Chapter 2

798 Words
*King Cairbres Castle in Neamh One Year Later* King Cairbre rides across the green fields behind his castle to clear his mind before another dreadful day of running a country of humans and elves who have a burning hatred for each other. He loves his country. It is called Neamh for a reason, it means heaven and there is no better way to describe this place other than heaven. Since Cairbre brought all of the kingdoms together and became king his reign has been hell. There are human revolts in every corner of the kingdom and King Alfhild only makes their lives worse with the decrees he sends across the ocean. One day soon Cairbre will stop this terrible thing before it kills all of the humans. He is working with some of his top advisors and best friends to come up with a plan to overthrow King Alfhild and put someone new on his throne. It is going more slowly that Cairbre would like, but it needs to be perfect in order to work. But, while that is an important task it is not the first thing on his mind. The human revolts are getting more and more frequent and they are starting to lose more elves. The humans are learning how the elves fight and are getting stronger, which is worrisome for Cairbre. “Sir.” One of the castle guards rides up to Cairbre. “Yes?” “Donnchad is requesting to see you, sir. He says that it is urgent.” “Take me to him.” * The king walks into Donnchads office. “Donnchad.” “Good morning sir.” “What is so urgent I couldn’t finish my morning ride?” “Well sir there has been another uprising.” “There are uprisings every morning, what is so important about this one?” “We have lost all of our men that we sent out there and the humans are advancing on the castle.” “Send out reinforcements and stop them.” “It won’t be that easy sir. There are triple the amount of humans in this revolt than there usually are. We are going to need every able bodied elf if we are to beat them.” “Ok, call on every elf that can fight and I will get ready as well. Notify the stable hands to get the horses ready and the armory to prepare the weaponry.” “Yes Sir.” The king leaves Donnchads office and heads straight to his own personal armory. With the help of one of his servants he dons his armor and straps on his weapons. He is armed to the teeth by the time he is done dressing. He heads down to the stables to see how gathering reinforcements is coming along. Cairbre mounts his horse and prepares to ride into battle. He is not afraid of battle because he has trained his whole life to be the best at it. He rides to the front of the lines and delivers a heartwarming speech about the bravery and courage of his soldiers and how the humans don’t stand a chance against them. Not long after completing his speech, the human lines begin to appear. Because of his strong elven sight he can see many miles ahead to where the humans are. To his amazement the leader of this revolt is a woman. She is astride a magnificent grey horse that towers over the other humans that surround it. The woman is petite with chocolate brown hair and blue, green eyes. However petite she may be, he can tell she is formidable. She is muscular underneath her armour and holds a beautifully crafted sword. The human lines stop just a couple miles from the elves and the world seems to stop. Any bird that was chirping before or any whispers of a breeze have ceased. The two armies watch each other for time, then just when it seems the war might come to an end before it even started, they charge. * When the human army crests the hill they can see the large elven army standing ready. The lines come to a halt and the leader of the human army, Moira, can see the leader of the elven army. He is a very large elf which leads her to think this is probably the king. He is muscular with black hair and dark eyes. Upon seeing him she gets a little jolt of nervousness and fear. She whispers a prayer of strength and reminds herself how she and her people have gotten, they can not back down now, they are so close. She decides to use surprise on her enemy and charges when they think she will not.
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