Chapter 23-Miss Me?

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(Amira) I sat in the cell, the darkness surrounding me as I soon found myself humming a song my mother used to sing to me. The words fell from my lips as I whispered them softly. You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray I couldn't bring myself to finish it, those words hurting too much as those memories of the only person who ever loved me stung even more, knowing I would never feel love again. I laid back on the mattress looking up towards the ceiling as I imagined my old woods. Trying to remember the colors of the sky on a warm summer day. The butterflies that fluttered gently from flower to flower and the bumblebees that drifted lazily right behind them. I thought of all of those things I once took for granted. Suddenly the cell door creaked open, revealing Alden standing before me once more. I sat up, brushing my hair behind my ear as he spoke. "It's time for you to bathe." He said quietly, prompting me to stand just as his light illuminated the room and caused confusion to fill me. "My lord said you must bathe in here from now on." He spoke cooly, his hand bringing in a bucket of water and a sponge. "I will wait outside until you are done." His eyes wouldn't even meet mine as he set the bucket down and walked out of the cell, leaving the light on for me. I looked at the bucket, sticking my hand in the water, causing a chill to tremble through me...It was freezing, of course it was. Letting out a sigh, I clenched my hands into fists..trying not to let this get to me as annoyance filled me. I quickly stripped off my clothes, grabbing the sponge as I braced myself. I started on my arms as goosebumps rose on my dirt covered skin. I scrubbed quickly, trying not to shake uncontrollably as I quickly washed my chest and abdomen. Next, I did my legs and just ducked my head straight into the bucket, scrubbing my hair as much as I could. I didn't have a towel or anything to dry off with so I wrung my hair out and tried to drip dry while shivering uncontrollably. I walked to the door, speaking through my chattering teeth. "Do I put on the same clothes?" I asked Alden, unsure of what he wanted me to wear. Suddenly he began opening the door making me back away as I covered myself with my old clothes before he walked in. "Here." He spoke softly, trying not to look at me as he extended his hand out. All that he had was a small black piece of fabric and something made out of silver chains. I blinked my eyes, confused by what he wanted me to do. Taking them I realized it was a thong...oh god..not again. I quickly put it on and then went to pull on the same dress I had worn earlier when Alden cleared his throat. "Just what I gave you." He said quickly, his expression as awkward as I felt. "I can't wear this out there." I spoke quietly before holding up the chains, my stomach dropping as I hid my full breasts beneath my hands. This is unreal.. "If you don't I will be forced to make you." He said almost apologetically. I sighed and quickly slipped on the chain top. My breasts were clearly visible and my butt was bare for all to see...this was humiliating! "Alden, I am practically naked..please don't make me go out there like this." I groaned, pleading with him to help me. He walked forward, opening the door, and waited for me to walk out. My body still shivering from the cold water and now the even colder chains that rubbed against my skin. "Let's go." He stated more firmly, clearly seeing my hesitation. "No." I blurted, feeling more surprised than Alden seemed to be by the word that escaped me. He blinked at me..his expression filled with disbelief. "Amira." He said firmly. I walked back and plopped down on the mattress, before swiftly crossing my arms in front of me. "I'm not going." I said vehemently, I am refusing to be humiliated like this. Alden walked into the cell, looking at me intently as he squatted down in front of me. "Amira..if I tell him you said no, do you understand what that means." He spoke softly, his tone surprising me. "I don't care anymore." I said quickly, looking away from him. "Well, I do." He quipped while grabbing my arm and pulling me up onto my feet. "Alden no!" I shouted, feeling like a toddler throwing a tantrum. "Do I have to carry you?" He asked roughly while pulling me out of the door as I tried to drag my feet. Just then he stopped, turning swiftly as he whipped me around, lifting me up and putting me over his shoulder, my butt bare for all to see. I kicked my feet as he held me firmly, my hands covering my face as embarrassment filled me. "You will thank me for this later when you're not suffering from breaking the bind agreement." He hissed at me, walking us up the stairs as I hid my face, hearing men and women laughing as I dared not look... How much more humiliating could this get?! "Fine! I will walk!" I said through clenched teeth as we were halfway there. Alden stopped, dropping me to the floor gently as I couldn't even look him in the eyes, my cheeks were burning red, I felt like a complete fool. I should have just walked to begin with, now half of Dolus has seen more of me than I have even seen of myself. I crossed my arms, stomping my way through the halls as I swear I saw Alden trying to hide a smile. I turned my head glaring at him, causing him to clear his throat as he continued leading me down the hall where men and women alike gawked and stared at my barely there outfit. This was the most humiliating thing I have ever done in my life, at least before I had a layer of fabric to comfort me. Now I had nothing but the cool air blowing on my ass. I marched to the dining room, fuming mad as I tried to catch my breath. Alden opened the door, letting me in as Kamaris sat in the chair. His posture straightened instantly as he saw me. I kneeled quickly, waiting for his command as he sat and stared. "Come." He spoke quickly, the anticipation of my embarrassment obviously exciting him. I stood up straight, walking over to him as I reached for the wine bottle. The hugest smirk filled his face as I filled his glass. "Did you miss me?" He asked arrogantly, the glass lifting to his lips as I ignored him. He sat up straighter, his eyes wandering my body as I stood back, waiting for the food to appear. My agitation rose even more as I felt like I might just explode. Those