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*** "Oh s**t! Are you serious?"  Karin Steros shouted, her laugh carrying down the halls as she collapsed off the bed, leaving Allegra and her twin brother Tristan Steros staring at her in shock and amusement. "I see you rolled your manners up and threw them out the window once more, little sister."  Helena Steros declared once she exited the bathroom, her scowl doing nothing to stop Karin's boisterous and infectious laughter that had Allegra and Tristan joining in. "Thank you so much for your support, best friends. If I wanted to get laughed at, I would have had my godfather come back and do it again."  Allegra's playful sarcasm had Helena cracking a smile over her Grimoire which was a rare response to her companion's antics. Being the oldest among them with a two year age difference, she rarely participated in their escapades, choosing instead to be the voice of reason which matched her personality to a T.  With shoulder length Ash Blonde hair and sky blue eyes that she inherited from Duchess Zena Steros, she was stunning with a petite figure, a formal fashion sense and sophisticated air to her. She had enamored many with her beauty and grace, her confidence and poise leaving no doubts that she was the next Head of the Steros family. "Of course Uncle Merlin laughed his ass off. This whole situation is insane. Though, I do see Aunt Evanora's logic."  Tristan Hart interjected, unaffected by Allegra's scowl. Contrary to his older sister's maturity and fraternal twin's carefree attitude, his personality was more understated with a preference to logic, facts and observation. "In what planet is my mother's logic sound?"  Allegra protested, watching as Tristan mulled over his response as he ran a hand through his brown hair that matched Duke Colin Hart's in every way. It was a familiar action. one each of them had gotten used to over time that signified his occupied thoughts. Though mostly silent, which had earned him the wrong kind of attention from bullies, Tristan was brilliant with an intellect that rivaled many. His social meter was, however, lower than them all with his awkward interactions prompting many to avoid him.  Not that he minded though.  He hated the attention he received, mainly from the opposite and same s*x.  His efforts to stay under the radar were constantly thwarted by his handsome features from his Hazel eyes whose green and gold flecks seemed to pull in everyone who met him, to his curly brown hair, averagely built physique and towering height.  "She's trying to find the quickest way for you to meet someone and take the throne. A Royal Ball will achieve this. You will have a larger pool to search from than the small pool you are currently exposed to. Unless you would prefer to be matched to Devin Wraith?" Allegra's scowl matched each of their expressions, none of them pleased with the suggestion. "Terminator might actually be right this time. Having a sea of cute girls and guys from every supernatural faction is sure to help you find your future partner. I believe we'll accept anyone at this point as long as its not that rude, arrogant, asshole?" Allegra chuckled at Tristan's new nickname before nodding.  Despite being relatively calm and passive most of the time, his twin's made up nicknames for him as well as pranks always seemed to rile him up and put him on edge. She was one of the only people who could elicit such strong emotions in him. Well, her and... "I'm sorry I'm late, everyone. My parents insisted I stay for breakfast. What did I miss?"  Raine Aspen, the fifth member of their band of friends said, his entrance met with excited squeals from Allegra and Karin who hugged him tight before letting him move on to Helena who simply mussed up the Faerie Prince's raven black hair, much to his annoyance. "Care to expound, Tristan?"  Karin's suggestive comment made the rest chuckle, all but Tristan who rolled his eyes at his sister before welcoming Raine with a warm hug that always seemed to leave his body burning with unexplained emotions. He knew that Faerie spirit magic had a way of affecting those around them in different ways. That Mages could not be affected by their magic unless the Faerie cast a spell over them but he never failed to feel like a Novice in Raine's presence.  He felt human, completely enamored by the Faerie Prince's beautiful green eyes, raven black hair that was always messy but in a very sexy and appealing way. His toned abdomen was almost always in clear view due to his unbuttoned dress shirt and his tattooed arms bore spirit energy markings as well as the multiple rings he wore that finished his entire look perfectly.  