A Century-Long Reunion

3504 Words
*** The man walked swiftly towards his destination, ignoring his companion's struggle as they made their way towards their set destination. "Forgive me, Sir Wayne, but would it be possible for us to slow down? They did say that the His Majesty was crossing the Nether Plains. That's about thirty minutes from here."  The young companion tried to reason whilst begging his feet to comply and maintain the incredible speed of his supervisor. He had heard rumors within the court of the Head Butler's incredible efficiency and dedication to their King. As the overseer of each and every one of the wait staff, Wayne was trusted by all the Nobles as well as His Majesty to ensure the smooth running of Castle Nightwell, the Royal Keep that towered over their realm.  Working under him meant portraying the same level of dedication and efficiency...and incredible agility it seemed. He now understood why no one wished to occupy the position of Wayne's assistant. "Tell me everything you know about our King, Alvas."  Wayne's words surprised the young attendant, his steps faltering momentarily before he regained his form and hurried down the hall after his supervisor. "Well, he is the Great Demon Lord, protector of Avernus, the Realm of Demons and Darkness. His power is unrivaled among the five realms and his reign has ensured peace and prosperity to all demon kind which is an incredible feat in itself. He is truly great and powerful." Alvas finished, his words mirroring the awe he felt at the thought of their King. A feeling that many demons shared. It was no secret that their kind had a hard time getting along. Greed and thirst for power and supremacy influenced most of their actions.  Their Lord's incredible display of power had silenced all who wished to possess the throne for themselves after the death of their previous King. He had left no doubt in anyone's mind on who deserved to sit on the Dark throne as the supreme ruler. "That's good enough. So, Alvas, do you really believe that the King of Demons, with all his power, would be limited to the same speed we lesser demons possess?"  Wayne's question left the young man speechless, the foolishness of his earlier comment dawning on him as he took in the swirl of crimson-black mist shooting across the sky, right towards them. Goosebumps covered his entire skin as the overwhelming presence grew closer and closer.  It was almost like a wet blanket had been tossed over his lungs as the light grew closer, the sound of his labored breathing bringing a small, pleased smile to Wayne's lips. "You have much to learn, young one, but consider this your very first lesson... Our King does not travel like the rest of us. He does not belong to the same level of power that any one of us do and we could never begin to comprehend his abilities. He is a Supreme being beyond our reach. He is the all powerful Lord of all Demons and none could ever rival his power... He also hates tardiness so Never be late to receive him." Wayne schooled the young man aptly before stepping forward to receive his Master, the tremor of his landing destabilizing the soldiers stationed at the Castle entrance, each of them instantly bowing low at the sight of the imposing figure before them. "Welcome back, Your Majesty."  Wayne stated coolly as he bowed low before the towering figure of King Aaric Aita Trevelyan, Demon Lord and Ruler of Avernus. "Thank you, Wayne. It's good to be home and away from that band of obnoxious and incredibly annoying shitheads. I swear, if one more person tries to kiss my ass today, I am going to lose my mind!" Aaric unfastened the straps that held together his cloak swiftly before tossing the article of clothing to a waiting Wayne. Annoyance and frustration clouded his mind, the reason behind his suffering resurfacing once more in his disturbed thoughts. "Where the hell is Tadeas?! That little s**t convinced me to go to that awful party only to leave me there with those insufferable demon nobles." His voice was thunderous, echoing across the castle walls as they made their way to his chambers in the West Wing. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but Lord Tadeas isn't in the Castle. We thought he would be returning with you." Wayne shook his head inwardly after his response. He knew the Demon General was up to something whence he invited their King to the obscure event but he had never guessed that Lord Tadeas would shirk on his duty and leave their King alone with a band of people he hated more than anything. For all his antics, Lord Tadeas Letum was one of the most powerful Demons in their realm, taking his position right below their King who also happened to be his best friend.  