Chapter 51-New Friends

2577 Words
(Amira) I brushed my hair slowly, my eyes darting to Kamaris in the mirror as he watched me Intently, making a smile pull at the corner of my lips. "Can I help you with something?" I asked playfully, making Kamaris's eyes darken as he stepped closer to me, his hand reaching out and sliding across my throat. "Well, if you are offering my love.." He whispered, making me burst into laughter before shaking my head. "Are you never satisfied? We had been at it all morning.." I grumbled, making him bend before placing his mouth against my throat while dragging his palm down and cupping my breast. "Oh, that's the thing, my Dear Amira..I am so satisfied that I want to keep being satisfied over and over again.." He smirked before biting down on my neck causing me to gasp. Seriously though..we have been at it for the past two days. Kamaris wouldn't let me leave the room. I'm talking non stop s*x for hours at a time, two days straight. I was ready to go out and see what was going on. Plus I needed a real meal..I needed to eat without Kamaris between my legs or him interrupting me with something else. I slowly began to stand, making Kamaris reach for me and wrap his arms around my waist, holding me tightly. His nose was buried in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent as he began kissing me softly. "We better go eat." I managed to get out through a burst of giggles as he tickled me with his tongue. "I don't want to go, Cinead's going to piss me off somehow...I just know it." He grumbled, prompting me to pull back before peering up at his handsome face. "I cannot survive off of you alone Kamaris." I teased while making his eyes light up. "I would like to test that theory." He quipped slyly, leaning into me once more and pressing his mouth to mine. I laughed, trying to pull away, feeling his grip tighten even more. I began to frown, knowing we would never leave the room at this rate.. So I came up with a plan..I began kissing him sensually, waiting for him to loosen his grip...only he didn't... I knew I would have to act drastically then...I might pay for this later. I sucked in his bottom lip before running my tongue along it and quickly bit down hard, making Kamaris let me go quickly before gasping from surprise. I found my chance and pulled away, running towards the doors as I heard him calling out my name. "Amira, get the f**k back here right now!" He commanded in a frustrated tone. I yanked the door open, revealing Alden and Dante standing outside and waiting attentively. Thank god they were both okay now..Kamaris told me they were..but seeing them standing here made relief flood through me. Surprise filled Alden as he saw me running out of the room alone..but I didn't make it too far because I felt Kamaris run up behind me. His arms quickly reached out and wrapped around my waist before he picked me up easily...making my legs kick in the air as laughter filled me. I let out a small yelp, feeling Kamaris growl into me. "I can't wait to punish you for this one." He muttered excitedly, his words burning with anticipation. Kamaris let me go quickly and pressed me up against the wall as I looked up at him smiling, his eyes were blazing with desire. Kamaris's lip was already healed as fresh blood glistened on his skin. I reached up on my toes, sucking his lip into my mouth as he groaned..oddly enough, his blood tasted sweet to me. Kamaris pressed me to the wall roughly, his hips grinding into me as I felt him hard and ready for me once again. "You drive me f*****g insane." He whispered breathlessly against me as he pressed into me deeper. "Sorry about that.." I added innocently as he grabbed my hands, pinning them above me. "I want you to beg on your knees with that mouth of yours, showing me just how sorry you really are." He teased, desire behind each word, causing my stomach to flip. Just then I heard someone clear their throat, startling me as I realized we were now in a public space. "What is it Cinead?" Kamaris snapped with irritation in his voice, his eyes still burning into me. "As much as I would love to see Amira on her knees, can we please eat before Stella loses it? you know how temperamental she gets me she doesn't eat.." He said amusingly, looking at me as his crimson and orange eyes swirled. Kamaris let go of my hands slowly, leaning in as he kissed me tenderly. "We will finish this later." He threatened, Cinead's interruption causing clear frustration to fill him. He grabbed my hand and began to walk us down the hall. I couldn't look Alden or Dante in the face, considering they had witnessed the whole thing. Cinead slid up beside me as he walked with us. "Amira darling, you are looking stunning