Chapter 6- Friends?

1465 Words
For the remainder of the school day, I remained silent. Jasmine asked me once if I was okay, but other than that, she spent the entire class gossiping with Peach and Mya. It didn't bother me at all, as I was busy pondering what happened with Dante. When the last bell of the day rang, I walked outside with the girls and waved goodbye to them before waiting by the curb for my dad to come pick me up. After fifteen minutes of feeling like an i***t, standing around as the school cleared out, I sent a text: Dad, did you forget what time I get out of school? I'm waiting on you... He replied after ten agonizing minutes: Oh s**t. Sorry honey, I can't pick you up today. Super busy. Hope you can find another ride. I stared at my phone in disbelief. Was he f*****g serious? After he guilted me into letting him drive me to school this morning? I texted back a simple "K" and put my phone back in my pocket. Anything else I said to him wouldn't come out nice. I sighed deeply, glancing around and realizing that there were only a few remaining students outside. I knew Jasmine was long gone now, and there was no way I would've inconvenienced her by asking for a ride anyway. Stranded by my dad, the walk home was at least 30 minutes, but thankfully, it wasn't even noon yet. I got about half a block down the street when a sleek black car pulled up beside the curb next to me. "f*****g great, now I'm getting kidnapped," I mumbled to myself. If my dad doesn't find me at home tonight, he can blame himself for not being a responsible parent who picks up his child when he said he would. My breath caught in my throat as the window on the passenger side rolled down, revealing Dante's familiar face. "Get in," he shouted, his voice mixed with a concoction of concern and irritation. A wave of relief washed over me as I quickly approached the car. "Dante, what are you still doing here?" I inquired, my eyes shifting from him to the impressive car. I couldn't help but wonder how he could afford such a nice ass vehicle. His parents must be wealthy! He quickly got out of the car and circled around to my side, his movements swift and confident. With a charming smile, he opened the door for me, gesturing for me to step inside. "Get in, princess," he insisted, his voice filled with authority. I gnawed on my bottom lip. Is it really a good idea to be alone with him? I wondered. What if my teenage hormones take over and I do something regretful? But somehow, I trusted him completely to not hurt me or let me make a fool out of myself. I obliged, settling into the plush leather seat. As he closed the door, he went back to the driver's side and hopped in. "Thanks," I mumbled, blushing as I glanced over at him. "Seatbelt," he reminded, casting a glance in my direction. I rolled my eyes with an exaggerated sigh. "Really?" A smirk played on his lips. "Yes, really. This car doesn't move until you do." I quickly secured the seatbelt, the reassuring click echoing in the confined space of the car. As the engine roared to life, we smoothly pulled away from the deserted school grounds, the tires gripping the pavement with a subtle yet powerful hum. I continued to gnaw on my lip, the metallic tang of blood hitting my taste buds. I had never been in a guy's car, and certainly didn't expect it to be Dante's. A pang of anxiety struck me, imagining how livid Jasmine would be about this. Although I was lowkey freaking out, a comfortable silence filled the car as he maneuvered through traffic. I hadn't even shared my address, so I was uncertain where Dante was driving. Breaking the quiet, he asked, "Were you really going to walk home?" His voice carried a subtle edge, as if he were trying to contain his anger. "Yeah... my dad was supposed to pick me up, but he bailed." I sighed, the weight of frustration evident in my voice. Tensing his jaw, he asks sternly, "You have my number, why didn't you text me?" My eyes widened at his question. "We just met, there's no way I would've done that. I'd rather walk than become someone's else's burden-" "Burden? You'd never be a burden to me, Princess," he grits out. "You said we could be friends, and friends can give each other rides home, right?" I swallow the lump in my throat. "Yeah, I guess that's true." I realized we were approaching my house, and a twinge of disappointment hit me because I didn't want this car ride to end. Wait a minute, how did he know where I lived? As we pulled into the driveway next to my beat-up car, I eyed him suspiciously. "Stalker much?" I mumbled. He chuckled, and the sound was like music to my ears. "This is a small-ass town where everyone knows everyone. I would be surprised if someone here didn't know where you lived." "Oh that's fantastic, now I'm really going to end up in someone's basement," I said playfully. "I dare someone to try," he growled, his eyes darkening to an intense shade of black. The air around us seemed to thicken with tension. I giggled nervously, putting my hands up in a playful defense. "Hey, I was just joking, no need to get so upset." He took deep breaths, visibly trying to rein in his emotions. Instinctively, I reached out, placing my hand around one of the balled-up fists in his lap. His eyes softened, the darkness giving way to their usual color, and we shared a brief moment of connection before he looked away. "Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you. I just feel very protective over you." Dante confessed, his voice low and filled with sincerity. "I just want you to be safe and happy." I blushed, nervously biting my lip again. "In a friend way, right?" "Of course," he replied softly. He gently freed my lip from between my teeth, the motion sending a surge of heat straight to my core. The way he gazed into my eyes made my entire body feel as if it were on fire. He subtly licked his lips as he looked down at mine. Leaning closer, our mouths were inches from meeting for the first time. The desire between us was palpable, and I found myself wanting him as much as he wanted me. Was I really about to kiss a guy I just met? Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I sighed as I pulled out my phone and created distance between us. It was Jasmine. Hey bestie, hope you got home alright. Can't wait to hang out with you outside of school! Maybe tomorrow? I replied with a happy face. "So...that was your sister," I mumbled, "it looks like she's onto us." "There's nothing to feel guilty about; we haven't done anything wrong," he reassured me, his eyes searching mine. I pursed my lips into a thin line. "Yeah, imagine if she texted a few seconds later." He shrugged, a nonchalant grin playing on his lips. "We were just two friends about to share an amazing, innocent kiss." "Yeah...friends." There was a lingering silence that was heavy with unspoken desires. I could sense both of us playing out the scenario in our minds, envisioning the passionate kiss that could've been. I grabbed my bag and reached for the door handle, but he grabbed my hand. His touch sent tingles up my arm as he held my hand. "No, let me," he said, his voice gentle yet determined. I watched him get out of the car and walk around to open my door. I giggled. "Thanks, but you know this is the 21st century, right? Chivalry is dead." "Not for you, princess." He walked me all the way to the door. As I unlocked and opened the door, the daylight highlighted his features as I turned to look at him. "Thanks again," I breathed, my gaze meeting his. He reached up and cupped my face, his touch gentle as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. "You truly are gorgeous," he mumbled. My entire body hummed with need as I kissed his cheek, savoring the lingering warmth. "Thanks, friend." That made him blush twice as hard as I did. He turned around and walked back to his car, the distance between us adding an extra layer of longing. I waved as he drove off. Fuck, he just had to be off-limits!
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