Chapter Seven: I'm going to Lunaris

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Chapter Seven: I'm going to Lunaris Savannah POV "I can't believe you have a sister, Vannah. Like holy f*****g s**t, your dad has been holding out on you so much," Laasya exclaims, shaking her head in disbelief. I let out a sigh, still trying to wrap my head around everything myself. "Yeah, I'm still trying to process it all. It's like, what else has he been keeping from me?" Aurelia, who's been sitting quietly, finally speaks up. "Maybe it's not as bad as it seems. There could be a good reason he didn't tell you earlier. I mean, parents can be weird like that." Laasya rolls her eyes. "Aurelia, come on. A whole sister? That's not something you just forget to mention. And from what Vannah said, it sounds like she's older, which means she's been around for a while." "Yeah, that's what makes it even more confusing," I admit, sinking into the oversized chair in my room. My mind's been a whirlwind ever since my father dropped the bombshell. A sister? What does that even mean for me, for my future? And now, with Alyssa gone, everything feels even more complicated. Aurelia's wings flutter slightly as she leans forward, her golden hair falling in waves around her face. Aurelia is all grace and beauty, with her delicate fairy features and eyes that practically sparkle with magic. Her wings are translucent, with a soft shimmer that catches the light whenever she moves. She's always the voice of reason between the three of us, even if her positivity sometimes borders on annoying. "Laasya's right, though," Aurelia says, her voice gentle but firm. "You need to talk to your dad again. Get all the details. But whatever happens, we're here for you." "Damn right," Laasya adds, her tone fierce as always. Laasya is the total opposite of Aurelia, all strength and muscle. Her dark hair is cropped short, framing her sharp features, and her intense blue eyes always seem to be scanning for danger. As a werewolf shifter, she's protective to the core, and she's been my best friend since we were kids. "No matter what, we've got your back. If you need to confront your dad or find answers, we'll be right there with you." "Thanks, guys," I say, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. "I don't know what I'd do without you." "You'd probably explode from all that stress," Laasya says with a smirk. "But seriously, we'll get through this. We're in this together." Aurelia nods, her wings fluttering again. "And don't forget, you've got more than just us. Your family—your real family—will support you, too. Your dad, your brothers, even Orion. They all care about you." I let out a small laugh. "Orion… yeah, he's been great, but this whole situation just makes everything more complicated. I'm supposed to focus on becoming Queen, not dealing with secret siblings. And now I have to figure out how the Supreme Alphas in Lunaris are going to react to me showing up at Alyssa's funeral." Laasya frowns, crossing her arms. "Yeah, that's a tricky one. There's no solid treaty between Lunaris and Aetherium, right? Just that old verbal agreement from centuries ago." "Exactly," I say, running a hand through my hair. "I don't even know if they'll let me attend. My dad said he'd smooth things over, but it's not like I can just waltz in there without raising a few eyebrows." Aurelia gives me a sympathetic look. "You know we'll go with you, right? You don't have to face this alone." Laasya nods firmly. "We're not letting you do this by yourself, Vannah. We'll stick by your side, whatever happens." I smile, feeling a little better. "I appreciate that, both of you. But I still have to talk to Orion about all of this. I need his permission to leave through the portal, and I'm not even sure how he'll react." Aurelia tilts her head thoughtfully. "Orion cares about you. He'll understand why you need to go. Just be honest with him." "Yeah, but it's more complicated than that," I say, biting my lip. "He's going to worry about the political implications, about how this might affect our standing with the Supreme Alphas. I hope he trusts me enough to let me handle this." Laasya puts a hand on my shoulder, her grip reassuring. "You'll figure it out. And whatever Orion says, we've got your back. We'll get through this together like we always do." "Thanks," I say, feeling a little more confident. "I'm really lucky to have you guys. I'll talk to Orion tonight and let you know what he says." "Good," Aurelia says with a determined nod. "And if he gives you any trouble, Laasya and I will have a word with him." Laasya grins. "Yeah, we'll make sure he sees things your way. I would happily kick his pretty sculpted ass for you if he weren't the crown prince. Don't wanna get beheaded." I laugh, the tension in my chest easing a bit. "I'm sure you will. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that." We all exchange smiles, and for the first time in hours, I feel a small sense of hope. No matter what happens next, I know I won't be facing it alone. My friends will be there with me, every step of the way. Just as Laasya finishes speaking, there's a knock on the door. We all turn as Orion steps into the room, his presenceinstantly commanding attention. He's everything a prince should be—lean, athletic, and graceful, with sharp, symmetrical features that make him look like he was sculpted from marble. Laasya's not wrong about that sculpted ass, though; like, damn, how does he get those glute gains. His skin is smooth and porcelain-like, with a faint iridescent sheen that catches the light. But it's his eyes, deep and mesmerizing blue, that always draw me in. They're calm and wise and seem to know more than they let on. "Little Melody," he says, using his pet name for me, "I need to speak with you. Alone." Laasya and Aurelia exchange glances, then look back at me. "We'll give you two some privacy," Aurelia says, her voice soft as she stands up, her wings fluttering slightly. Laasya gives Orion a nod, though she doesn't look too happy about leaving. "We'll be right outside if you need us, Vannah." "Thanks, guys," I say, giving them a small smile. "I'll catch up with you later." As they leave the room, Orion closes the door behind them and turns to me. His expression is serious, more so than usual, and I can sense that this conversation is going to be intense. "Sit with me, Little Melody," he says, gesturing to the couch. I follow him and sit down, my nerves starting to build. "What's going on?