Hunter comes out to play

1043 Words

ALEXEI I lay my beautiful wife on the bed, and gazed down at her. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but I will spend the rest of my life earning the blessing I have been given. She reaches up and brushes my hair from my face, and caresses my cheeks. Leaning down, I captured her lips in a tender kiss, our lips explored each other softly. Moaning into my mouth, she pulls me closer. Kissing my way down her jaw as her hands tangle in my hair, holding me to her, She groans as I nibble on the spot on her neck that is mine alone. Making my way down to her collarbone, I lap at the indent and hook my fingers around the straps of her dress, pulling them down her arms, pulling the fabric down and revealing her perfect t**s. I suck one glorious nip.ple into my mouth. Due to the pregnancy, h

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