All About Alexei

2035 Words

STAR I woke up to the smell of bacon. My stomach rumbled, making me giggle. I rolled out of bed, not bothering to cover my nakedness. I leaned over the balustrade and watched my warrior in the kitchen. He is wearing a pair of boxers, leaving the rest of him bare before me. I licked my lips at the sight of him, he had his back to me and i watched the muscles on his back contract as he moved. His as.s is perfection, especially when he bends to the oven, the fabric of his boxers pulls tight over the rock-hard globes of his as.s-I actually drawl at the sight, I wipe the saliva from my chin. As if he can feel the weight of my gaze, he turns and looks up at me, "see something you like baby, I can smell your from here." I grinned at him, his eyes dropped from my face to my bare t**s.

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