He was a bad boy in his realm, the rumors of his naughty escapades spreading across Elysium and Grevia alike. Which was why Tristan couldn't entertain any kind of thoughts, no matter how breathtaking Raine's smile was or how cute his laugh was which was elicited by Allegra's situation. "I'm sorry for laughing, sweetie, but this has to be the wildest thing I've heard all day. So, are you gonna do it? Please tell me you are! It's been so long since I went to a fun party and I get to play matchmaker for you!"  Raine's excitement spread over to Karin who jumped around the room excitedly with the Faerie at the prospect of a ball. Allegra, Helena and Tristan watched from the sidelines, amused by their antics. Their personalities matched perfectly which had prompted many who didn't quite know them to ship them, much to their amusement of course.  "Could you both calm down? I haven't even made my mind up yet!"  Allegra called out over their excited squeals which didn't do much to deter their happy dance. "Oh, sweetie. That smile tells us everything we need to know. You're gonna do it and we're gonna have your back the entire way. Come on! Let's be adventurous!"  Karin declared before she and Raine pulled a chuckling Allegra to her feet and into a group hug that had her playfully protesting. "Okay, fine! Goddess, I know I'm probably going to regret this but what do I really have to lose?" "That's the spirit! We are going to let fate decide your future! And what a way to find your next love."  Karin raised her brows suggestively at the sight of her best friend's flush as she pushed a laughing Raine away and snickering Karin right into her sister's lap.  "You, get off me."  Helena unceremoniously pushed her sister off her and onto the floor. The twin proceeded to roll away to Raine who was equally plopped on the floor but not before granting her sister the pleasure of her middle finger of which the older Steros ignored. "And you, don't worry. It's an unorthodox way of finding love but we've got your back. Besides, I doubt Aunt Evanora, Uncle Atalante, Uncle Merlin or our parents would ever let someone unworthy stand by your side and neither will we." Her words brought Allegra a comfort she didn't know she needed. Her decision cemented itself all the more as she hugged Helena tight which erupted into a full blown group hug declared by Karin. She forcefully pulled a reluctant Tristan into it. "You should tell your mother so that she can begin making preparations."  Raine advised, earning a full blown laugh from Allegra as she made her way to her bedroom door. "Oh, I am pretty sure the crazy woman began preparations the minute she made her mind up about all this." The others nodded through chuckles as they followed her down the halls to the lounge where Duke Colin and Duchess Zena were with the Grevia monarchs. Merlin had made his exit the night before with the promise to return for the Ball in the event they decided to have it. The guards outside the double doors leading into the lounge were quick to open them at the sight of their Princess as well as her companions, all of whom were Nobility and Royalty. "Oh, speak of the devil! Allegra, it's so good to see you!"  Marchioness Elvira Wraith's voice was the last thing Allegra and the rest of the crew expected to hear. They each stared in shock as the woman bundled a reluctant Allegra into a hug, the action in itself surprising considering the woman's personality that was anything but pleasant. Known as the Evil witch of the west, Elvira Wraith was the matriarch of the Wraith family who had gained her fame by being one of the best Poison potion makers and Necromancer in Grevia. She was also a hateful witch who mistreated those who worked for her, hated anyone who wasn't Mage Royalty or Nobility and was an obsessive maniac when it came to becoming part of the Royal family and Court.  She also never failed to use her social status to demean others with her family's prestige as one one of the oldest mage families and founders of Grevia being her trump card. The woman was just as unpleasant as her son and could not be trusted. Which was exactly why her presence was enough to send chills through each of their spines as they watched her closely, unsure of how to react to this curve ball. "I was just explaining to Her Majesty that I came to welcome you home and check in on you and your health! Devin could not wait to come see you too but he had some family matters to attend to last minute. My little boy, ever the responsible and dedicated Wizard, committed to ensuring the continued prosperity of the House of Wraith and Grevia." Allegra couldn't help but sigh in relief at Devin's absence, glad that the woman was addressing her parents who seemed to be masking their own true feelings at her words. It was no secret that Evanora found the woman annoying and Atalante simply tried to tolerate her for the sake of peace between their two families.  