Summer Session

1507 Words

==========Shane ========== Life was noisy for Shane the moment he stepped away from his friend.  He tried to assure himself that it wasn’t their end but when Mr. Skyran rushed in with the latest copy of Surf Life, Matthew’s interview crushed his Alpha entirely.  She said no.  Michelle would never be back.  At first he didn’t believe it. He stayed quiet, trying to deafen himself to the ruckus that took over between his Alpha and his rational thought. Skyran didn’t say that. Michelle didn’t say that. Where was Hildi in all of that? The more he questioned it, the more conspiracies he came up with. Shane told his Alpha that Michelle didn’t mean no. She had to be responding to anyone else. But when he happened to look over at Lana, who became a guard that year, she was in tears.  Her Alp

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