Thoughts of a Luna

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LUNA AMANDA It’s been five days since Star came to dinner. Goddess, I love that girl. I know a Luna should not have favourites, but I do so there. After everything the goddess has thrown at her, she is still a beautiful, bubbly, passionate and loyal person, the perfect Luna. Thank you Moon Goddess for giving her to my boys. The fact that everyone still sees her as an Omega astounds me, but once Saffron fully wakes up, we won’t be able to keep it a secret any longer. We will need to tell her about her past and who we think she really is at some point, but not before her birthday. I hate lying to her, but I promised Gemma that I would and I have already had to break one of the promises I made to her. We need her out of that house and away from that family, bring her back here where she belongs. We have dealt with the four as.sholes that attacked her on Monday. Andrew would have liked them either dead or castrated, but the council has guidelines, blah, blah, blah, I hate the council sometimes. So, as all four of them are from warrior families, and all were tested and are training to become warriors, we have knocked them down to Omega rank. It is not something we take lightly, and it causes the Alpha pain to strip rank, it is much easier to raise , than to lower. Having to do four of them has left my Alpha exhausted and suffering. I think the moon goddess thought that by weakening the Alpha, they would only do it in extreme cases. Andrew has only ever done it once before, when we first took over the pack, but that is another story from another time. We have given the boys duties in the gardens and construction, and they have to wear tags, so we know where they are at all times. The only time they are allowed off the territory is for school. The father of the lead d**k, Dexter Williams, has complained, accusing us of stealing his birthright. Their family has been warriors for centuries. I have known Rafe Williams since we were young, and let's just say, he was a back then too. He went on and on, until my sexy man lost his, and told him that one more word and the whole family would be demoted back to the Stone Age., he makes my p***y clench when he goes all caveman. He is definitely getting a treat when he is back to full strength. After some fairly violent questioning, the boys had admitted that Charlotte and her friends had sent them after Star. What the were my boys doing with those sluts? Well, I know what they were doing but, ew, just... ew. We brought the three girls in, and Andrew left them for me to deal with, muahahaha. I put each of them in a cell. We have a couple of rogues that were picked up a couple of weeks ago down there, so they have some great company. After an hour or so, I had them brought to the office one at a time, starting with Billy Strokes. I also had Ashton attend the questioning. "Your name is Billy Strokes, right? That can’t be right, Strokes? "Yes, Luna, my name is Billy Strokes." she deadpans, ahh so the name bothers her. "Mmmm if you say so. You are here because you and your friends have been accused of sending four boys to beat and rape a young girl whose only crime was to defend herself from a gang of bullies." I feel Ashton pushing our link, so I lower my wall, "Mum try and use the term rank bunny. That seemed to set them off." "What the is a rank bunny? ......... never mind. I think I got it.... Your father raised some sick kids." I stared at the excuse of a human being in front of me. "What do you have to say to yourself?" She sends Ashton a pleading look, which he returns with a look of disgust. "Umm Luna, I don’t know anything. Ask Ashton, I was his girlfriend. He knows I would never hurt anyone." I laughed. "Girlfriend? I was under the impression you were just another of his rank bunnies, just happy to be around the ranked members and be fu.cked by whoever had an itch at the time. Is that not right? If you were a girlfriend, I would have expected to have been introduced to you, or at least have seen you in our home." I raised my eyebrows at her, letting out my aura a little, her head bows, baring her neck to me. "I...I.. I think..... Charlotte was upset when Ace yelled at her, and then the freak laughed at her, and then hit her for no reason. While we were comforting our friend, Charlotte said something about how someone should teach her a lesson, but we never sent anyone after the freak." Ashton clenches his fists. I know he is holding back Storm from ripping her throat out. "By freak, are you talking about Star Anderson? The brightest student in the school? Are you jealous of her?" "NO, there is nothing to be jealous of. She is a dirty Omega, who should stay in her place." "Her place? Where is her place? She is a genius student, a caring and loyal pack member, a hard worker, an upstanding member of our community. Where is her place? Below you? I have your test scores here. You took the ranking test a few days ago, right?" at her nod I continued, "Your father is warrior rank, your mother is omega rank." Her gasp drew my attention, "did you not know your mother was an Omega? I guess it doesn't matter really, your father has a successful construction business in Exeter, so rank doesn't really affect them." I glanced at her scores, "You understand how the test works? The council takes the results of the practical test, and then combines it with your school and medical reports, then the Luna will send them a report of any extracurricular activities. For example, in Miss Anderson's case, I would send reports from the hospital, where she volunteers every weekend, and I would send a report from my vulnerable pack buddy system, as she is buddy to five of our older members. So they use a lot of information to award you your rank. But I am sure your parents went through all of this before your test, right?" She has a wide-eyed look on her face, it almost makes me grin. "So, your results, you scored zero on extracurricular activities. Low on your health and fitness, and your school reports show you are under achieving, and you only passed half of the council practical test." "Omega's have several levels, starting at level one. We do not have any level one's in this pack, it is reserved for those poor wolves that have a mental handicap. You are a