The same could not be said about Duchess Zena who wasn't as good at hiding her true feelings as Evanora. Her husband simply tried to maintain civility between their families. "Thank you, my lady, for your follow up. I can assure you that I am doing well and in perfect health."  Allegra responded, sure to address her properly lest the woman found a reason to stay longer by explaining her rank in the Grevia Kingdom.  She definitely did not want to relive the lecture she'd received at the tender age of thirteen. "That's wonderful. I suppose now would be the best time to continue the discussion of your nuptials? Her Majesty was just telling me of a ridiculous idea to have a ball for all Supernatural factions so that you can find the best suitor?"  Her words were blunt, shocking the silent group behind Allegra of whom Elvira was quick to greet for formality's sake before propping herself on one of the lounge chairs once more. She seemed far from amused by the idea, just as Allegra was by her mother telling the Noble woman of it before she made a decision on the way forward. "I believe we already had this discussion, Elvira. Allegra will make the decision as to whether or not the ball shall be held. In the event that she decides not to then we shall explore other options, as a family, and announce our decision thereafter."  Evanora's words carried the authority and finality of her title as Queen of Mages, the power behind them silencing Elvira who was inwardly fuming at the prospect of losing her seat at the Royal Court.  How could she possibly show her face to all the mages she had looked down upon in disgust due to the fact that she would be the Mother in-law to the future Queen of Grevia?  The possibility of having to eat her words and be ridiculed and scorned by her peers was almost too much to bear. "But you must agree that this is a crazy idea, Allegra! Why would you go as far as to have an entire event when there are multiple Witches and Wizards right here in Grevia? My son, for example, is a pure blood Noble, born into the strongest Mage family in Grevia! You have known each other since you were children! I don't understand why you would mix your Royal Mage line with anyone other than him or a Noble Mage in this Kingdom. The idea of it seems insane!" She knew what to say and how to say it and the sight of Allegra's thoughtful expression was enough to make the woman smile. She had hit her target, planted the seed of doubt into the young royal's mind. Any tactic, including showing her hand by openly being against the Queen's idea was sufficient in this precarious situation. "Evanora is old news, after all. Allegra is the future of Grevia and I must ensure my family rides this wave into the books of history."  Elvira muttered inwardly as she watched Allegra with baited breath, waiting for the decision that would make all the planning they had done so far to become a reality. "You do not have to understand it, Elvira. This is Allegra's future and whoever she wishes to share it with is her decision, no matter the supernatural faction. We moved on centuries ago from marrying within our kind or did staying up in that dark, haunted castle make you senile?"  Zena interjected, her cool words prompting a stunned Colin Hart into action as he subtly tightened his hold over his wife's hand, granting the glaring Noble a small apologetic smile on his beloved's behalf. "I thank you for your concern, Lady Elvira, but I've made up my mind already. We shall have the ball as my mother suggested. I look forward to your family's attendance." Allegra's words sent a ripple of shock through the older Mages, the King and Queen grinning wide and proudly at their daughter's words whilst the Duke mirrored the same smile.  Zena could not contain the smug smile that stretched across her lips despite her husband's request, the sight of it riling up Elvira who was close to breaking open before them all and revealing her true nature. "Of course. I shall send word to my son to prepare. If you'll excuse me, I must return home and begin arrangements for the same." Not a single word of goodbye was spoken even as Allegra's band of friends parted like the red sea to give way to the woman whose magical energy reflected rage and darkness.  "That woman is not done.  Her rage is like acid. It burnt right through my empath blockers."  Raine complained through a wince that had Tristan beside him in an instant who was quick to lead him to the vacated lounge chair where he could restore the broken seals on his empath abilities. "I'm sorry, sweetie. It was bound to happen though. She needed to be put in her place...But anyway, enough about that old bat. We need to start sending out invitations!"  Zena's excitement was quick to lighten the mood as everyone began planning discussions for the event of the season! ***
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