Chapter 70-The Struggle is Real

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(Amira) "You need to eat My Love." Kamaris whispered against me as I sighed sleepily, causing him to bite down on my shoulder playfully. "Mhmm." Was all I could manage as he laughed against my skin. "Come, let's go get some food." He said softly as he pulled out of me, causing me to groan unhappily. He looked at my pouting lip as he threw his head back, and groaned. " do you keep getting even cuter?" He said before reaching forward and kissing me slowly. I smiled against his lips, feeling my stomach flutter as I leaned into him. "Does that mean I can get away with more stuff?" I asked excitedly, causing him to laugh. "The opposite actually, I won't be taking my eyes off of you for even a second." He quipped, biting my lip roughly as he left his mark. I didn't even wince as he sucked me slowly, cleaning the blood off of me. Just then I felt his magic wash over me. I was now wearing a black fur-lined leather top and leather pants with black boots to match. Wow..I was given pants for the second time now..what a luxury. I felt the earrings he gave me dangling from my ears as I smiled softly. "I see we moved past the revealing clothes stage." I said with a wry smile. He frowned now, his hands wrapping around my waist as he bent over me. "The less attention the better." He added firmly, his hands sliding up to my bare throat as he held me gently. "Only one more place to leave my mark." He grinned as he leaned forward, biting me roughly and sucking. I groaned as he gasped against my skin. "f**k Amira, you drive me crazy." He mumbled quickly as he growled into my neck. Just then he pulled away, his chest heaving as he looked at me. "You need to eat before I take you again." His voice filled with wanting, I could tell it was hard to restrain himself as I looked up at him. His strong lean body towered over me as the sight of him alone made between my legs ache. His black hair was draped behind his back and his red-tinted lips were swollen from our contact. I groaned and laid back in the bed, putting my arm over my eyes as he chuckled. "How much I want you...It's almost unbearable." He spoke softly, his hand rubbing my covered thighs sensually. I peeked out from my arm, looking at him as his eyes sparkled. I definitely needed to eat before we did anything else, I just had to fight this urge. I nodded my head, sitting up as I sighed. "Okay, I'm ready." I stated confidently and went to climb off of the bed. "Wait." He said quickly, pulling me into him once more. His lips finding mine as he slowly claimed me once more, his tongue sliding inside of me, massaging my own hungrily as his urges began to take over. His hands found my breast as he squeezed me tightly, making me chuckle against him. "I thought I needed to eat." I said teasingly against him. He pulled away, his eyes a new blue I hadn't seen yet. They were dark but still swirling as if his shadows were mixing within the blue. "This is going to be a lot f*****g harder than I thought." He said, bringing his hands up to his face as he brushed my hair back and groaned. I sat up on my knees, my arms wrapping around his neck as I smiled at him innocently. Maybe it was because our mirror bond was newly revealed..but I felt it too..this urge to stay in bed with him for days. "It's just one meal, we can get through it." I stated sweetly as his hands lowered down my waist, feeling my curves and settling on my ass. "Easier said than done." He grumbked while squeezing my butt roughly. I chuckled and reached back, pulling his hands off of me as I spoke. "Well this certainly doesn't help." I added while sliding off of the bed and walking towards the door. Before I could even reach it he ran up behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist once more as his mouth found my neck. "Can you blame me? My soul has been waiting for you for one thousand and twenty-six years." He groaned against my neck, causing my heart to burst..his words made me melt inside, making everything that much more real. Suddenly his age settled in as I looked at could he live that long..and the fact that he was all alone. My heart suddenly began to ache, prompting me to turn in his arms. "You will never have to be alone again, I promise." I said quietly, looking into his eyes as emotion filled me. Kamaris bent down, his lips crashing into mine as he kissed me tenderly. My words meaning more to him than I will probably ever know. I pulled back smiling and reached for his hand. "Let's go." I said happily and began pulling him out of the door, his feet dragging behind him as if he regretted ever mentioning food, to begin with. I opened the door and we were now in a hallway that led us to a cozy-looking living room. The fireplace was burning and the lights were dimmed as something delicious smelling wafted towards us. There was a brown couch with a fur throw on the back. Every piece of furniture seemed as if it had been made from the trees that surrounded this