1483 Words

MATED TO MY HUMAN BEST FRIEND. CHAPTER 12. KATE. "Why are you thinking badly about her?" Kyle scolded. "I’m sorry, Kate," she apologized. "Please forgive me. I should not have thought like that. I was wrong, and I'm sorry," "There’s no need to apologize, Tina. We are friends," I replied. To be honest, I think I did hug you a little too tightly. My bad about that. I’m also sorry," "Enough of your girls' talk," Kyle said. "Tomorrow is Kate's birthday, Tina. Since you just became one of Kate's friends, I think we should celebrate together with her," "No! I don’t think that will be necessary," I blurted out, "Besides, I won't be throwing a party. Just a small dinner at home. Not something to invite people over for," Why was he inviting her? I shouldn’t have stayed behind to celebrate

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