level three Omega." She gasps and shakes her head, "So again, do you think Miss Anderson is below you? Because without even having to test her I can tell you she is not. You are failing at everything you do. You give yourself to whoever can help you raise your rank. So, who are you to dare call anyone a, when the place of your choosing is on your back with your legs spread for the biggest pay out?" Billy is crying now, and I mean ugly crying. "I...I.. am not....not.. a wh.ore Luna; you aren’t allowed to call me that." I looked at her with disgust. "I have seen enough. Take her to the other wing of the prison. I don’t want them talking to each other. And bring me the next one." I let Ashton go and I called for Alexei. As they passed each other, I heard Ash say. " man, if I ever end up in the cells, I want you to promise me you will NEVER let her interrogate me." I love that I can still impress my boys. Lexi kisses my cheek and takes a seat beside me. After a few minutes, they brought in the next girl, pushing her into the chair opposite me. "Okay, so as I really don’t have time for all the hysteria, I will tell you what I know and at the end you can add or confirm, okay?" The girl nods her head. "Your name Sandie Buggins, yes?" She nods again. "From the information I have been given, it seems that you and your friends were in service to your future alphas. I think the term is... let me check my notes.... ah yes, rank bunny." She stiffens at the term. "The three of you decided that you were more important than a simple, cheap, and had visions of grandeur, even thoughts of becoming Luna’s." She started to interrupt, but I raised my hand. "You bully and taunt your peers, some more than others, and normally out of jealousy. On Monday, when told your services were no longer needed, one of you tried to assault a young woman. When that backfired you sent a group of boys after the young woman, in order to beat and rape her. Now please confirm and add any details you think will help with your case." She straightened her shoulders. Oh, this one has some balls. Okay b***h, show me what you’ve got. "Well, to start with, I am not a rank bunny, nor a cheap Your son took my virginity and made promises as he did. As he refused to use protection, there is a good chance that I am pregnant with his pup." I linked Lex "you had better have used a fu.cking condom, and I want you to get me every person that has fu.cked this, also get a fu.cking pregnancy test." He narrows his eyes, "She only ever sucked me off. I never went near her pu.ssy. But I will call everyone now." I scrunch my nose, "Ewww, TMI, Alexei." I turned my attention back to the girl. "A pregnancy test is on its way. If you are pregnant, doctor Philips can do a DNA test from two weeks. Anything else you want to add?" "Yes, the freak attacked Charlotte for no reason and broke her nose. Charlotte may have said that she should know her place, but we never sent anyone after her." There was a knock at the door. Lex went and opened it and in walks the future Beta, future Gamma, and 26 warriors. me, or her, as the case may be. "Okay, let’s narrow this down a bit, gentlemen, please raise your hand if you had s****l relations, with penetration with this woman before she started to service Alpha Alexei, so say 2 months ago to be safe." All but 3 raised their hands. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Virgin, huh? Now raise your hand if you have had s*x with her within the last month." 14 hands went up. "and anyone that has used her services in the last few days" 3 raise their hands, "Thank you gentlemen, you may leave now. Sandie, please use my bathroom and take the pregnancy test, we will wait here." She squirms in her seat "I don’t need it, Luna. Charlotte said we should all get pregnant and blame the Alphas so that they would take us back." "And the boys sent to hurt Star?" "Charlotte told them that Star always thought she was better than us, because she was saving herself for a mate that would never want her, so they should go and show her what she was missing." Fu.cking whores. Alexei growls beside me and I place a hand on his arm, calming Hunter, before he shifts and rips her apart. "Okay, take her to the cells and bring me Charlotte. I believe their parents are here. Tell them to take a seat downstairs. Alexei tell Ace to come in, and once I am finished with Charlotte, I want to see all three of you understand." He bares his neck in submission to me, and leaves the room. Ace comes and sits beside me, and they bring in Charlotte. I looked her dead in the face. "You are a cheap who wanted to sleep her way to the top. When you failed, you decided to take it out on a fellow pack member. Until your sentences have been decided, you will remain in the cells. Take her to the cells." She jumps up,"You can't do this, Luna. I have rights. My father will speak to the council about this." I let out my aura, "SIT DOWN" her as.s hit the seat, her whole body shaking with fear. "You disgust me, the thought of a girl inciting others to commit rape fills me with loathing. And as for your father, I will be talking to him very soon, and telling him exactly what you have green getting up to. Your actions could have an adverse effect on their position in this pack. Take her away, I can't look at her anymore." As the warriors dragged her out, I turned to my eldest son. "Call in your brothers," I waited until all three of my children were in front of me and then I let rip. "This was all caused because you can’t keep your d***s in your pants, your actions nearly caused your mate to be beaten and almost raped, YOUR MATE, who has already been through more than anyone should have to go through. I am disgusted with you all right now. I thought we taught you to have more respect than this." All three lower their heads in shame. Ace looks at me, and I can see the tears that are threatening to fall. "We know Luna; we have let both you and the Alpha down, but most of all, we have let our Luna be put in danger because of our selfish actions. It will never happen again and we will spend our whole lives making it up to Star." I nod to them, and then, being the soft I am, I open my arms to my babies. "Okay boys, can you have the parents sent up, I am so ready to end this day."
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