Please Alpha

1596 Words
STAR I walked into Alpha’s office, he grinned and motioned for me to take a seat. His eyes narrowed, looking at my face. "Star, how lovely to see you, I am so sorry you got hurt. The ones responsible will be punished, I promise." "The Alphas got there in time to save me, so I am not hurt." He nodded, his eyes a little sad, "So what can I do for you, my dear?" I took a deep breath and steadied myself. "Alpha I am going to be 18 in twelve days' time and I was wondering if there would be any way I could move into the pack house, at least until I go to university. I can work in the kitchens or laundry to pay for my keep." "Of course, Star, you will always have a home here. Luna will be so pleased to have you in the house. She was very close to your mum, as you know." I nodded. Luna was always telling me about the trouble her and mum got into at school. "Aahhh, speaking of the Luna, she is here, come in Angel." The office door opens, and the whirlwind that is Luna Amanda flies through the room and I am pulled from the chair and engulfed in a death grip of a hug. "Oh Star my darling, are you OK? The boys told me what happened. Those fu.cking bastards need to have their c***s ripped off." I laugh and hug her back, goddess, I love this woman. When mum and dad died, she would often come and visit me, and once I turned 15, she offered me a job as a server when she had parties for meetings. She always paid way more than she should, and she always made me eat. "I have mind-linked Clementine, and told her there was an incident after school, and you had to give a statement to Alpha, so you would have dinner with us and one of the boys will drop you home later." Clementine is not going to like that. But oh well, I am not going to turn down Luna’s cooking. The woman is a genius in the kitchen. "Star has asked to move into the pack house once she turns eighteen. Can you think of an available room for her, my love?" Luna shrieked, and Alpha sent her an odd look, she covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh Star, it would be so lovely having you here, I will think about the best place for you, Hmmm, we don't have many unmated she-wolves staying at the moment, and I defiantly don't want you with all the unmated wolves on the warrior level. Let me think we will find you somewhere. Even if it's with us on the Alpha floor, the boys will be moving into their suite, so you could have one of their rooms in our suite." I nearly choked, I could never live in the Alpha suite, and in one of the triplets' bedrooms, I felt my face heat up at the thought of lying in one of their beds. "Anyway, we can come up with something. Come on you can help me with dinner, sweetie." She dragged me out of the office and into their suite. Sitting around the table listening to them chatter about this and that made me jealous. I longed for this! A family that loves each other and is interested in what they are doing or saying. If my parents hadn’t died, would our dinners be like this? I lose my mind in nostalgia when I feel a tug on my head and my hair tumbles around my shoulders. Not again. He is fu.cking obsessed. I gave Alexei a withering glare. "Give it back Alexei. You are obsessed. It’s my only one. The three of you have taken the rest." Chuckling, he puts it in his pocket. "Ummm no, I am just taking it back after lending it to you for art class. You just never gave it back." Luna belly laughs "Alexei was always obsessed with your hair. Do you remember how he used to beg you to let him brush it? She gave Lexi a mischievous look. "I remember one time, Gemma and I were having coffee in the garden and little Star came running out of the cottage screaming at the top of her lungs, a hair brush tangled in her hair.. She was laughing so much she couldn’t breathe, holding her side trying to calm herself down. "Oh goddess....... you came running up to us shouting, “mummy, Luna, Lexi was brushing my hair, and stole my first kiss. My mate will hate me now” and you sobbed and sobbed, goddess, it was so funny. The Alpha started to laugh then. "I had to spank him, and sit all the boys down and tell them the importance of asking before kissing. Goddess, that was an embarrassing moment." Alexei has gone bright red, even his ears are a deep shade of almost purple, but as he looks at his brothers, there is a smug smile on his face. "Why don’t I remember that? Luna, your son is a kleptomaniac. I swear he must have a mountain of hair ties hidden somewhere like trophies, and that’s just mine. How many other girls do you steal from Alexei?" He smirks and bites his bottom lip. "Just yours. It must be from when we were kids, but I have only ever BORROWED yours." I raise an eyebrow. "Borrowed implies that you will give them back, so you owe me. Mmmm, let me do the math, at least one a week, 52 weeks a year, for say 8 years, umm 416 hair ties." His face pales, and he shakes his head. Luna bursts into laughter. "Oh my goddess Alexei, I think we need to take you to a shrink, over 400 hair ties. Hmmm, I really want to search your room now, see if you have boxes of hair ties in your closet. He gives me back my scrunchy and refuses to say anything else on the subject. Throughout the rest of the meal, he keeps shooting me looks and when I catch him, he grins. Throughout dinner, the boys kept sending each other looks, and I am sure they are mind-linking, "so Luna said you will be moving into your own suite soon, Luna will miss having you around." Ace looks like a deer caught in the headlights, and glances at his mum. Lexi chuckled nervously beside me, it was Ashton who answered. "Yeah, we have been remodeling since our birthday, and it is nearly finished. It is so different than when grandma and grandpa lived there. I can show you around after dinner if you want. it would be good to get another girl's opinion. Our Luna must feel comfortable there, so we don't want it to be too masculine." Lex chokes on his water, spitting it across the table. I gave him a few pats on the back, "you okay there Lex? The thought of having to settle down with one girl making you choke?" He looks right at me, "Goddess no, I can't wait. She is going to be worshiped when she gets here." His eyes are so intense, drawing me in my breath catches in my throat. A cough breaks the spell, and the boys stare at each other. After dinner, I asked Ashton for a raincheck, saying that I would love to see their suite another time, but that I should really head home. All three boys decide to drive me, and when we got there they all walked me to the door, stopping to say hello to my aunt and uncle. Ace clears his throat. "Good evening Mr and Mrs Fuller, we wanted to make sure Star got back okay. She had a nasty shock today. We wanted you to know that the Alpha family are looking into the matter and we will deal with anyone who has hurt Star. You have our word that her well-being is our top priority." Oh, do they know? It sounded like he just threw down a challenge. "One more thing, as Star was attacked because she missed the bus, Luna has ordered us to drive her there and back from now on." He smiles down at me, "we always have breakfast at Rosie’s Cafe, so we will pick you up at half seven each morning. Is that okay, Star?" I just nodded in response, Luna didn't say anything about this to me. My aunt bristles and snaps at Ace. "Sebastian can drive her, she just wanted her independence, so she took the bus, but she can ride with Sebastian from now on. There is no need to trouble yourselves. I am sure you don't want an omega hanging around." Ace shakes his head. "Sorry it’s Luna's order, it may not work on us, but she is very good at punishing us for not following her commands, And we have never treated someone differently because of their rank. Anyway, we don't get tested until we get our wolves, so no one knows what rank Star will be." With that, he smiled down at me and squeezed my wrist. "We really enjoyed having you over for dinner, Star, it felt like old times, we will see you in the morning." I watched them get in the car and as soon as they backed away, I ran to my room and closed the door before my aunt could comment.
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