Chapter 4- Lunchroom Drama

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We walked all the way across campus to get to my study hall. I insisted that Jasmine head to her own class to avoid being late, yet deep down, I genuinely appreciated her walking alongside me. She marked the beginning of genuine friendship in this new environment, where it felt like everyone else kept their distance as if I had a contagious disease or something. After thanking her, I entered the classroom and chose a seat towards the back. With no homework to occupy my time, I found myself overthinking about various aspects of my life. I planned to interrogate my father when he picked me up from school; evidently, we had a lot to discuss. I was also terrified that I couldn't shake Dante from my thoughts. The emotions that lingered after he walked away left me with a sense of cold emptiness, a feeling that seemed irrational considering he was just a stranger I had one conversation with. I couldn't stop thinking about how soft his lips would be against mine. How it would feel to run my fingers over his bare chest, which I was sure was riddled with muscles. I had never experienced desire like this before; was this normal? Was it worth fixating on someone who his own sister labeled as a "dog"? Abruptly, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Retrieving it, I noticed an unknown number flashing on the screen with a message: Just thinking about you, princess. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest. While I acknowledged it could be a coincidence, a fleeting thought crossed my mind—did he somehow sense that I was thinking about him? I paused for a moment, contemplating how to respond: Oh, is that right? I might have had a thought or two about you too. He replied immediately. So glad I could leave a lasting impression on you. Another message followed before I had the chance to respond: I can't wait to see that beautiful face of yours again. I rolled my eyes, a blush creeping up my cheeks. Don't hold your breath, I replied with a winking emoji. It wouldn't be hard to find you, you light up every room that you enter. I didn't realize I could blush any harder; my face was now flaming. You really are a flirt, aren't you? Don't start falling in love with me just yet, Princess. In your dreams. I stowed my phone away and spent the remainder of class trying to divert my thoughts from him. nstead, I found myself anticipating the rest of the day with Jasmine, even if our conversation during class would likely be limited. Despite my eagerness, a bit of anxiety crept in as I thought about meeting her other friends; I wondered whether they would like me or not. Being an introvert posed its challenges and making friends had always been a struggle for me. This new school environment seemed especially challenging since everyone appeared tightly knit. After class ended, I met Jasmine in the hallway, and we made our way to the cafeteria together. Fortunately, our lunch period wasn't crowded, ensuring an abundance of available tables. In line to get lunch, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Jasmine had informed the cashier that I was "in her group," resulting in my meal being unexpectedly covered. As we settled down at the only large, circular table in the cafeteria (while the rest were rectangular), two other girls joined us. "Angel, this is Peach and Mya," Jasmine introduced, gesturing towards me. "Peach, Mya... this is our new bestie, Angel." They both offered tight smiles and nodded in my direction. I couldn't tell if it was just my perception, but it seemed like everyone at this school was exceptionally attractive, both guys and girls alike. Peach, in particular, embodied the epitome of perfection. Her flawless golden skin complemented her long, straight auburn hair, which framed a widow's peak hairline. She fixed me with curious jade-green eyes. Mya was a bit shorter than the rest of us, yet her robust frame hinted at a toughness that likely surpassed all of us combined. Her thin, olive face adorned with brown freckles framed deep-set brown eyes and a square jaw. A pixie-cut of black hair with green highlights adorned her head, complemented by an outfit of all-black leggings and a hoodie. "Wow, this school feels so laid back. I can't believe we only have four classes, and school ends at 10:30!" I remarked, aiming to break the awkward silence. Initiating conversations wasn't typically my forte, but I wanted Jasmine's friends to perceive me as friendly and, hopefully, likable. "Thank Goddess, I would hate to spend any more time in this hellhole than necessary," Peach scoffed, elegantly nibbling on the fruit from her tray. "Yeah, we have too much stuff to do outside of here. I can't wait to graduate and just be done," Mya chimed in. Her voice held strength and captivation; I wondered if she had been a warrior or something in another life. "Honestly, I don't even know what I'm doing after graduation. I guess I could find a job around here, but there doesn't seem to be a lot going on in this small town," I admitted quietly. A hush fell over the table, a tense silence lingering until Jasmine playfully interjected, "Bestie, I