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady. Orion takes a deep breath, his gaze locking onto mine. "Your father told me that you want to go to Lunaris for Alyssa's funeral." I nod. "I need to be there, Orion. She was my sister. I never got to know her, but she was still my family. She left behind children. I have a niece and nephew. I need to see them to know they are okay." "I understand that," he says, his tone careful. "But I'm worried about how the Supreme Alphas will react to your presence. There's no solid treaty between Aetherium and Lunaris, just a verbal agreement from centuries ago. If they're not in a stable state of mind, they might see your visit as a threat." "I know it's risky," I admit, "but I can't just sit here and do nothing. I have to go. I owe it to Alyssa, and I need to learn more about her and what she meant to our family." Orion leans forward, his expression softening a bit. "I get that, Little Melody, but let me come with you. If things go south, I can protect you. My presence might also show them that Aetherium supports your right to be there." I shake my head, though I can see the concern in his eyes. "Orion, if you show up, it'll only make things more complicated. You're the Crown Prince of Aetherium. If you step into Lunaris right now, they might see it as an act of aggression. The Supreme Alphas are grieving, and they might not be thinking clearly. I don't want to risk making things worse." Orion's jaw tightens, and I can tell he's struggling with the idea of letting me go alone. "I don't like the thought of you going there without me. It doesn't feel right." "I know," I say softly, reaching to take his hand and linking our fingers. "But this is something I have to do on my own. Please trust me on this." He looks down at our joined hands, silent for a moment, before finally nodding. "Alright. But promise me you'll be careful. If anything goes wrong, you get out of there immediately." "I promise," I say, relieved that he's agreed. "Thank you, Orion." He pulls me into a hug, his embrace warm and protective. I close my eyes, trying to hold onto the comfort he gives me. But as I rest my head against his chest, I feel a tension in his muscles that he hasn't let go of yet. Something is still bothering him. I pull back slightly, looking up into his eyes. "What is it, Orion? There's something else, isn't there?" He hesitates, his deep blue eyes clouded with worry. "Savannah… there's something I need to tell you, and it's not easy for me to say." My stomach tightens at his tone. "What is it? Just tell me." Orion runs a hand through his silver-blond hair, clearly struggling with his words. "I've known about Alyssa for a long time." The words hang in the air between us, heavy and cold. I get up and step back, disbelief washing over me. "You… you knew? How long have you known?" He swallows hard, his gaze never leaving mine. "Since before we were engaged. Your father told me about it when he and my father were discussing our wedding. He thought it was important that I knew everything about your family, including Alyssa." My heart pounds in my chest, a mix of anger and betrayal building inside me. "And you didn't think I deserved to know? You just kept it from me all this time?" "Little Melody, please try to understand," he says, reaching out to me, but I take another step back. "Your father made me promise not to say anything. He wanted to protect you, to wait until the right time to tell you himself." "The right time?" I say, my voice shaking with emotion. "Orion, she's dead now. She's gone, and I never even got the chance to know her because you and my father decided to 'protect' me. How is that fair?" "It wasn't my choice to make," he says, his voice filled with regret. "I hated keeping it from you, but I thought I was doing the right thing by respecting your father's wishes." "But you knew, Orion," I say, feeling tears sting my eyes. "You knew and watched me live my life without ever knowing I had a sister. How could you do that to me?" Orion's face crumples with guilt. "I'm sorry, Little Melody. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I didn't want to betray your father's trust. I thought I was protecting you, but I see now that I was wrong." I wipe away a tear that escapes down my cheek, my mind racing. "I don't know how to process this, Orion. I don't know what to think or how to feel. I've been living in the dark about so much, and now… now it feels like everything is falling apart." "Little Melody," he says softly, stepping closer, though I don't move to close the distance. "I know I've hurt you, but I'm here now. Whatever you need to do, whatever you need from me, I'll support you. Just please, don't shut me out." I stare at him, struggling to reconcile the man I thought I knew with the one who kept such a huge secret from me. "I need time, Orion. I need to figure out how I'm going to deal with all of this. I'm still going to Lunaris, but I need to do this on my own." He nods, though his eyes are filled with pain. "I understand. But please, be careful. And if you need me… I'll be here." I nod, though I don't trust myself to speak. The room feels too small, the air too thick with everything that's been left unsaid. Without another word, I turn and leave the room, my thoughts swirling in a storm of confusion and hurt. As I walk down the hall, I can't shake the feeling that everything I thought I knew has been shattered. Orion's confession has opened a wound I didn't even know was there, and now I'm left to pick up the pieces. But one thing is clear—I'm going to Lunaris.
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