today I must say, especially after being cooped up with that grumpy bastard for so long..." He quipped while examining my body carefully. Today Kamaris picked a leather longsleeved dress for me, one that matched his armor perfectly. It actually wasn't revealing or too short...I loved it. I smiled politely at Cinead, trying not to laugh as Kamaris continued to look straight ahead, obvious annoyance filling him. Kamaris turned while still gripping my waist and brought us to a huge dining room with long open windows and red sheer curtains blowing in the wind. A round metal table sat in the center of the room, with chairs that matched perfectly and a large orange centerpiece in the middle. A huge crystal chandelier hung above. The crystals were orange and red, giving the appearance of flames burning right above the was stunning. Dragging my gaze to the table, I locked eyes with Stella, her hand waved at me excitedly as she smiled brightly. Her deep red hair was up in a slick bun and her dress was a burnt orange color that clung to her tightly, showing off her voluptuous body. "Amira! Come sit by me." She said cheerfully while patting the chair next to her. I began to walk over to her and Kamaris held my hand tightly, walking right with me. Stella couldn't help but smirk as I sat down, glancing over at Kamaris. "Dark Lord, you look happy this morning." She teased, earning a glare from Kamaris. To my surprise, Alden and Dante sat at the table with us too this time. I looked across and noticed Alden staring at me. I smiled at him gently and his eyes softened, his lips pulling into a soft smile as he studied me and Kamaris intently. I was so happy he ended up being okay..Alden was definitely the person I felt closer to besides Kamaris now. Glancing up, I watched as Cinead sat at the table before groaning. "I don't know about you guys but I have the worst headache this morning." He said while taking a sip of water, his eyes glaring at Kamaris. "Someone was up screaming all night..did anyone else hear that?" He said with a touch of humor. I felt my cheeks burning red as I started fumbling with the napkin in front of me, averting my gaze. They could hear us?! "You owe Stella an apology Kamaris, you know she gets jealous when others are having fun without her." He was trying to act serious but you could see his eyes swirling with excitement as he stared at Kamaris. I looked over at Stella sheepishly, feeling embarrassed by this whole situation. "It's okay lovely, Cinead was actually the one who was more jealous." She winked, causing me to almost joke on the water I tried to drink. "It must be hard for you fire boy, to meet a woman who isn't falling for your charms. Or perhaps you aren't as charming as you think..this might be a big wake-up call for you." Kamaris quipped..and I honestly thought he would be mad they were talking about this.. but he seemed to be just as amused. I couldn't help but smile, they all seemed like they had known each other for such a long time and it was nice to see Kamaris had friends..even if he wouldn't admit it. "That's where Stella comes in, where I lack in some areas, she thrives..sometimes it's just as fun to watch..who knows, maybe Amira is into that." Cinead winked making Kamaris clench his jaw before suddenly shooting a shadow out, making Cinead's chair tip back, causing him to fall onto the floor. "What the hell!" He yelled as I slapped my hand over my mouth while everyone at the table laughed. Even Alden was laughing.. I watched as Cinead sat back up before glaring at Kamaris who only pulled me closer to his side and kissed my head. I began glancing between Cinead and Stella, wondering why they don't get jealous about being with others..the mere idea of Kamaris with someone makes me want to puke..he is mine. "Amira, you look like you want to say something." Cinead stated curiously. I blinked rapidly, all eyes being drawn to me as I cleared my throat. "Well, I was just wondering what decides the Mirror souls, and how do you know when you meet them?" I asked quietly, not wanting to say exactly what I was thinking. But I was curious about how it all worked. Kamaris slid his hand across my thigh before gripping me possessively, making me wonder if talking about this made him feel uncomfortable. Cinead cleared his throat, preparing to speak while sitting up straighter. "Long ago, the original Athuney, the ones who were created at the beginning of time had the first mirror souls. We don't know exactly what decides the mirror souls, some think it's fate, chosen before we are born and others believe it to be the tree that makes the choice. But the original only loved their chosen half. Their gaze not wavering and their love