Chapter 71-Family Dinner

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(Amira) The woman named Nati fluttered her eyelashes at Alden, her cheeks reddening while she spoke shyly. "Thank you Alden." Her voice was soft and dainty as she went to sit across from him. It was so clear, this woman had an obvious crush on Alden...I mean, you would have to be blind not to see it.. I glanced at Marcus who met my gaze, making a smirk pull on his face as if he knew exactly what I must've been thinking. Then I looked at Kamaris next, realizing his arms were now crossed as he began to actually pout! It was adorable even though he looked absolutely miserable. I was about to get up and give in to him when Kaden walked over next to me, placing a dish down on the table. "Here you go." He spoke softly as I nodded my head in thanks and smiled up at him, realizing his cheeks seemed to redden now as well.. He swiftly sat next to Kamaris, keeping his eyes on the table as he began fidgeting with his fork nervously. I looked down at the food while inhaling smelled heavenly, the scent alone causing my mouth to water as I soon realized I was starving. The meat on the plate appeared to be some type of pork with roasted potatoes and carrots. The food looked so comforting and homemade that something inside of me began to stir. This was honestly the first time I felt as if I were eating a real home-cooked meal in a very long time, even before Alysian. "It looks incredible, thank you." I complimented, my heart swelling just from seeing this family around me and appearing so happy. I glanced at Kamaris, my foot sliding out as I slowly rubbed against his leg, surprised I could even reach that far.. Maybe one day Kamaris and I will have a home like this..a family like this. The mere idea made my heart flutter. I knew I was reaching but when I looked at him, his eyes gleamed as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. Just then I noticed Kaden shift, his brown eyes widening as if he were startled befoee they darted to me. I blinked in confusion, looking down, and suddenly realized it wasn't Kamaris's leg I was rubbing had been Kaden's all this time! I quickly jerked my foot away, slamming my knee on the table as embarrassment filled me before I grabbed my water and began chugging it quickly. Kamaris looked at me in confusion and I couldn't look freaking mortifying!! "So Kamaris, are you going to let Amira learn some training at least while you are here?" Namoka asked him with a smirk. Okay..that got my attention. I looked over at Kamaris, wondering what he would say but I had an inclination what it would be. "No." He said flatly. Yep..that was exactly what I had expected him to say. Marcus placed his hands down on the table roughly, causing my water to shake as he spoke. "And why the hell not?" He asked loudly. I wasn't sure if he was mad or if this was just always what he was like. Suddenly Kavi put her drawing pad on the table, showing me a cute little bunny she had drawn, her small hand passing the pencil to me now. She pointed to the paper excitedly, signaling me to draw. I took it gently as I smiled and nodded at her trying to keep one ear on the conversation as I began to sketch a cute little dog on the paper. "Because she will be with me so there is no need for her to protect herself." Kamaris said firmly, his fork stabbing a piece of meat as I felt his gaze burning into me. I continued to look down at the paper, trying not to get involved. Man was he moody tonight... I used to love to draw when I was younger. I would sketch in my free time, taking my art supplies with me during my hikes as I would draw the seasonal flowers and birds that I would see. Namoka laughed now, I could tell it was getting heated. "Maybe it's you she needs protection from." She said smugly. My eyes shot up, looking at Kamaris as he gazed into me. I shook my head softly, I could tell he was about to snap. He took a calming breath, his eyes closing slowly as I noticed Kaden staring at me too. I quickly avoided his gaze as I looked down at the paper, sketching a small bird sitting on the dog's head, causing Kavi to laugh. I smiled widely as I handed her back the paper. "Your turn." I whispered playfully before picking my fork up and eating again. This time Alden spoke up. "Kamaris, it wouldn't hurt to have her at least watch. I think you should get in the ring tomorrow too. It is tradition." He said smiling wryly as Kamaris sighed. I wondered what I had missed as I looked between them now in confusion. "Fine, but I don't want her participating. Do you hear me Namoka?" He said glancing over at her. She lifted her hands up in mock surrender before smiling as if she had just won whatever argument they had. "I hear you loud and clear..I know not to mess with the mirror