told you there's more to this town than meets the eye." She giggled. "You know what? We go to Lunar Lounge every Friday night. You should come!" I contemplated for a short moment. My eighteenth birthday was approaching on Friday, but I wasn't planning to make a big deal out of it. Having just moved here, I didn't want to burden my first new real friend with the celebration. Besides, it had been a while since I hung out with other teenagers, and I just wanted to have a good time. My usual routine involved spending time at home taking care of my dad since he didn't have anyone else. "Sure, that sounds interesting! There's no drinking or anything, right? My dad would have a fit," I asked with a laugh. Although it was meant as a joke, the truth lingered beneath the humor. My dad seldom allowed me to go out, so I could only imagine his reaction to me going to a place with a bar. Most likely, he wanted me to spend my birthday cooped up at home with him, as we did every other year. She winked. "Nope, we're just going to drink "apple juice" and dance our asses off all night long." The air quotes she used were really reassuring...not! "Great, I'm sure that will warm his heart," I responded, playfully rolling my eyes. Suddenly, I felt this strange pull. My gaze shifted towards the entrance of the cafeteria to see Dante and a group of tall, muscular guys walking in. His eyes once again immediately locked with mine, as if he, too, sensed the peculiar connection. Butterflies danced wildly in my stomach as I blushed and quickly looked away. Crossing my fingers underneath the table, I hoped they weren't headed in our direction. My breath caught in my throat as I watch all of them strolling across the room and settling down at our table. Dante positioned himself directly across from me. I subtly shifted in an unnatural position, intentionally avoiding eye contact with him, even though, if given the chance, I could have stared into his beautiful eyes all day. They reminded me of spring—a blend of fresh earth and leaves on a tree. "Hey Dante," Peach purred, her voice carrying a hint of seduction. Uncertain if it was my imagination, I observed the exchange. He doesn't even look in her direction. "Peach," he responded, his voice void of any particular emotion. My jaw tensed. Did he and Peach have a thing? Was this the reason Jasmine referred to him as a dog? I could still feel his gaze on me, but I persisted in avoiding eye contact. Instead, I shifted my attention to the other girls. "Hey doofuses," Jasmine interjected abruptly, redirecting the conversation. "We were just discussing plans for LL on Friday, are ya'll in?" "Hell yeah," came the enthusiastic response from multiple guys around the table. "Rounds first," Dante mumbled in a voice barely above a whisper, eliciting groans and grumbles from around the table. I sat right in front of him and could barely hear him, which made it surprising that everyone else seemed to catch his words, even the guys on the far ends of the circular table. Though curious about what he was talking about, I didn't dare ask. "Ugh, Dante, why do you have to be such a buzzkill? Can't we have one night off?" Jasmine complained loudly, her frustration evident in the way her eyebrows furrowed, and her lips formed a pout. He scowled at her. "No Jaz, we can't, and you already know why." "Seriously, who are you? I miss when we used to smoke and sneak out to parties together. Now you always act like you have a stick up your ass." "Jaz," he warned once again, raising his voice. "It's like you're not even my twin anymore. Ugh, why did you have to become al-" Before she could finish her sentence, Dante stood up, fury burning in his eyes. "Enough!" he growled, slamming his hands on the table. Jasmine rose from her seat, defiant. "Make me," she challenged, her words dripping with venom. The entire cafeteria fell silent, every gaze shifting toward our table. Dante and Jasmine locked eyes, engaged in a silent battle, capturing the attention of everyone present. The room brimmed with tension, and I found myself glancing back and forth between them, their faces hardened and their eyes as dark as coal. Am I on an episode of Supernatural right now? I wondered to myself. What the f**k is going on with their eyes? Mya and Peach grabbed each of Jasmine's hands. "Jaz stop, this isn't the place for this, do not defy him. Especially, not in front of the new girl," Mya whispered. What does she mean "especially not in front of the new girl?" Jasmine quickly snapped out of it, drawing in a series of deep breaths, each one a visible effort to regain composure. Slowly, she sank back into her chair, lowering her head with a remorseful sigh. "Sorry, Dante," she uttered, the weight of regret evident in her voice. However, fury continued to course through him, unmistakable in the relentless tremors that shook his frame. His emotions radiated with an almost tangible force, saturating the air with an intense and suffocating energy. His chest heaved, the muscles in his jaw worked up and down, and a shadow of darkness lingered in his eyes. One of the guys reacted swiftly, rising from his seat with a concerned expression, reaching out to