enduring...the perfect other half to make you whole." He said, taking a sip from his wine glass as he stared at me. "Sibyls can confirm the mirror connection by looking at the souls, but you can sense it beforehand. That person feels like the most amazing one in the world. An instant attraction and connection that goes beyond lust." He paused looking at Stella then back to me. "Do you know the story of how our regions were created?" He asked and I shook my head no. I didn't know much about Alysian really.. "The original Athuney possessed all powers, eventually splitting them over time and breaking the land into regions. And an Athuney would be in charge of each one. So the immortals were given a special person, a mate if you will, to continue that bloodline and make their offspring fit to rule the lands when it was time to pass it on." He spoke softly, his hand reaching out and playing with the stem of his glass. "But as time went on the mirror bond weakened for some and can be broken or taken for granted.." "Take Theia and Terik for example, he loved her unconditionally but Theia turned to black magic and was tempted by another, their connection not strong enough to withstand it considering the magic ate away at her soul." Cinead explained before taking another sip, eyeing Kamaris as he spoke. Kamaris's expression was empty, his eyes not giving anything away. "Where are the original Athuney now?" I asked softly, wondering if I had ever met one, was Dalia an original? To my surprise Dante spoke now, his green eyes flashing to mine. "No one knows, they have been gone for thousands of years, some think they found their own paradise, living somewhere beyond in another world, others think they are the gods that we pray to, watching over Alysian but not interfering." He spoke ominously, causing a chill to run through me. So all the original Athuney are gone..I wondered what had happened to them considering they would have been immortal. I studied Dante as he reached out, drinking from his wine glass and I soon realized I knew nothing about him really. "Where did they come from?" I asked curiously, silence filling the room as goosebumps tickled my flesh. Dante looked at me once again, speaking softly. "The tree, all things were created from the tree of life. Even we Seveca..we came after the Athuney but our ancestors learned their own magic and ways to survive. The Athuney are here to rule our people and protect us." He said while taking a long drink from his glass. I wondered if Dante had also met his mirror soul if he was married or had a family. I looked down, grabbed my water, and drank slowly as I nodded softly. Just then the servers appeared through the large double doors behind us. Each person carried two trays and they placed them on the table. That's when a man setting one of the trays down in front of me, suddenly caught my eye as he glanced over at me more than once. His eyes were a light brown and he had curly black hair...the man continued to glance over at me as if he had seen me before or something. I looked down into my lap, feeling slightly uneasy as the man turned around, exiting the room with the rest of the staff. I glanced at Kamaris and realized he seemed stiff and cold, making me lean into him, wanting to be closer as he instantly relaxed. "Are you okay my love?" He whispered, making me nod my head and smile before he kissed me softly on the lips. The smells from the dishes in front of us filled the room, causing my mouth to water as I realized just how hungry I was.. Once we removed the lids, all the dishes looked incredible, I didn't know what to try first. Before I could even decide, kamaris began piling food onto my plate from every dish in front of us. Alden watched him intently, an amused look in his eyes as he met mine. He seemed as confused by Kamaris's behavior more than anyone. He must be used to Kamaris's mood swings the most though, considering he dropped his gaze and began putting food on his own plate. I grabbed my fork, smiling at Kamaris as his eyes burned into me. "Thank you." I spoke softly, his hand stroking me gently as he couldn't take his eyes off of me. I stabbed a piece of potato on my fork and brought it to my mouth, chewing slowly as the flavors made me want to delicious.. I looked up as Cinead met my eyes, his lips parting as he began to speak again. "Amira darling, considering you are Athuney now..tell much greater is the s*x?" He asked seductively, causing me to choke on my food as Kamaris whipped his head around, glaring at Cinead intently. "Cinead, for a second I almost believed you might make it through this meal without getting punched in the face."
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