Chapter 7

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Not very long after the preparations are finished the king arrives in Neahm. When word comes that he has arrived the air in the castle gets thick with anxiety. Every elf gets prepared for the worst. * The king sees the land of Neahm from his ship and is disgusted. He can smell the strong stench of humans drifting on the wind towards him. The best decision he ever made was to put these humans under and elves control, he is not sure how strong the control is but it was wise nonetheless. When he got the letter from King Cairbre he was skeptical. He knows the king loathes him and what he has made him do, but it has been a while since that day and he hopes the king has come to enjoy his power over the humans. He will still be on his guard though. While he hopes the king has changed his mind he knows how hard that would have been to do. He is excited however to see the progress the king has made, how has he implemented his decrees? Has he made them worse or just spoon fed them to the humans as they came? While he is wary of the invite and what it might mean, he is still very curious to see how Neahm has come along since the merging of the kingdoms. The king also brought something just in case there is a hidden meaning to the invitation. It is in a dark corner in the belly of the ship, sealed in a cage of solid steel waiting to be released at the first sign of sabotage. * “Oh my gosh he’s really here! I wasn’t quite sure he would actually come.” Exclaims Moira. “It doesn’t seem real does it?” Says Cairbre. Moira is dressed in a slaves uniform so that she can play one of Cairbres slaves. Cairbre has never actually had human slaves, but King Alfhild does so he wants to look good in his eyes. “Where am I supposed to be? How am I supposed to act? This makes me so nervous!” Says Moira. “Just follow the other ‘slaves’, they know what to do.” “Will you be ok? It’s probably going to be hard to see him again, especially after so long, and after what he did.” “I have to be ok. This plan has to be executed perfectly or I might die and he will replace me with an actually evil person. I can’t imagine what would happen to you and everyone else if someone worse than me came.” Moira blushes when Cairbre says ‘you’. She can tell that he cares for her especially when he says things like that. She is worried about his safety but knows that he is more than capable of handling himself. Word comes that the king is nearing the castle with his entourage. Cairbre yells for everyone to get into position and does so himself. He looks back at Moira from his spot near the doors and sees her staring back at him. He gets butterflies every time he looks her in the eyes. * The king arrives at the castle soon after. He looks on the castle approvingly. He notices the heavy presence of armed guards and feels safer from the nasty humans already. He has to admit that being here so near to the human revolts makes him nervous. He has heard of their increased abilities to take elves out with decreased work. The doors open to King Cairbre and his host of humans slaves behind him. “King Cairbre, what a lovely home.” “Thank you King Alfhild. Welcome to Neahm.” “Upon arrival I can see why they call it Neahm here, it truly is magnificent.” “It is quite beautiful. I know you have had a long journey, would you like to be shown to your rooms first or start with dinner?” “I would actually like to rest a bit before dinner.” “Of course. Moira please show King Alfhild and the rest of his entourage to their rooms please.” Cairbre gestures to Moira. The king doesn’t even deign to look at Moira. She is filth as far as he is concerned. * Moira shows the king to the rooms that he will be staying in. She is nervous the whole walk there and can’t help but feel his hatred for her. She knows it is for all humans not just her but it is bothersome all the same. Once she shows the king and his entourage to their rooms she practically runs to Cairbres study. She cannot believe that this terrible man has actually come to Neahm. She opens the doors to Cairbres study and goes in. He is at his desk with his head in his hands. As soon as he hears her walk in her stands up and crosses the room, embracing her before she can even close the door properly. “I have never felt so much fear in my entire life. Knowing that he could do anything to you at any second, it had my heart beating out of my chest.” Moira sighs. “It was one of the most scary things I have ever done.” “I’m happy you’re back with me now” “Cairbre?” “Yes, Moira?” “Are we mates?”

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