Chapter 44-New Reality

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(Amira) I felt Kamaris's fingers digging into the flesh of my hips, my hands gripped the sheets beneath me as I let out a groan. "f**k, you look so perfect with your ass in the air like this." Kamaris growled before slamming his c**k into me from behind as I let out a strangled moan. I think I like this position the best so far.. We had been at it for could've been days..the only breaks we take are when he forces me to drink some water or eat something and then I eventually pass out with him inside of me..still sliding in and out of my p***y. I don't know what happened but after that first time..we haven't been able to stop. "Oh gods yes, c*m for me Amira." Kamaris gritted through his teeth as my body listened on command once again, making me c*m for who knows how many times as I felt my eyelids drooping once again..maybe it's because I am an that why my s*x drive is like this? Or maybe it's just Kamaris and what he does to me. I heard Kamaris cry out as his shadows swirled around us before stilling and then he finally collapsed on top of me. His long muscular body pinned me down as I panted heavily. "Sleep my little one, you will need all the energy you can get because I am nowhere near done with you.." He gasped as my eyes widened in disbelief..more?! There will be more?! Maybe it's because he hadn't had anyone in 500 years..that has to be it..who knows, that could be why he was always so grumpy... After getting some sleep, we were now in the bath as I slid up and down Kamaris's shaft before letting my head fall back as another orgasm ripped through me and I was spent..I couldn't go anymore..that was it. "K..Kamaris..I..I need a break." I managed to gasp as I felt his c**k pumping inside of me, emptying everything he had before bending down and kissing my shoulder. "Okay, you can take a break for a few hours." He stated, and I couldn't help but slump against his chest as I pressed my cheek right above his heart. "You did such a good job..but I want you to eat more from now will need lots of energy to last an eternity with me." The smile in his voice not going unnoticed as I peeked up at him. Did he just say an eternity? Does that mean..that he really only wants me? I gazed into those blue eyes, not a single swirl of black visible in the whites of his eyes as I realized it had been like that since the moment we connected. "Gods..why did they make you so beautiful? I could stare at you all day." He whispered before bending down and kissing my lips, making my stomach flip uncontrollably. How can he just say that kind of stuff now?! I felt like I wanted to hide my face from embarrassment. " it always like this with Athuney? You know..when you get intimate?" I asked curiously as Kamaris smirked before placing his hand on my cheek and holding me tenderly. "I'm sure it depends on who you ask. Cinead will probably say yes..but with me..I had never felt like this..even before." He explained as I nodded before biting my lip..and then that question that I thought so many times began nagging at me once again.. What if he meets his mirror soul? Or has he already and something happened to her? "What? What's wrong?" Kamaris asked worriedly as I cleared my throat. Even his concern was shocking to me..I have so much to get used to. "Well..if all Athuney have mirror souls..what about yours?" I whispered, afraid of the answer he might give me. "I was born without one. They think it might be because my mother wasn't immortal..that is one theory..or..maybe I was just never worthy to have one." He said cooly like he was okay with that. "I'm sorry.." I whispered, feeling my heart ache as I snuggled into him deeper. "Why are you sorry?" He asked curiously. " be given the gift of immortality but not given someone to spend it with.." I felt bad for saying this..not wanting to hurt him more. "Who says I don't have someone to spend it with?" He suddenly stated, making me look up at him once again before he kissed me deeply..making my body ignite with passion as I couldn't help but whimper. Then the thought of Terik suddenly flashed through me..but what if he and I are now mirror souls? What does that mean? I felt my stomach heart aching as I pictured being with another..and it didn't feel right...nothing felt right but this man beneath me. He was the only one who has ever made my heart ache like this..he is the one who has all of me. No matter what..I want to stay with him..even if it's true..I will choose him. Kamaris began washing my body, his movements gentle and soothing as I found myself falling asleep once against when his chest started to rumble as he spoke. "We have another dinner tomorrow night. Gideon will be there." Kamaris informed me as I hummed in response. "I don't want you to say a single thing to him, do you understand me Amira?" His voice was firm as I grumbled yes sleepily, making Kamaris lift his hand and grip my chin before tilting my head back. Between the hot water lapping at my skin and all of the sex..I was fading fast. "I'm serious, Gideon is not to be trusted. Don't even acknowledge him." Kamaris searched my eyes intently as I swallowed hard and nodded my head. "Good. Now kiss me." He breathed and I did just that, kissing him deeply as his hands lifted my waist before settling his c**k beneath me. "Just one more, then you will eat and rest." He mumbled while slamming my body down on top of his c**k, his hands doing all the work as he lifted me up and down as I gasped for air, feeling that desire building once again. Who knew I had it in me..but apparently I was just as horny as Kamaris from the sounds that were escaping me. "Look at me, I need to see those eyes." He gritted through his teeth, making our gazes connect..that primal look filled him once more, and his mouth crashed to mine before ravaging me whole...we didn't just stop carried me to the bed as he tasted every inch of me, leaving his marks wherever he went. After he was done, then he placed me on the couch and proceeded to feed me before I couldn't eat another bite. "Once we talk to the Sybil, then we will know more..maybe she can break your bond with him..maybe it will be possible to free you from this fate." Kamaris whispered against me as I drifted into sleep, the desperation in his voice making my heart ache. "He can't have you..I won't let him no matter what..I promise my sweet Amira..." I eventually fell asleep as Kamaris feathered kisses along my neck, whispering sweet words I had only dreamed of hearing.. Don't worry..I won't let him have me either..I promise.
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