touch Dante's shoulder. "Dante, calm down before you-" Without a second thought, I reached across the table and gently placed my hand over his. His eyes immediately met mine and softened, returning to their beautiful, spring-like color. "What the hell is going on?" Jasmine asked suspiciously as I kept my gaze on him to make sure he was truly calm. I quickly withdrew my hand, the tingling sensation fading along with the connection. Blushing, I admitted, "Sorry, that was a reflex..." my words trailing off. The uncertain impulse left me questioning its origin—perhaps a habit formed from calming my dad when he was upset? Dante stared at me with intensity as he settled back into his seat. I averted my gaze, desperately hoping that Jasmine would dismiss the incident. The last thing I wanted was for her to assume I was hitting on her brother, especially not in front of her. Maybe it would help if he would stop staring at me like that! I exclaimed in my head. After a prolonged and awkward silence, Jasmine suddenly burst into giggles. "Bestie, be careful next time. You could've caught an STD or something." "Jasmine," he warned in a low voice, his tone stern. She put her hands up innocently, and Peach and Mya silently returned to their seats beside her. "Sorry, bro, I was just kidding," Jasmine apologized with a playful smile. I frowned. I recognized her jest, yet there was an underlying truth to it; she was hinting at the long list of girls he had been with. The idea of him desiring someone else and being in past relationships unexpectedly tugged at my heartstrings for some inexplicable reason. I shook my head, attempting to shake off those thoughts. What was I thinking? Jealousy was an unfamiliar emotion, and I wasn't comfortable with it. Relief washes over me as I glance around and realize that everyone else has gone back to minding their own business. I suppose I'll have to get used to things like this happening; after all, I am sitting at the popular table. "Jasmine, aren't you going to introduce us to your gorgeous new friend? She must be pretty special if she's sitting at our table," said one of the guys sitting beside Dante. His skin was a deep shade of chestnut, and he had umber, clipper-cut hair. His eyes reminded me of milk chocolate. She rolled her eyes, dismissing Rashaad's comment with a wave of her hand. "Shut up, Rashaad. I just didn't want to bring attention to her and have ya'll thirsty asses lusting after her." She gestured toward me with a sly grin. "Everybody, this is Angelique. Stay away from her. I promise she could pull guys way better than any of ya'll." Dante folded his muscular arms and smirked at me. I blushed, quickly looking away. I've never been so flustered just by someone looking at me before. Seriously, what was wrong with me? The guy with caramel skin on the other side of Dante remained silent, simply observing. He possessed a round face with prominent cheekbones, a small nose, and narrow, dark-brown eyes. His hair was spiky and jet black. Rashaad flashed a grin at me. "Angel," he began, "I can call you that, right?" I nodded. "Fantastic... you're planning to be at the club on Friday?" "Yeah," I mumbled reluctantly. I hoped he didn't think he had a chance with me. It wasn't that he wasn't a good-looking guy—every guy at this table was smoking hot—I just wasn't interested in anyone else. "Maybe I could steal a dance with you?" he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. Dante's face hardened, but he seemed eager to hear my response. "I'm not much of a dancer," I admitted, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. Jasmine interjected, "Rashaad, I just told you to leave her alone! Even if she did want to dance, it wouldn't be with you." "Yeah, that would probably make you jealous," he teased, injecting a hint of rivalry. She rolled her eyes. "You wish." "Girl, please, I know you want all of this." He stood up and gestured up and down his own body. Jasmine pretended to gag, though her cheeks were red from blushing so hard. I became hyper-aware of the tension between them. This banter seemed to be a cover for some genuine feelings they had for each other. I wondered if they were both aware of it too. The bell rang, and the collective shuffle of students getting up to go to their next class filled the air. I walked closely behind Jasmine, Peach, and Mya. While dumping my mostly untouched food tray, I couldn't resist stealing a glance back at the table only to find it empty. All the guys had disappeared, and as I quickly scanned the cafeteria, there was no sign of him. "Hey, girl, are you okay? Are you looking for someone?" Jasmine asked suddenly, making me jump. "Oh, nobody," I quickly mumbled, trying to act casual as I followed her and her friends out into the bustling hallway. Apparently, they were also in our Psych class, so we all walked there together. The feeling of emptiness crept upon me once again. Where was he, and why did he just disappear like that? Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Meet me near the bathroom 20 minutes after class starts. I couldn't help but smile as I texted him back. Okay.
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