village. Kamaris walked ahead of me, his eyes flickering back as he stared at me. Just then Namoka popped her head around the corner, causing me to jump. "There you two are, dinners about ready, come on in and sit down." She said with a smile. Her eyes glanced between the two of us as I smiled back, embarrassment filling me from the disheveled appearance I must have. We rounded the corner and noticed Alden was aready sitting at the table, his hair was down and he was actually wearing something other than armor. He had on a brown mid-sleeve shirt and deep red pants. I had to use all of my strength not to gasp and let my mouth drop open. His maroon hair went down to his back and he was smiling as he ruffled Kavi's hair who was sitting right next to him. Across the table sat Marcus who was letting out a deep laugh. Alden locked eyes with me and smiled brightly, he looked..happy. I couldn't help but smile back at him as Kavi waved happily, scooting over and making room for me on the bench next to her by the table. Kavi had to be seven or eight from the looks of her. She had dark hair and huge brown eyes which shone brightly as she stared up at me. She was so adorable and I coukd tell she already had Alden wrapped around her little finger. Marcus chuckled, his laughter filling the room as he looked over towards us. "She has been waiting for you to sit by her since we got to the table." He spoke loudly and smiled brightly. Kamaris squeezed my hand, his mouth twitching into a frown as I looked at him. "Kamaris sit by me, we have a lot to catch up on my friend." Marcus said enthusiastically. Kamaris glanced back at me, as he nodded his head tightly. I leaned into him, kissing his lips softly. "I will be right across the table baby." I said teasingly and he frowned even more, annoyance already reaching him as if I would be halfway across the world. I walked over to the table, glancing towards the rustic kitchen as I saw Namoka and another woman laughing and dishing out food. It smelled absolutely amazing in here from whatever food they had prepared for us. The other woman also had dark hair and was very petite, she looked a lot like Namoka but her body was not as athletic. She looked more feminine and dainty as she smiled warmly. She wore a pretty floral dress that was light green. I walked towards Kavi and Alden as I watched his gaze focus on me intently before leaning behind Kavi and whispering to me. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked quietly, looking into my eyes as I nodded my head. "A lot has happened in the last few days." I said with a small laugh. "Kamaris are you even listening?" I heard Marcus say as I looked over. Kamaris was clenching his fists, his eyes glaring over at me and Alden as his shoulders tensed. I quickly leaned back over to my seat and fiddled with my napkin in front of me. I knew I was close to being in trouble. Alden chuckled and leaned back into his own seat, his eyes glancing into the kitchen now as the two women began approaching. Just then I heard a door open from the other room and Marcus yelled out. "Hey, you're late." His head turned towards the living room as a younger man walked in, who looked to be close to the same age as me. He strode in with a broad smile as his eyes met mine, causing him to pause. Marcus stood, walking up to the young man as he slapped his hand on the boy's back playfully. "Go help your mom and aunt, I told you we would have guests." He said quietly smirking as the young man blinked and looked away from me quickly. He looked a lot like Marcus, his head was shaved on both sides but his body was long and lanky. I quickly noticed he had a wolf tattoo on his arm as he ran his hands through his hair. Kamaris was staring at me intently as Marcus went to sit down once more. "Sorry, my son Kaden was out practicing with the soldiers. Alden, I hope you are ready." Marcus said as his eyes seemed to light up. Alden laughed and nodded his head in response. "Of course, I would actually like to get Kaden into the ring one-on-one to see how much he has improved." He said while glancing back into the kitchen. I looked down, noticing Kavi was scribbling on something in her lap. "What do you have there?" I asked softly. Her big brown eyes glanced up, meeting mine before pulling a book out that she was scribbling on and showing it to me. It was a picture of a horse and it looked just like Ash, I could tell by the color of his blue eyes. "That's really great." I said with a wide smile..then suddenly I felt a small kick against my foot prompting me to look up. I noticed Kamaris was staring at me, his eyes now black as he peered into me, he was really struggling. "Sit over here." He mouthed to me. I blinked at him and before I could do anything Namoka, Kaden, and the other woman walked in, they each were carrying a plate in their hands as Alden stood quickly, helping the young woman. "Here Nati, let me help you." He said, quickly standing and taking the plates from her.
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