Chapter 5- A Painful Encounter

1080 Words
Once we got to class, we sat at the same large, wooden table. My eyes remained glued to the clock as the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the class. Ms. James, the first teacher to ever make me introduce myself, called me to my feet. I awkwardly announced my name, giving a hesitant wave, desperately wishing to disappear off the face of the planet as everyone stared at me. Returning to my seat, I listened as she went over the details of the paper we were required to complete on our laptops. It was a pretty simple assignment, identifying lobes of the brain and their functions. I could easily finish it before I left for my special trip to the bathroom. Exactly twenty minutes later, I submitted my work, and with excitement coursing through me, I informed Ms. Jones that I needed to use the bathroom. Her peculiar look made me want to die of embarrassment again, especially when she advised me that next time, I could just go. Thankfully, no one seemed to hear or care about the awkward conversation, and Jasmine was so busy talking to the other girls that she didn't even glance my way as I disappeared out of the classroom. After a few extra minutes, I located a bathroom. I only realized there are like five different ones just on this floor, so I just assumed we would meet at the one closest to my class. Glancing around, I found no sign of him. Doubts crept in—had I taken too long to get here? Did he mean the closest one to his classroom, but I didn't even know where he was. Would it be stupid to text him and ask? My body heated with anxiety, and a nervous tension settled in the pit of my stomach. After another long moment filled with uncertain, suffocating thoughts of dread, I pulled out my phone to ensure he hadn't texted me again. Suddenly, a tingling sensation enveloped my body as his intoxicating scent filled the air. "Hi," I breathed, looking up to find him towering over me, his eyes radiant with excitement as he peered into my soul. "Angelique," he purred, his voice a velvet caress that sent shivers down my spine. A glorious smile spread across his face. "You're late," I said, playfully glaring at him as I crossed my arms over my chest. The corners of my lips curled into a teasing smile, and I raised an eyebrow, waiting for his response. He came closer, the distance between us closing until I could feel the warmth of his body against mine. The solid, reassuring presence of his muscular frame pressed me gently against the wall. "I'm sorry, princess. How can I make it up to you?" His breath, sweet and inviting, brushed softly against my face, creating a tantalizing sensation that lingered in the air. My stomach fluttered with butterflies. I longed for the warmth of his touch, and my mind wandered to the sensation of his full lips against mine, contemplating how sweet his kisses might taste. I felt the urge to scream, "kiss me," but I kept my composure. "Just don't do it again," I replied playfully, masking the desire that lingered beneath my words. He placed his hand on the wall beside my head and leaned closer. I could feel my heart racing, and the anticipation hung in the air. "Or what?" His lips were tantalizingly close, only inches from touching mine. As I started to lean in, a sudden surge of guilt washed over me, and I placed my hands on his ripped chest and pushed him away. I thought I saw a hint of pain in his eyes, but I could have been wrong. "Listen, I'm not sure about what's happening between us, but it just feels wrong. I don't want to hurt Jasmine. We couldn't even talk to each other in front of her at lunch, so I'm sure you don't want to upset her either," I explained, my own words ripping my heart out of my chest. He sighed and leaned against the wall beside me. "I was only being cautious because I dated a friend of hers in the past and it didn't end well. I promised her I would never do it again, but this...this is different." "What's different about it?" I asked in a whisper, the fear of his response lingering in the silence between us. His eyes softened as he looked at me. "There's just something special about you. There's no way I'll be able to stay away from you for long, and she'll have to accept that." I couldn't suppress the silly smile that spread across my face. He began to lean in again, but I swiftly stepped back. "Dante, I...I like you, but I still don't think we can do this. It's not fair to her." He frowned, his brows furrowing. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Yeah, I think it's for the best. I just started here, and she's my first real friend. I want it to stay that way." A pained expression clouded his face as he sighed in defeat. "Alright, I'll wait until you're ready, but just know, we," he gestured between us, "are inevitable. Eventually, you won't be able to fight our connection and spare my sister's feelings." I didn't know exactly what he meant by that, but I reached my hand out to shake his. "We can still be friends, okay?" "Yeah, friends...for now," he agreed with a warm smile, his strong fingers wrapping around mine. As he brought my hand to his lips, a gentle yet electrifying tingle surged up my arm, leaving me momentarily breathless. The soft, lingering kiss on my hand felt like a promise of something more, yet undefined. It's as if he knew for certain that that wasn't the end of the idea of us pursuing a relationship, even though that sounds absurd. Why am I even thinking the word "relationship" when I just met him today? Either he's just that damn cocky or something else is going on—something else I'll have to figure out on my own. As he mumbled, "I guess I'll see you around," Dante started to saunter down the hallway. I headed the opposite way but couldn't resist looking back at him. Our eyes locked for a profound moment, a silent exchange of unspoken feelings, before we both turned around and went our separate ways.
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