As the leader of the Seven Demon Generals of Avernus who led the armies to battle, he was the only individual commanded by King Aaric to protect him. The request had been more for Tadeas than Aaric who only wanted to ensure he could keep the erratic Demon General in check, a plan that seemed to be failing constantly. Alvas gulped at the sight of the King's enraged features, his body inadvertently jumping at the sound of the loud bang of the double doors leading into the King's room which caused the Mahogany doors to shatter on impact and a subsequent c***k to make its way down the wall behind them. Despite the action happening multiple times due to Aaric's angry meltdowns, Wayne was still left at a loss for words as he assessed the damage of his King's physical abilities. He knew the wood carver would not be pleased by yet another request for a new set of doors and with good reason.  The man had carried out the complicated order five times this month and in record time. "You may leave. And take this with you. I bashed some foolish demon's head in with it and now it reeks of blood and guts."  Aaric commanded, tossing the crown that had been on his head to a waiting Alvas who gazed at the item in absolute surprise and horror. The Golden crown was indeed splattered with black blood that matched the black rubies encrusted within but it was the red brain matter that had the young man gagging, much to Aaric's amusement as he let out a small chuckle at the sight. "Yes, Your Majesty. I shall have the wood carver make another set of doors and install them as soon as possible. I shall also have the crown cleaned, polished and returned to your chambers." Wayne reported, earning a simple nod from his King who had already began to rid himself of his midnight black dress shirt, exposing the multitude of tattoos that stretched across his chest, abdomen and back.  His skin was a canvas of multiple markings that were both tribal and meaningful; from skulls to words written in multiple exotic and ancient languages that only he knew the meaning.  The Head Butler knew better than to stick around when his King was in a brooding mood. He was quick to drag a mesmerized Alvas out of the room and down the hall, his silence alerting the young man to keep all his questions to himself. Aaric stared up at the inky sky splattered with multiple stars after his bath, the full moon's resplendent shine reflecting off the open glass doors. It was rare for the skies in the Darklands to be as clear as they were, the usual angry gray clouds and crimson lightning nowhere in sight.  He never failed to be in awe of the beauty of his dark realm, the sheen of navy blue that was their sky bringing forth a kind of nostalgia as he remembered yet another place he called home that beheld such a wondrous sky. His Kingdom stared back at him, the multiple lights from each house creating a pattern that was almost as beautiful as the stars that shone down at them. His people's excited cheers and laughs carried over to him, the sounds of their celebrations prompting a small smile to stretch across his lips.  Demons were famous for their dedication to the night life. There was never a dull moment in Avernus with many parties and celebrations lasting well into the morning hours and beyond. Judging from the time, he knew the celebrations had only just began. His mission had been to create a world where all of Demon kind would feel accepted, where they did not have to hide their true forms whilst still being peaceful. It had not been easy to pass forth his ideals to a species who thrived off death and destruction but many had adapted soon enough and carried the rest into the new age of peace and prosperity that had ensured more than 100 years of peace in Avernus. "I kept my promise, old friend. I just wish you'd had the chance to see it..."  Aaric muttered, the nostalgia that had filled his veins turning to sadness as memories of a time long past occupied his thoughts. It was exactly why he did not notice the tingling of his senses that allowed the cloaked figure who had appeared in his room in a green glow of otherworldly power to slowly but surely make their way to his side. "You must have lost your touch if I can manage to sneak up on you, Aaric."  The familiar voice jolted him back to the present violently as he turned to the figure beside him who chuckled at the sight of his shock that he was quick to mask at the musical sound. "What in the world are you doing here, Hekate?"  He ignored her earlier question, choosing instead to watch as the being he had known for centuries removed her cloak, revealing her body that glowed in celestial grandeur. The goddess was breathtaking, the pressure of her power engulfing the room in an instant. It would have been hard for any other being to bear the intensity of her grace.  Only Aaric wasn't any normal being... He couldn't help but take in her resplendent form from her beautiful blood red hair that flowed down to the small of her back. It was covered in golden glowing rubies that matched the grand crescent and full moon-spiked crown on her head. Her sheer, lace black dress hugged her petite body in all the right places and displayed her naked, pale and glowing skin underneath for all to see.  