "I'm sorry Fallon." Lucas said taking my hand. "We don't have a choice but to bring you." His words were a mix of a growl and resigned sigh. I gripped his hand tighter in mine, thankful for the support he was lending me all the same. They didn't want me showing weakness, but for someone like me, in a new place with new people, it was hard.  "You should only have to meet them briefly. Once they are satisfied that you don't pose a threat we'll be free to leave." Xavier told me. I'm sure he meant to be reassuring, but his voice was hard and gruff. Meaning he wasn't even as sure of his words as he was trying to make me believe.  By the time we reached the clearing my nerves were at their breaking point. At first I noticed three things. One, the clearing was huge. I couldn't even begin to imagine how much land they had to clear for what they needed. Two, there were hundreds of small camps cluttered all together. Each of them having their own small space, and what looked like would be a fire at some point. Everyone looked to be separated by pack. And three, you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.  Growls and snarls could be heard from all around. Murderous glances were being cast all over the place by different men, while the few women I noticed tried to keep themselves small and hidden behind their men. The guys weren't kidding when they said this could be dangerous, it looked like a brawl could break out at any second, and there was no telling where it could come from. Everyone was staring at everyone as if they were a threat.  It wasn't until the guys steered me towards a small camp towards the back of the groups that I got even the hint of a few smiles. The people looked a little friendlier, the two women I saw were laughing as they sat on their men's laps, the man's arms wrapped protectively around their waist. "Look who finally showed up." Someone bellowed. My brows furrowed when I saw what I assumed to be a boy stood up. He looked no older than seventeen or eighteen. He still that pudgy baby face about him, his eyes a bit too round for his face telling me how frightened he really was despite his confidence.  "Sit down before you get yourself killed Mason." Alaric growled shoving the boy down by his shoulder. I couldn't disagree with Alaric. The boy looked almost frail compared to the other wolves around. He wasn't as bulky muscle wise, he was actually quite thin. He was shorter than most, and by the way his face paled at just Alaric, I knew he had no chance at facing the council or anyone else here at this gathering.  "So who is this?" A voice came from behind me, someone picking up my hair and sniffing it. I stifled my gasp as I whirled around to face whoever invaded my personal space. I swatted his hand away with narrowed eyes. "Don't touch me." I snarled, pulling my braid over my shoulder into my hands. The man didn't even have time to respond before he was pinned to the ground by his throat. Alaric snarling above him while the others led me our seats.  I sat with my back to the forest grumbling, crossing my arms over my chest. "He meant no harm Fallon." Eli assured me. My eyes snapped to his. "Harm or not he shouldn't have touched me." I argued. Eli nodded his agreement as he turned to watch Alaric and the other man. By this point Alaric was standing making his way over to us, leaving the man to clamber to his feet growling. "He won't bother you again." Alaric assured me, taking his seat beside me. I smiled my thanks at him and turned to survey the crowd.  It had stopped growing, so I assumed everyone was here. The way we were all packed together like sardines was making a cold sweat break out along my hairline but I fought to keep my nerves in check. "Now is the time for the challenges." Alaric leaned over telling me. "Later after everything has settled the council will come out and make rounds to speak with the people they summoned. They may not get to us tonight so be ready to come back tomorrow if we have to."  I couldn't even respond before a fight not far from us broke out. I shot to my feet and stumbled back until I was under the canopy of the forest. The guys didn't follow, they could still see me, and knew I was safe. I watched the fight wide eyed. The two men didn't shift, they went to blows the old fashioned way. And unless I was seeing things, by the look of the frantic woman, it was over being her mate. How was this allowed? How was someone allowed to take someone else's mate? What if the wolves didn't accept the other?  Mate's death. The whisper was blown to me on a silent wind and my jaw dropped. The mate battles was a fight to the death. Reality struck me like a sledge hammer. The actual possibility of losing one of my men. If the mate didn't die, the woman's wolf would never accept another. I watched in morbid fascination as the two men beat each other to a pulp. Blood coated the two men and the ground at their feet, tears spilled down the woman's face. I wanted to go comfort her, but I knew putting myself out there was a bad idea.  When a loud and echoing crack thundered through the trees I looked back in time to see one of the men to drop to the ground, his body still and lifeless. The woman releases a shrill and relieved screech, throwing her arms around who I was assuming was her mate. I was glad to see things worked out. This time.  Movement near my feet caught my attention and I looked down to see the oddest looking fox pup I'd ever seen. Its body was black, under its chin and down its belly was white, its ears were tipped in white. But the weirdest thing, it had nine tails swishing around it, each one tipped in white like its ears. Its black eyes looked up at me sadly as it chattered at me, its front paws pawing at my feet.  "Where is you mother?" I asked him, picking him up and scratching between its ears. The fox gave me another chittering sound, rubbing its head into my chest as I turned and scanned the forest. But as I suspected it was still. No animal in their right mind would come near such a large group of predators, the fox pup was alone. I continued to stroke the pup's fur still scanning the forest even knowing the creature was alone. The least I could do was try though, I knew too well what it felt like to be alone.  "Fallon? What are you doing?" Eli asked from behind me. I turned and pointed to the sleeping form curled in my arms. All nine tails were wrapped around the pup protectively as its little body slept peacefully. "Trying to find its mother." I answered honestly. Eli walked up to me cautiously and peered down at the creature like it would bite him. "Where did you get that Fallon?" Eli asked me. "He found me. He came out of the bushes over there and started pawing at my feet. He's the oddest fox Eli." I said scratching the fox between his ears, earning a me a purr. "It has nine tails." I looked up from the fox to Eli smiling. "I want to keep him. He's alone and needs someone to take care of him. He needs me." My voice dropped to a whisper. The thought of actually being needed by something making me smile.  "Do you know what he is?" Eli asked. "A fox?" I answered questioningly. Eli shook his head slowly. "He is a Kitsune. A creature most thought to be extinct. Though small, they are powerful creatures. Their colors reveal their power. Red usually means it will have the power of fire, white means snow and ice, gold or blonde gives them power over light. The more rare deep purple have spirit magic. But I've never heard of a black kitsune." Eli moved forward and scratched the pups ears making him sigh and cuddle into my arms deeper. I just laughed.  "We can keep him. But Fallon, be careful. A kitsune, especially and unknown one is powerful. Once it bonds it will stay by your side, you'll never get rid of him. Think of him almost like a witch's familiar. That's what he'll be to you."  "There you are." The tension in Alaric's voice sent my nerves on edge, my sudden rigidness waking the tiny kitsune pup in my arms. I didn't think, I quickly tore my hair free of it's braid and released my hair for it to flow down my back. The kitsune took this as his permission to run and hide behind my hair, which is exactly what I wanted. I knew Alaric wouldn't care, but something in his voice told me he wasn't alone. 
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