23 Who Are You

1762 Words

Hugo POV I watch as the guard approaches us. "Ma'am, the council member would like to speak with you." Judith stands and I grab her hand. "I'll go with you." She nods and I get to my feet. "Actually, sir he asked to speak to her alone" the guard says. I growl at him even though he is just the messenger. "I don't give a f**k what the council member wants. She is my mate and I'm going with her." Judith wraps herself around me and I breathe in her scent. Her scent and touch are enough to calm my anger and anxiety. "Hugo, we are in your sister's pack. The guard will be right outside the door. He can't hurt me. I will go speak with him and assure him that I am here because I want to be. I will come right back to you." "I don't like it." She smiles at me and presses her lips to mine. "I

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