24 Tell Me Mother

1625 Words

Hugo POV Despite Judith insisting that she be present for the meeting and that she didn't need to rest, she looks exhausted now. I scoop her up in my arms once we are in the hallway outside Caroline's office. "Hugo, I'm fine" she says and I smile. "I know how strong you are love but Caroline was right. The potion took a toll on you. The meeting is over and you need to rest now." I make my way to my room and lay her down in the middle of the bed. It takes seconds for her breathing to even out and she is asleep. I kiss her forehead before I head to the room she was staying in. I start to gather her things. Once I have everything in her bag, I sit down on the bed. I know I have to call my mother, but no part of me wants to speak to her after what happened earlier. I dial her number an

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