Celestial beings were many things but not afraid to show off their naked bodies.  Her bare feet left purple sparks in their wake as she made her way closer to the edge of the balcony. Her matching amethyst colored eyes seemed to resemble the stars up in the sky glowing beautifully while she took in Avernus. "Its been 100 years since you've seen me, Aaric. A hug or thank you for the perfect weather you're currently enjoying would be much appreciated over that passive aggressive greeting, especially after how much you owe me." Her tenacity made the Demon Lord chuckle.  He should have known divine intervention had something to do with the perfect weather they were enjoying. The sound was quick to disappear at the sight of the goddess' stern gaze that showcased her displeasure at his behavior. "I'm sorry, okay? Jeez, you don't have to glare so hard."  He muttered, earning a pleased smile from the celestial being who gracefully propelled herself up to seat on the balcony's railing, seemingly completely oblivious to the deathly height they were at. "I'm surprised to find you here. I thought you would be at a certain event you were invited to."  Her words confused him at first before his memories from two days were quick to resurface.  Turning back to gaze into his room, he frowned at the sight of the navy blue and silver engraved envelope on his dresser table, right where he had tossed it two days ago but not before having a good laugh with Tadeas over it. Stretching out his hand, he was quick to summon the envelope to him, the scent of cherry blossoms as well as pure, unsullied magic quick to engulf him just as it had when he first received the small parcel.  He did not know why but the scent seemed to calm his frazzled nerves, the invigorating effect of the pure magic making more sense to him than his visitor.  It was rare for those in the Darklands to come into contact with the pure magic that those in the Grevia Kingdom possessed. This power was as a result of the powerful magical lay-lines that traversed throughout their Kingdom. The feel of it resembled the power of the Celestial being before him who was their Mother goddess and protector. "Of course you knew that they sent out the invitations to every supernatural faction. You watch over your children constantly."  Aaric muttered, earning a pleased nod from the goddess who floated away from the balcony and back into the room, prompting the King to grudgingly follow her in. "I'll ask again...Why aren't you at the ball? It's quite grand and beautiful. You know better than to ignore a call from one of your fellow monarchs, especially after she went through all the trouble of getting it to you...I do hope you did not mistreat that messenger." Hekate prompted as she ran her hand through the assortment of clothes he'd left out after getting dressed in a simple pair of sleeping silk pants.  Aaric shrugged, a small smile stretching across his lips at the memory of Tadeas' girlish scream at the sight of the magically manifested Owl that had delivered the Invitation.  He hated owls more than anything and had been a hair breadth's away from striking the thing dead were it not for his quick action. With Owls being the goddess' favorite animal, it was no surprise that she was concerned for its health. "Let's just say it was saved at the nick of time and returned to its owners... And to answer your question, no, I shall not be attending a ball that has nothing to do with me. This invitation was clearly a mistake on their part. Evanora knows better than to call me for any of her events. She gave up years ago which would mean that someone in her staff didn't get the memo and sent it either way." Hekate chuckled at his response, her amusement confusing him as he watched her make her way to his massive walk in closet, prompting him to follow her once more. "I assure you, the invitation was no technical error. Queen Evanora directed that your realm be the first to receive its invitation. She wants you there. And with very good reason, I assure you. The future of her kingdom depends on it."  Hekate explained as she admired one of Aaric's many crowns, the diamonds and rubies reflecting the light of her skin beautifully. "And what, you're here to campaign for her? I told you, I'm not going anywhere. And don't you think you're being a little much with the whole 'death and destruction' angle? It's just a betrothal ball and I have no interest in participating in Evanora's craziest plan yet. I'll send her an apology basket to appease you and your favorite witch."  Hekate chuckled silently at that, his last statement ringing of absolute truth. She did consider Evanora Gremory as one of her most special children.  