black eyes burned into me as I felt his gaze wandering my body. I couldn't hold it in any longer. "For someone who is disgusted by me, you sure like to stare." I spat, my words sharp and full of anger. He slammed his glass down, standing quickly as he stepped up to me...his face coming right next to my ear. "Who said I was disgusted with your body, maybe it's your face I don't like." He said quickly, causing me to flick my gaze to his black orbs, wishing I could punch him in the face..I never wanted to hit someone so badly in my life. "I'm sorry my appearance offends you so greatly my lord." I said dryly, feeling pissed off with all of this. "You're right..since it does, turn around." He responded cooly, causing my eyes to widen. Oh god, now he was going to ogle my butt... "Then how will I serve you?" I asked hastily, retracting my last words. He smiled brightly..the sight ofnit shocking me as his hands gripped my arms before he spun me around. "I'm sure you can think of something." He whispered into my ear and then I heard him go back to his seat and sit down. I felt his stare piercing my back as I stood there...the mere idea of him staring at my ass made a shiver tremble through me as my stomach began to ache. "Food is here my dear Amira." He said quickly, a smugness in his voice as I went to turn around. "No, I want to see this side of you at all times, I seem to like it much better." He stated arrogantly. I rolled my eyes as I took a step backwards, keeping my back towards him at all times as I turned my head slightly and began to serve him. Before I could even fully hand him his plate he yanked it out of my hands. "Kneel." He commanded and I began to walk towards the front door, going to kneel like always. "Not there, here." He blurted, making me turn my head slightly, and realized his hand was now pointing right next to his chair. I let out a sigh and walked backward, kneeling away from him with my back facing him while he ate. Suddenly I felt him reach out, his hands moving my hair over my shoulder, causing my back to be completely exposed. I sat kneeling as he ate, his fingers coming out and caressing my skin every now and then, causing a shiver to shudder through me as I closed my eyes tight. Suddenly I heard him put his fork down, my knees aching from kneeling so long as I realized he was now standing. Kamaris dragged his fingertips across my back while slowly coming around, appearing in front of me while looking down excitedly. "Now..what did we learn Amira?" He asked me wryly. The urge to call him an asshole was right at the tip of my tongue... But before I could even mutter a word, he began speaking again. "If I ever hear you say you want to f**k another man again...I will make you regret those words." He said lowly, his eyes burning into me as those black orbs reached the depths of my soul. I bit my lip, fighting the urge to curse him out right here. Why did he even makes no sense. "Do I make myself clear?" He asked me much more loudly, his finger slipping under my chin as he raised it. "Yes My lord." I said flatly, ready to be done with this. Suddenly kamaris leaned down, his hands sliding to my throat as his lips met mine, kissing me hungrily. I felt angry as my body stiffened, his tongue sliding between my lips as he began shoving it down my throat. His hand continued to stroke my neck, sending a shiver to run down my spine as something changed. This kiss seemed to last longer than most, his lips gliding against me fervently as he finally bit down, making me gasp. A deep growl escaped him as I felt those shadows wrap around me while he bit me harder. I was left gasping for air as soon as his lips left mine, my blood staining his skin as he licked them slowly. He is so barbaric...I thought to myself, feeling the warm blood drip down my chin. "See you tomorrow." He added quickly before turning around and walking out through the door, slamming it behind him. I rose to my feet and walked over to where he had just exited. I opened the door, wiped the blood from my chin, and noticed Alden was standing by the wall waiting for me. His eyes didn't even meet mine as he began leading me back to my cell...I was about to turn towards the stairs that led to the dungeon when Alden suddenly pulled me the other way, leading me up a large stone staircase. I looked at him with confusion wondering where we were going as he continued to walk straight ahead. Alden's arm gripped mine as my legs began to feel weak from the lack of nutrition and emotional exhaustion from yet another day of this. Suddenly he stopped us in front of a black wooden door. A raven was etched on the outside, matching my bind mark perfectly..what is this place? Across the hall, I noticed two larger doors that had feathers and skulls carved into them..just like the Lord of Darnkess's throne. My stomach dropped, this must've been his room... I stopped, my head hanging down, exhaustion filling me as I felt like my body was done with this. Alden looked at me, opening the raven door and pulling me inside. The room was black, the walls, the curtains, the bedding, lamps, dresser..everything. Just like the darkness I had lived in for months. Alden led me inside, walking over to the dresser as he grabbed a lace nightgown and placed it on the bed for me. "Get changed." He spoke stoically, facing towards the wall. I tried raising my arms, the weight of them so heavy I could barely lift them to my chest. I pulled the chains off of me, not caring anymore if Alden saw me naked, and just felt numb as I stood only in the thong. I grabbed the nightgown slipping it over my head before looking down and realized this too was see-through, the theme of most clothes I had worn these past few weeks. I stood waiting for Alden to tell me what to do next..knowing not to speak and just wait and listen instead. Alden turned, walking towards me as he pulled the comforter on the bed back. He gripped my arm, dragging me towards the bed, and helped me get in as he placed the covers back over my body. "Get some rest." He spoke softly, his voice surprising me as I turned on my side, the feeling of a real bed awkward and new... Alden didn't even have to tell me twice..within seconds I had fallen asleep..feeling the comfort of a real bed for the first time since least one good thing happened today..
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