soul bond." She added. Just then Kaden whipped his head up, glancing at me. "Mirror Soul?" He rushed out, this being the first time he had spoken all dinner. The information that Kamaris found his mirror soul seemed to shock him..with reason of course. Marcus reached his hand over, wrapping it around Kaden's shoulders as he spoke. "See what happens when you are miss a lot." He teased with that booming laugh I aas starting to get used to. I couldn't help but smile and suddenly Nati spoke up, her soft voice such a contrast to Marcus's loud one. "Amira you can sit with me and Kavi tomorrow and we can the watch tournament together." She said with a smile. I quickly glanced at Kamaris, his head nodding slightly as I looked back at her. So there was some type of event going on. "Thank you, I would love to." I smiled in response as Kavi slid the paper back to me. This time there was a fox etched on the paper, its fur was silver and its eyes matching. I blinked in surprise, knowing I had seen this fox before. I glanced at her and she smiled softly, not seeming to notice my shock. I mustered a smile and looked into those fox's eyes. It couldn't be the same, how would she know about Terik's fox form..maybe it was just a coincidence. I grabbed the pencil and quickly drew a cute little pig, causing her to laugh as she lifted it up showing Alden. Alden chuckled, his eyes gleaming as he leaned forward, speaking to me. "You are good at drawing Amra." He said happily and embarrassment filled me. I don't know why but having any type of attention pointed towards me made me feel awkward. I smiled at him and suddenly kamaris spoke up. "Let me see Kavi." He blurted in annoyance like he was being left out. She lifted it and he nodded, looking at me once more as he seemed to be studying me. I smiled at him as it looked as if he were ready to jump across the table just to get to me. Marcus spoke up now, a more serious tone filling his deep baritone voice. "Kamaris, Namoka, and I wanted to let you know. You are welcome to stay here as long as you like. Especially considering..well we had reservations before." He said, clearing his voice as he looked towards me. "I don't think you would know this but Theia was the reason our people had to go into hiding. Her armies hunted the seveca, forcing them to bow to the light kingdom." He explainrd while glancing towards Alden now, his eyes softening. "This man right here, he is the reason we are here today. Making it possible for us to hide before her armies could destroy our land. From that day forward he has become my brother, my friend..we will always be indebted to him." He said pointing towards Alden as I felt the room fill with silence and gratitude. Alden nodded his head, the sentiment bringing warmth to his eyes. Then Marcus turned to Kamaris, his hand patting him on the back. "The day Kamaris killed her and spared Alden, we knew he would be the one we allied with. We celebrated the day we heard the lady of light had been killed. So to hear you were her possibly have part of her soul. You could see why we would be hesitant." He said softly. I looked down at my plate as I spoke softly, feeling sad for these people who have suffered so much. "I'm sorry..sometimes I feel like if I knew..if I had known who she was or what purpose I had in it. Maybe I could have done something.." I stated softly and just then Kamaris slammed his hand on the table, causing me to jump. I looked up, meeting his gaze as he was fuming. "Don't ever think like didn't know anything about Theia or what she was, or what she did. You are innocent in all of this.." he declared firmly, keeping my gaze as I nodded. That had been the first time he had ever defended me about being Theia’s reincarnation. "Besides, you weren't born for were born for me." He said breathlessly, our eyes burning into each other as my heart began to beat rapidly. It was as if I could feel him, his heart beating along with mine as his scent filled me. We know now from Mabel that I was brought here for another reason..but the people around us can't know that.. Just then Namoka laughed loudly, causing Marcus to join in. "I don't think I have ever seen Kamaris this full of emotions in all my years of life." She said with a grin, as she reached for her wine and took a drink. Alden chuckled as I looked down at my plate once more, realizing I had barely eaten anything. Then I glanced at the notebook next to me and now saw a hand with a rainbow, and looked up at Kavi. "What is this?" I asked quietly, looking at the drawing once more. She leaned into me, whispering. "Can I see it? The light? Like that time in the darkness." She said softly, causing me to pull back and look at her in shock. How did she know about that?
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