
Fated by Moon and Sea


I’ve always known my life was destined for something greater. Being the illegitimate daughter of the Prime Alpha of Aetherium means living in the shadows, kept hidden from the world. But now, I’m about to step into the spotlight, and it’s a role that comes with a crown, a kingdom, and a prince who’s nothing short of a fairytale.

Orion Ahearn—the Crown Prince of Aetherium—is everything anyone could want. He’s beautiful, graceful, and has a voice that could enchant the coldest of hearts. He’s been nothing but loving and faithful to me, and soon, I’m meant to be his queen. I should be thrilled, right? And I am. I love him, but something is pulling me in another direction. Something—or someone—that I can’t explain.

Then there’s Alicia. My half-sister, the one I never knew existed until it was too late. Her death brings me to the Lycandra realm, and that’s where things get even more complicated. Isaiah and Josiah Stark, the Supreme Alphas, are powerful and dangerous, everything that Orion is not. I’m not supposed to be drawn to them, but the moment I see them, something inside me stirs. It's as if they awaken a part of me that I didn’t know was there.

Now I’m torn between duty and desire, between the love I have for Orion and this inexplicable pull towards the Starks. I need to uncover the truth about Alicia and where I truly belong, but every step I take leads me deeper into a web of secrets and forbidden attractions. In this game of power and fate, can I choose my own path, or has my destiny already been decided?

My name is Savannah, and this is not just about becoming a queen. It’s about finding who I really am, what I’m willing to fight for, and who I’m destined to love.

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Prologue Alicia POV: As the beeping of the machines becomes a distant echo, my thoughts continue to cascade through the years. The memories are like a kaleidoscope, each twist revealing a new pattern of joy and love, tinted with the shadow of my unspoken secret. The journey with Isaiah and Josiah, my twin alphas, was nothing short of a celestial fairytale. Their love was a fierce flame that warmed me even in the coldest moments. I remember the first time I saw them, standing tall and commanding, their eyes reflecting the moonlight. It was a moment etched in time, where destiny whispered softly in my ear. They were more than just leaders; they were the heart and soul of the Supreme Pack. Their strength was not just in their power but in their compassion, their unwavering commitment to their people, and their undying love for each other and for me. They taught me the true meaning of unity, of being a part of something greater than oneself. Natala, with her bright smile and infectious laugh, became more than just a sister-in-law. She was my confidante, my partner in crime. We shared secrets, dreams, and countless adventures. Her acceptance was a gift that I cherished deeply. She never judged, never questioned my past, only ever offered her support and love. And then there was the pack, our family. From the elders to the youngest pups, each one welcomed me with open arms. They respected me as their Luna, but more importantly, they loved me as one of their own. I found a sense of belonging with them, a sense of purpose. Leading alongside Isaiah and Josiah, we faced challenges, but together, we always emerged stronger. But amidst this beautiful tapestry of my life, the one thread that remained hidden, that haunted me, was Savannah. My half-sister, a part of my past that I kept locked away. I often wondered about her, about how she was growing up, what kind of person she was becoming. There was always a plan to tell everyone about her, to bring her into this world of wonder and magic. But fear held me back – fear of the unknown, of disrupting the harmony we had built, of exposing a part of me that I barely understood myself. Now, as I lie here, with the life slowly ebbing from my body, the weight of my unspoken words feels like a tangible presence in the room. I think of my newborn twins, their lives just beginning as mine fades. They will never know their mother, will never hear my stories or feel my embrace. My heart aches for them, for the moments we will not share, for the love I will not be able to give them. I think of Isaiah and Josiah, the pain and loss they will endure. They have always been my strength, my pillars. How I wish I could be there to help them through this, to guide them, to continue to be a part of their lives. But I know they will be remarkable fathers, their love and strength a guiding light for our children. And Savannah, my little sister, still a mystery to me. My greatest hope is that she finds her way to our family, that she is welcomed with the same love and warmth that I received. I hope she forgives me for keeping her a secret, for not having the courage to acknowledge her when I had the chance. The room is starting to blur, the sounds around me fading into a serene silence. I feel a sense of peace enveloping me, a calm acceptance of my fate. My life, though shorter than I had hoped, was full of love, adventure, and joy. I leave behind a legacy, not just in my children but in the lives I've touched, the changes I've helped bring about, and the love I've shared. As I take my final breaths, I whisper a silent prayer. A prayer for my family, for my children, for Savannah. May they find happiness, may they be strong, and may they always know love. My journey ends here, but theirs is just beginning. And in their stories, in their lives, a part of me will always live on. Goodbye, my loves. Carry me in your hearts, as I will always carry you in mine.

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