She was unique, a child she had blessed at a young age who had led the rest of her children well and brought forth an age of prosperity to Grevia.  A golden age that was being threatened by a dark presence, one she would not let win no matter what. "Why are you here, Hekate? If this is about the agreement we had, then I'm sure you know its not time yet." Aaric stated, noting that the goddess seemed more preoccupied than usual. It was rare for her to be troubled, much less over such a trivial thing as his failure to attend a simple ball.  Yes, he had known Evanora for a long time and he had felt bad for ignoring her invitations for the first couple of years but his priorities had shifted and his notoriety among the other monarchs from other realms had prompted his immediate withdrawal from their friendship. "I know, Aaric. I remember. I'm here because I also need a favor. One I know you probably won't agree to."  Her words took Aaric aback as she retreated back to the main room. Her features were reminiscent of a moment long gone, a look that he himself had beheld on the night he had requested an almost impossible feat from her. "Hekate, I don't know what you're about to ask of me but I'm going to cut you off right there. I cannot perform whatever it is you wish to request of me." Authority ringed from his words as he watched the goddess levitate ethereally from one room to another. Her silence set him on edge as he watched her easily repair his door with a small shake of the head.  "I've known you for centuries and yet you still haven't found a way to control that raging anger deep within you."  She muttered, her small, sad chuckle sending yet another wave of nostalgia through him as well as amusement at the thought of Wayne's expression whence he found the doors fixed. "Wayne and my wood carver will, no doubt, subjugate themselves before you whence they see this perfectly fixed door." He joked, choosing not to open the can of worms of her earlier comment that was still fresh in his mind.  She smiled slightly at his comment before her expression shifted, the seriousness in her eyes and thoughtfulness prompting him to take a small step back.  She was planning something. "Hekate..."  He let the sentence stray, knowing well enough that she was up to no good. "You're not adequately dressed but that can easily be remedied.... I'm sorry, Aaric, but I have no other choice at this point. You MUST meet her and work towards changing that grim future. Besides, you owe me." Her words were quickly followed by a burst of power, the blinding white light and violent gush of wind alarming many of the Castle's occupants, including Wayne who took off towards his Master's chambers and Alvas who was quick to drop the golden crown back into the wash basin and follow his supervisor. Warmth engulfed Aaric's body, the goddess' powerful magic subduing his own limited abilities as he tried and failed to break out of her spell. "HEKATE!!!!" His voice boomed from beyond the cocoon of energy she had placed him in, his rage-filled shout sending a chill down the Celestial's spine but she couldn't stop.  Not yet.  She well and truly had no other option. "You're just going to have to forgive me down the line, Aaric... This is the only way I could think of to quicken your meeting with her...Oh, and don't forget the most important piece!" She called out, tossing the glittering accessory into the blinding white light that disappeared as quickly as it came, leaving the room bare of its owner's presence with shards of his energy being the only indication that he had been present.  The entire space was a mess from the burst of energy she had released, a problem she was quick to fix with a flick of her hand.  She had ambushed the King, might as well leave his room looking a bit more decent. Footsteps echoing in the distance alerted her to the need to make herself scarce, a small smile stretching across her lips as her body began to disintegrated into a green mist.  Her plan, though a little more messy than she anticipated. had worked. She could finally breathe a little easier and wait for everything to come together. "Good luck, Aaric. Let the guardians of the Underworld light your path and bring Grevia the edge it will need to see yet another golden age. May they grant you the blessing that you have been waiting for for centuries. Protect her and the five realms..." Her whispered words faded into the wind just as Wayne burst into the room, Alvas close behind who gaped at the repaired double doors. "Ah, Sir Wayne?...Someone fixed the doors..." The young apprentice muttered but Wayne was too pre-occupied by the other issue at hand. "We have a more pressing situation...King Aaric is gone..." Alvas couldn't help the gasp that escaped his lips as he watched his superior hold the one piece of evidence they had. A navy blue and silver embroidered magic envelope that smelled like cherry blossoms... ***
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